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25 Августа 2009. Канал #Youlike

[00:07:47] * пацанёнок (kufup4uk88@ has joined
[00:12:16] * DEmik (~pIRCuser3@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[00:12:42] * пацанёнок is now known as наркоша
[00:29:05] * AlexandeR K (ghfs@ Quit (Quit: )
[00:31:24] * NicroN ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[00:33:50] * наркоша is now known as пацанёнок_сбежал
[00:34:34] * пацанёнок_сбежал is now known as наркоша
[00:44:57] * bAnn1|sleep (~Auser@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[00:47:38] <тапуле4ка> всем пока :D
[00:48:03] <LeXuS> давай тапок шуруй )
[00:48:47] * LeXuS оторвал ухо у тапуле4ка
[00:48:55] <тапуле4ка> пока =*
[00:49:10] <LeXuS> =* ?
[00:51:44] <DeaDL1Ne> » тапуле4ка » пакасик0
[00:51:55] <тапуле4ка> хаааа
[00:52:56] * DeaDL1Ne (demon--26@ Quit (Quit: )
[00:54:25] * НЕТРЕЗВ (artemka-iv@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[00:56:20] * тапуле4ка is now known as тапуле4ка|sleep
[00:57:24] * Shadowwar ( Quit (Quit: Обычнокогдачеловекначинаетмногодрочитьонначинаетмедленночитать.. Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт NeOn Script 8.! CкАчАй с :)
[00:59:23] <LeXuS> тапуле4ка|sleep: ну иди уже)
[01:00:16] <LeXuS> [00:59:39] <тапуле4ка|sleep> иди
[01:00:16] <LeXuS> [00:59:40] <тапуле4ка|sleep> нафик
[01:00:16] <LeXuS> [00:59:41] <тапуле4ка|sleep> я плю!
[01:00:17] <LeXuS> =)
[01:00:17] <LeXuS> =)
[01:00:18] * LeXuS was kicked by YooKim (flood)
[01:00:18] * LeXuS (~lexus@ has joined
[01:00:26] <тапуле4ка|sleep> мхахаха
[01:00:37] <тапуле4ка|sleep> LeXuS, флудераст
[01:00:41] <LeXuS> чтоб все знали какая ты)
[01:01:00] <тапуле4ка|sleep> дада
[01:01:06] * Дядя_Коля[AWAY] (~Hud@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[01:01:14] <тапуле4ка|sleep> реально лекс достал
[01:01:15] <тапуле4ка|sleep> дай поспать
[01:01:19] <тапуле4ка|sleep> нормалньо
[01:01:20] <тапуле4ка|sleep> не слапай
[01:01:22] <LeXuS> неа
[01:01:22] <LeXuS> :)
[01:01:24] <LeXuS> тап
[01:01:31] <LeXuS> ты неспала уже 5 дней
[01:01:36] <LeXuS> ещё непоспишь
[01:01:36] <LeXuS> =)
[01:01:43] <тапуле4ка|sleep> ту с ума сошел
[01:01:44] <тапуле4ка|sleep> какие 5 дней))
[01:02:26] <LeXuS> а ну да
[01:02:28] <LeXuS> 10
[01:02:28] <LeXuS> =)
[01:15:54] * наркоша (kufup4uk88@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[01:16:00] * Buster ( Quit (Quit: )
[01:16:31] * Filka (~FilkaSoft@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[01:16:31] * NetSplit (~madevil@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[01:16:31] * cheese ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[01:16:31] * LeXuS (~lexus@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[01:17:44] * mayd1e ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[01:17:44] * Зомби ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[01:17:44] * Guest177130 (~lamo@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[01:17:44] * drag0n (~NUser@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[01:17:44] * byaka ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[01:17:44] * симпсавауте ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[01:19:10] * LeXuS (~lexus@ has joined
[01:19:10] * Filka (~FilkaSoft@ has joined
[01:19:10] * NetSplit (~madevil@ has joined
[01:19:10] * cheese ( has joined
[01:23:11] * наркоша (kufup4uk88@ has joined
[01:23:11] * Guest177130 (~lamo@ has joined
[01:23:11] * mayd1e ( has joined
[01:23:19] * симпсавауте ( has joined
[01:23:19] * byaka ( has joined
[01:24:11] * razumnik (neonmirc@ has joined
[01:24:16] * razumnik радостно приветствует всех
[01:35:12] * наркоша (kufup4uk88@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[01:35:13] * наркоша (kufup4uk88@ has joined
[01:38:53] * HeKuT (~--Toper@ Quit (Quit: Острая интеллектуальная недостаточность... Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт: N I r c Script! by LeXuS. СкАчАй с :)
[01:47:16] * drag0n (~NUser@ has joined
