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31 Августа 2009. Канал #Youlike

[00:02:14] * QuelyD (~QuelyD@ has joined
[00:02:58] * можно_я_тут_тихонько_посижу ..:: УшЁл, ОтМазКа »»» КуРиТь :ъ ««« ::..
[00:03:11] * тапка (~xz@ Quit (Quit: )
[00:03:13] <LeXuS> тапка: тетради
[00:03:14] <LeXuS> эй
[00:03:25] <LeXuS> щас смс ей напишу тада)))
[00:04:37] * можно_я_тут_тихонько_посижу ..:: ПрИшЁл »»» Меня Не было: 1min 40secs »»» Отсутствовал по причине: КуРиТь :ъ ««« ::..
[00:05:28] * можно_я_тут_тихонько_посижу is now known as за_многоточие_во
[00:05:40] * Immelstorn (~lamer@ Quit (Quit: BraXeD Script version 10.1 by BraXeD Качаем здесь:
[00:20:02] * FRLCR|away is now known as FreeLanceR
[00:22:44] * no angel ( has joined
[00:23:53] <no angel> добрый вечер леди и джентельмены!
[00:32:45] * AlexandeR K (ghfs@ has joined
[00:34:31] * ~NEO~ (~ExCluSiVe@ has joined
[00:35:37] * за_многоточие_во is now known as пацанёнок
[00:41:03] <YaMan> всем спокойной ночи
[00:41:06] * YaMan (~YaMan@ Quit (Quit: Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away)
[00:43:02] * пацанёнок is now known as ломаный_текстом_человек
[00:45:33] * ломаный_текстом_человек is now known as парнишка_из_неоткуда
[00:46:44] * QuelyD (~QuelyD@ Quit (Quit: Чем больше самоубийц, тем их меньше.)
[00:48:21] * Дядя_Коля (~Hud@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[00:49:11] * DimZ (~DimZ@ Quit (Quit: )
[00:50:17] * Demon is now known as Demon|away
[00:52:40] * AlexandeR K (ghfs@ Quit (Quit: )
[00:56:02] * McDON (~Slava@ Quit (Quit: Опять нет повода не выпить!)
[01:04:19] * Buster ( Quit (Quit: )
[01:07:45] * Afanasiy`UZDA (E1ectr0n1k@ Quit (Quit: )
[01:10:14] * Nikky (~Nicole@ has joined
[01:13:58] * парнишка_из_неоткуда is now known as пацанёнок
[01:15:39] * пацанёнок ..:: УшЁл, ОтМазКа »»» ««« ::..
[01:15:41] * пацанёнок ..:: ПрИшЁл »»» Меня Не было: 2secs »»» Отсутствовал по причине: ««« ::..
[01:16:15] * пацанёнок ..:: УшЁл, ОтМазКа »»» Гуляю ««« ::..
[01:17:05] * NicroN ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[01:17:54] * пацанёнок (kufup4uk88@ Quit (Quit: )
[01:18:50] * no angel ( Quit (Quit: Mors omnia solvit)
[01:27:48] * LeXuS is now known as АвЭй
[01:29:41] * FreeLanceR is now known as FRLCR|away
[01:44:10] * АвЭй (~lexus@ Quit (Quit: nIRC script v3.2.1 -
[02:28:19] * Nikky (~Nicole@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[03:07:26] * Maxadrom (~Miranda@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[04:09:14] * [Docennt] (Auser@ has joined
[04:14:51] * f0ST (Airc_user@ has joined
[04:30:20] * f0ST (Airc_user@ Quit (Quit: Реальность – это иллюзия, вызываемая отсутствием алкоголя.)
[04:35:19] * [Docennt] (Auser@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[04:40:36] * Nikky (~Nicole@ has joined
[04:51:22] <Th4K> Всем пока и спокойно ночи)))
[05:08:38] * HeKuT (HeKuT_Ins@ Quit (Quit: Одна девочка имела счастье. Счастье тоже в долгу не осталось... Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт: N I r c Script! by LeXuS. СкАчАй с :)
[05:17:18] * Th4K (~Auser@ Quit (Quit: A I r c )
[05:44:30] * Nikky (~Nicole@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[06:01:51] * Потрошитель (~joe@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[06:01:52] * bAnn1 (bAnn1_ru@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[06:03:18] * ~NEO~ (~ExCluSiVe@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[06:05:27] * ~NEO~ (~ExCluSiVe@ has joined
[06:06:41] * JURAVLb (bAnn1_ru@ has joined
[06:35:25] * Дядя Коля (~_________@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[06:37:51] * MAD_Evil (~madevil@ has joined
[06:51:31] * FRLCR|away is now known as FreeLanceR
[07:22:36] * FreeLanceR is now known as FRLCR|away
[07:35:26] * JURAVLb ..:: ПрИшЁл »»» Меня Не было: 8hrs 1min 54secs »»» Отсутствовал по причине: Спать ««« ::..
[07:35:31] * JURAVLb (bAnn1_ru@ Quit (Quit: )
[07:43:39] * тапка (~xz@ has joined
[07:47:29] * Дядя_Коля (~Hud@ has joined
[07:54:10] * Дядя_Коля is now known as Дядя_Коля[AWAY]
[08:00:48] * Sonic (~user@ has joined
[08:01:01] <Sonic> :D
[08:01:44] * Несс (__@ has joined
[08:02:09] * Потрошитель (~joe@ has joined
[08:06:03] * MaGZz (~MaGZz@ has joined
[08:06:23] * MaGZz машетв сем рукой привеееееет 8)
[08:06:31] <Sonic> ^)
[08:06:43] * Dreamer (Dreamer@ has joined
[08:06:47] <Несс> привет
[08:06:53] <MaGZz> !vgrange
[08:07:11] <MaGZz> !vguess 99
[08:07:15] <MaGZz> 8)
[08:07:22] <Dreamer> утра тут
[08:12:04] * FRLCR|away is now known as FreeLanceR
[08:15:58] * volt (me@ has joined
[08:16:41] <volt> куку
[08:17:31] * Premier (~premier@ has joined
[08:32:40] * Дядя Коля (~_________@ has joined
[08:36:25] * тапка is now known as тапка|away
[08:37:04] * Sonic (~user@ Quit (Quit: )
[08:38:52] * Plazik (Plazik@ has joined
[08:50:22] * Дядя Коля (~_________@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[08:53:11] * ABout (~AlexBelov@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[08:54:30] * Дядя Коля (~_________@ has joined
[08:55:31] * Зомби ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[08:57:28] * Дядя Коля (~_________@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[08:57:30] * FreeLanceR is now known as FRLCR|away
[08:57:30] * FRLCR|away is now known as FreeLanceR
[08:57:37] <Dreamer> !vgrange
[09:00:42] * Дядя Коля (~_________@ has joined
[09:01:56] <Дядя Коля> Монинг пипл
[09:02:14] <RauherMaster> утро
[09:02:22] <RauherMaster> последнего летнего дня!
[09:02:32] <RauherMaster> Завтра в школу!
[09:04:50] * Demon|away is now known as Demon
[09:05:13] * Зомби ( has joined
[09:05:49] * NicroN ( has joined
[09:10:38] * Buster ( has joined
[09:12:09] * YaMan (~YaMan@ has joined
[09:12:34] <YaMan> всем доброе утро
[09:13:51] * aksa Hello world!
[09:14:58] <Buster> гггг
[09:15:05] <Buster> Здравствуйте.
[09:15:05] <Buster> Спасибо за письмо! Именно в таком виде ваша идея уже есть в плане работ, правда с низким приоритетом, поэтому говорить о сроках сложно.
[09:15:05] <Buster> С уважением,
[09:15:05] <Buster> Техническая поддержка
[09:15:05] <Buster> НИКС - Компьютерный Супермаркет
[09:15:33] * FreeLanceR is now known as FRLCR|away
[09:15:38] <Buster> я отправил им письмо в котором описывается доработка сайта
[09:15:43] * ~NrG~ (mix@ has joined
[09:15:55] * ~NrG~ (mix@ Quit (Quit: Если несломлен - значии ты силен! Добудь свой первый миллион!)
[09:16:42] * aksa (kvirc@ Quit (Quit: When two people dream the same dream, it ceases to be an illusion. KVIrc 3.4.3 Shiny(svn-3155)
[09:17:44] <Demon> Buster, что ты им предложил?
[09:18:14] <Buster> чтобы можно было выбирать показывать дополнительные характеристики в общем списке товаров
[09:19:47] <Buster> так, сёдня будет отключение света с 9 до17 )
[09:20:09] <Demon> где оно будет?
[09:20:15] <Buster> у мну
[09:20:37] <Demon> а ты не отключай :)
[09:21:12] <Buster> если бы я отключал
[09:22:26] <YaMan> у меня в полтретьего уже включили свет
[09:22:47] <YaMan> хотя они его в восемь часов вырубили
[09:23:14] <Demon> с 9 до 17-ти - это много..
[09:23:33] <YaMan> хотя пизжу, в пол четвертого
[09:25:03] <Дядя Коля> Demon > ну это они с запасом берут
[09:25:34] <Дядя Коля> у нас тож обещали с 9 до 17
[09:25:59] <Дядя Коля> а вырубили в 10-30 и включили 13-00
[09:26:31] <Buster> пустив на ноль одну фазу)
[09:26:53] <Дядя Коля> гы
[09:28:37] <MAD_Evil> эм
[09:28:45] <MAD_Evil> <Buster> так, сёдня будет отключение света с 9 до17 )
[09:28:47] <MAD_Evil> не смешно:\
[09:29:16] <Buster> почему не смешно)
[09:29:38] * Nikky (~Nicole@ has joined
[09:30:31] <MAD_Evil> да потому
[09:30:38] <Dreamer> !vgrange
[09:31:44] * GuestFromDSN_279 (~0a030dfe@ has joined
[09:32:00] * GuestFromDSN_279 (~0a030dfe@ Quit (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF))
[09:32:50] <Buster> !vgrange
[09:33:34] <Dreamer> !vguess 32
[09:33:45] <Dreamer> !мпыефе
[09:33:50] <Dreamer> !vgstat
[09:36:42] * Premier (~premier@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[09:37:33] * Alex_Belov|work (~Alex@ has joined
[09:37:52] * RauherMaster ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[09:38:15] * Alex_Belov|work (~Alex@ Quit (Quit: KVIrc 3.4.0 Virgo
[09:39:29] * Alex_Belov|work (~Alex@ has joined
[09:40:26] * MAD_Evil (~madevil@ has left ()
[09:44:19] * Premier (~premier@ has joined
[12:11:02] * YooKim (~YooKim@ has joined
[12:11:02] * * changes topic to '.: Официальный канал сети YouLike ;) :. | 58-00-08 | DC++ dchub:// dchub:// | Video x2 | Local IRC'
[12:11:58] * * changes topic to '.: Официальный канал сети YouLike ;) :. | 58-00-08 | DC++ dchub:// dchub:// | Video x2 | Local IRC'
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[12:13:06] * Buster ( has joined
[12:13:10] * Дядя Коля (~_________@ has joined
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[12:21:07] * Jaiss (~Jaiss@ has joined
[12:22:45] * aksa (kvirc@ has joined
[12:23:29] * aksa Hello world!
[12:29:01] * mayd1e (~Auser@ has joined
[12:30:15] * Premier (~premier@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[12:35:43] * aksa (kvirc@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[12:35:43] * [Docennt] (Auser@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[12:35:43] * RauherMaster ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[12:35:43] * YaMan (~YaMan@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[12:35:43] * NicroN ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[12:35:43] * Потрошитель (~joe@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[12:35:43] * Дядя_Коля[AWAY] (~Hud@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[12:35:43] * Gremlin (~gr3ml1n@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[12:35:43] * Demon ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[12:35:43] * FreeLanceR ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[12:35:43] * DJ_ReverS (~windows86@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[12:35:46] * mayd1e (~Auser@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[12:36:56] * Дядя_Коля[AWAY] (~Hud@ has joined
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[12:36:56] * Demon ( has joined
[12:36:56] * FreeLanceR ( has joined
[12:38:08] * FreeLanceR is now known as FRLCR|away
[12:38:21] * Premier (~premier@ has joined
[12:38:29] * Alex_Belov|work (~Alex@ Quit (Quit: KVIrc 3.4.0 Virgo
[12:38:39] * aksa (kvirc@ Quit (Quit: When two people dream the same dream, it ceases to be an illusion. KVIrc 3.4.3 Shiny(svn-3155)
[12:39:24] * Premier (~premier@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[12:51:03] <MaGZz> !vgrange
[12:51:04] <MaGZz> !vguess 99
[12:51:09] <MaGZz> O_O
[12:51:17] <MaGZz> падстава
[12:52:38] <Dreamer> !vguess 0
[12:52:55] * тапка is now known as тапка|afk
[12:54:49] * Alex_Belov (~AlexBelov@ has joined
[12:55:58] * Alex_Belov is now known as ABout
[12:56:24] * Premier (~premier@ has joined
[12:57:45] * LeXuS (~lexus@ has joined
[12:58:40] * Premier (~premier@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[12:59:19] * Dragomir (~lamer@ has joined
[12:59:34] * Plazik (Plazik@ Quit (Client closed connection)
[13:00:15] * Plazik (Plazik@ has joined
[13:01:17] * Plazik (Plazik@ Quit (Quit: LOST)
[13:03:58] * RauherMaster ( Quit (Quit: Глубина-глубина, я не твой...)
[13:06:21] * Premier (~premier@ has joined
[13:07:15] * Душман (___@ Quit (Quit: Асфальт поднялся и ударил по морде. Пришлось спать стоя... Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт NeOn Script 8.! CкАчАй с :)
[13:08:50] * Filka (~FilkaSoft@ has joined
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[13:12:43] * RoKo (RoKo@ has joined
[13:14:13] * Premier (~premier@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[13:18:02] * Alex_Belov|work (~Alex@ has joined
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[13:24:50] * Filka (~FilkaSoft@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[13:32:18] * тапка|afk is now known as тапка
[13:35:56] * Зомби ( Quit (Write Error: Broken pipe)
[14:06:05] * YooKim (~YooKim@ has joined
[14:06:05] * * changes topic to '.: Официальный канал сети YouLike ;) :. | 58-00-08 | DC++ dchub:// dchub:// | Video x2 | Local IRC'
[14:06:50] * Buster ( has joined
[14:06:51] * * changes topic to '.: Официальный канал сети YouLike ;) :. | 58-00-08 | DC++ dchub:// dchub:// | Video x2 | Local IRC'
[14:07:00] * ChanServ sets mode: +o YooKim
[14:07:02] * PieSpy (~piespy@ has joined
[14:09:12] * FRLCR|away is now known as FreeLanceR
[14:15:55] * Premier (~premier@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[14:16:27] * Зомби ( has joined
[14:17:34] * DeaDL1Ne (demon--26@ has joined
[14:27:54] * TauFX (~TauFX@ has joined
[15:01:26] <MaGZz> !vgrange
[15:01:29] <MaGZz> !vguess 98
[15:04:07] * LeXuS (~lexus@ Quit (Quit: nIRC script v3.2.1 -
[15:12:06] * Shadowwar (~apocalipc@ has joined
[15:13:18] <MaGZz> !vguess 97
[15:21:35] <Dreamer> !vgrange
[15:21:40] <Dreamer> !vguess 19
[15:21:48] <Dreamer> !курс USD
[15:22:04] <Dreamer> !курс EUR
[15:23:29] * Filka (~FilkaSoft@ has joined
[15:31:26] <Dreamer> !курс USD
[15:36:00] * LeXuS (~lexus@ has joined
[15:40:19] <[Docennt]> LeXuS, привет
[15:40:24] <LeXuS> здорова
[15:44:20] * Th4K (~Auser@ has joined
[15:44:50] <Th4K> Привет всем ЫЫЫ
[15:48:03] * MaoWanshe (errrrm@ has joined
[15:50:22] * Nikky (~Nicole@ has joined
[15:51:20] * Kes (artsavkin@ has joined
[15:51:42] * Kes (artsavkin@ Quit (Quit: )
[15:57:48] <MaGZz> !vgrange
[15:57:52] <MaGZz> !vguess 18
[15:59:37] <NetSplit> !vguess 7
[16:02:18] * Kes (artsavkin@ has joined
[16:03:20] * Kes (artsavkin@ Quit (Quit: )
[16:06:54] * MAD_Evil (admin@ has joined
[16:13:33] <Plazik> У президента России Дмитрия Медведева 1 сентября будет запущен новый интернет-портал и откроется страница на YouTube
[16:13:55] <LeXuS> хрен бы с ним =)
[16:14:28] <Plazik> 1200 способов написать слово «одноклассники»
[16:27:02] * FreeLanceR is now known as FRLCR|away
[16:54:42] <Несс> пака всем
[16:54:44] * Несс (__@ has left ()
[16:56:15] <MaGZz> !vgrange
[16:56:17] <MaGZz> !vguess 17
[16:56:19] <MaGZz> пака тут
[16:56:22] * MaGZz (~MaGZz@ has left ()
[16:59:49] <NetSplit> !vrange 13
[17:00:01] <NetSplit> !vguess 13
[17:02:22] <LeXuS> !vguess 9
[17:10:57] * Liv (~silvergen@ has joined
[17:11:09] * Liv (~silvergen@ Quit (Quit: Лучше факты, чем тебя... Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт NeOn Script 8.! CкАчАй с :)
[17:14:48] * Dreamer прощается со всеми
[17:15:26] * Dreamer (Dreamer@ Quit (Quit: )
[17:20:35] <volt> bb
[17:20:38] * volt (me@ Quit (Quit: )
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[17:41:04] * LeXuS (~lexus@ Quit (Quit: nIRC script v3.2.1 -
[17:45:00] * Filka (~FilkaSoft@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[17:45:33] * no angel ( has joined
[17:45:55] * ломаный_текстом_человек (kufup4uk88@ has joined
[17:46:13] * ломаный_текстом_человек is now known as парнишка_из_неоткуда
[17:48:51] * no angel ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[17:51:26] * no angel (~nights@ has joined
[17:52:41] * парнишка_из_неоткуда is now known as можно_я_тут_тихонько_посижу
[17:53:25] <Plazik> !Radio Energia
[17:56:16] * no angel is now known as no angel-ill
[17:56:44] * Дядя Коля ушел в сторну дома
[17:56:44] * Дядя Коля is now known as Дядя Коля[AWAY]
[17:59:50] * mcdebugger ( Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[18:01:17] * Th4K (~Auser@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[18:01:17] * ABout (~AlexBelov@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[18:01:17] * YaMan (~YaMan@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[18:01:17] * Gremlin (~gr3ml1n@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[18:01:17] * Demon ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[18:01:17] * FRLCR|away ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[18:01:17] * Потрошитель (~joe@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[18:01:17] * DJ_ReverS (~windows86@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[18:01:17] * Дядя_Коля[AWAY] (~Hud@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[18:01:17] * [Docennt] (Auser@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[18:01:17] * NicroN ( Quit (Netsplitted)
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[18:02:05] <Plazik> )
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[18:20:54] * пацанёнок ..:: УшЁл, ОтМазКа »»» Кушаю ««« ::..
[18:24:33] * Buster ( Quit (Quit: Уходя гасите всех)
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[18:27:21] <Frostbite> народ а давно ли тамограмма делается за лаверс?
[18:27:26] <Frostbite> охуели жидоподобные буржуа
[18:27:41] <Frostbite> инет еще блин, плачу за 31 день, а дата окончания 29
[18:27:46] <Frostbite> гандоны ублюдочные
[18:28:14] <Plazik> че за тамограмма?
[18:28:23] <Frostbite> Plazik »аппарат большой такой
[18:28:28] <Frostbite> тебя в него завозят
[18:28:44] <Plazik> ты ваще про че?
[18:28:53] <Frostbite> Plazik »читай между строк
[18:29:56] <Frostbite> инет не робитч толи?
[18:30:34] <Frostbite> а блин уроды крантик мне прикрыли
[18:34:53] * no angel (~nights@ has joined
[18:36:19] * пацанёнок ..:: ПрИшЁл »»» Меня Не было: 15mins 25secs »»» Отсутствовал по причине: Кушаю ««« ::..
[18:38:11] <Frostbite> формат как пишется?
[18:38:19] <Frostbite> wav или vaw
[18:38:52] * FRLCR|away is now known as FreeLanceR
[18:40:48] <NetSplit> 1
[18:41:00] <Frostbite> я так и думал
[19:05:21] * пацанёнок (kufup4uk88@ Quit (Quit: )
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[19:22:08] <Plazik> !Radio Energia
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[19:40:58] * no angel (~nights@ Quit (Quit: Mors omnia solvit)
[19:41:08] * Душман (___@ Quit (Quit: Гинеколог стоматологу: "Это тебе не в зубах ковырять..." Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт NeOn Script 8.! CкАчАй с :)
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[20:01:22] * Th4K`Кушаю^^ is now known as Th4K
[20:04:00] <suprime09> Привет значитца
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[20:07:59] * bAnn1 ..:: УшЁл, ОтМазКа »»» off ««« ::..
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[21:02:30] * bAnn1 ..:: ПрИшЁл »»» Меня Не было: 54mins 31secs »»» Отсутствовал по причине: off ««« ::..
[21:04:34] * проводник (~provodnik@ Quit (Quit: отключено в связи с кризисом...)
[21:07:59] * bAnn1 ..:: УшЁл, ОтМазКа »»» pcw ««« ::..
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[21:26:33] * Frostbite (FrostBite1@ Quit (Quit: Современное общество заражено американизмом; есть что-то дикое в той алчности к золоту, которая характеризует современных американцев и все в большей степени заражает современную Европу (Ф.Ницше 1844-1900).)
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[21:55:53] <Th4K> hi 2 all)
[21:56:18] * Sumrak (~user@ Quit (Quit: )
[22:06:14] * Th4K is now known as Appella`Th4K
[22:09:07] * Demon|away is now known as Demon
[22:09:53] * Appella`Th4K is now known as Th4K`cs
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[22:18:01] * drag0n (~NUser@ Quit (Quit: Раньше мои волосы были сухими и безжизненными, а теперь они сырые и шевелятся... Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт NeOn Script 8.! CкАчАй с :)
[22:25:20] * [q3]`Th4K is now known as Th4K
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[23:02:31] * bAnn1 ..:: ПрИшЁл »»» Меня Не было: 1hr 54mins 31secs »»» Отсутствовал по причине: pcw ««« ::..
[23:39:48] * Th4K is now known as WW
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[23:40:11] * TAN4IK is now known as Th4K
[23:51:04] <Buster>
[23:52:19] <DJ_ReverS> жесть
[23:52:30] <LeXuS> норм)
[23:54:53] <Demon> ых
[23:57:59] * Th4K is now known as Th4K`ChaЁk
[23:58:58] <ABout> тудаже и
Query time 0.0907 s