[01:50:42] * наркоша is now known as можно_я_тут_тихонько_посижу
[01:57:50] * можно_я_тут_тихонько_посижу is now known as парнишка_из_неоткуда
[02:02:49] * drag0n (~NUser@ Quit (Quit: Заснув на лекции не восхрапи, ибо вoсхрапев, разбудишь ближнего своего, пробудишь в нем зверя, и надругается он над телом твоим... Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт NeOn Script 8.! CкАчАй с :)
[02:03:54] * парнишка_из_неоткуда (kufup4uk88@ Quit (Quit: )
[02:20:57] * LeXuS (~lexus@ Quit (Quit: nIRC script v3.2.1 -
[04:00:54] * Primanka (~kvirc@ has joined
[04:42:05] * Primanka (~kvirc@ Quit (Quit: When two people dream the same dream, it ceases to be an illusion. KVIrc 3.4.3 Shiny(svn-3155)
[04:59:25] * Nikky (~Nicole@ has joined
[04:59:43] * [Docennt] (Auser@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[05:34:41] * razumnik (neonmirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[05:43:53] <Alex_Belov|work> ну на улице и туманище
[05:45:32] <DJ_ReverS> ога
[06:16:31] * ~NEO~ (~ExCluSiVe@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[06:26:04] * Nikky (~Nicole@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[06:50:23] * FRLCR|away is now known as FreeLanceR
[06:51:34] * Alex_Belov|work (~Alex@ Quit (Quit: KVIrc 3.4.0 Virgo
[07:34:19] * FreeLanceR is now known as FRLCR|away
[07:41:27] * Buster ( has joined
[07:44:59] * Дядя_Коля[AWAY] (~Hud@ has joined
[07:52:53] * Зомби ( has joined
[08:00:12] * тапуле4ка|sleep is now known as тапуле4ка
[08:01:07] * тапуле4ка is now known as тапка
[08:09:37] * FRLCR|away is now known as FreeLanceR
[08:11:13] * Несс (__@ has joined
[08:11:43] * MaGZz (~MaGZz@ has joined
[08:12:02] * MaGZz машет всем рукой, привееееет
[08:12:23] <MaGZz> !vgrange
[08:12:28] <MaGZz> !vguess 99
[08:12:52] * Dreamer (Dreamer@ has joined
[08:13:35] <Dreamer> утра тут
[08:16:01] <Несс> привет
[08:18:13] * volt (me@ has joined
[08:18:46] <volt> куку
[08:25:30] * Plazik (Plazik@ has joined
[08:27:28] <MaGZz> !vguess 98
[08:30:07] * plastik (neonc@ has joined
[08:30:12] <plastik> Привет
[08:38:17] * Дядя Коля[AWAY] is now known as Дядя Коля
[08:38:59] <Дядя Коля> Монинг пипл
[08:39:44] <plastik> И тебе
[08:58:40] * Demon|away is now known as Demon
[09:00:57] <RauherMaster> !vguess 55
[09:01:11] <MaGZz> !vguess 97
[09:01:16] <MaGZz> !vgrange
[09:01:19] <MaGZz> !vguess 54
[09:01:46] <Dreamer> !vguess 33
[09:01:51] <Dreamer> от как то так
[09:02:40] <MaGZz> читернул типа
[09:02:57] * Sonic (~user@ has joined
[09:03:25] <Dreamer> !vgstat
[09:04:10] <MaGZz> !vgstat
[09:04:27] <Dreamer> номано номано, догоняю )
[09:04:37] <Sonic> !vgstat
[09:04:44] <Sonic> э
[09:04:58] <Sonic> непонял 0_о
[09:05:16] <RauherMaster> угу, он глючит чото
[09:05:39] <Buster> неглючит
[09:05:50] <Buster> !whois Sonic
[09:06:01] <RauherMaster> и?
[09:06:04] <Buster> Sonic_
[09:06:05] <Buster> ^^^
[09:06:24] <RauherMaster> !vgstat
[09:06:32] <RauherMaster> во-во, глючит
[09:06:46] <Buster> !whois RauherMaster
[09:06:53] <Buster> _Filka_
[09:06:55] <Buster> ^^^
[09:07:24] <RauherMaster> !vgstat _Filka_
[09:07:39] <Buster> нефига заходить с новых хостов под новыми никами
[09:07:48] <RauherMaster> ники старые
[09:07:56] <RauherMaster> хосты тоже
[09:08:01] <Buster> старые ники это Sonic и Filka
[09:08:10] <Buster> а не Sonic_ RauherMaster _Filka_
[09:08:17] <RauherMaster> гыы
[09:08:17] <Buster> !vgstat Sonic
[09:08:22] <Buster> !vgstat Filka
[09:08:30] <Plazik> !vgstat Plazik
[09:08:36] <Plazik> Buster, поправь)
[09:08:40] <RauherMaster> о какой маладЭц
[09:08:50] <Buster> 10$ с каждого
[09:08:58] <RauherMaster> очка?
[09:09:04] <RauherMaster> у Плаза одно очко
[09:09:05] <RauherMaster> ;)
[09:09:33] <Buster> !delhost Sonic_ -m *
[09:09:43] <Buster> !delhost _Filka_ -m *
[09:09:51] <Buster> !delhost Plazik[завтра_диплом] -m *
[09:13:15] <Sonic> !vgstat Sonic
[09:13:19] <Sonic> ы
[09:14:07] <Plazik> !vgstat Plazik
[09:14:35] <Несс> !vgstat
[09:15:05] * DJ_ReverS (~windows86@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[09:15:06] * DJ_ReverS (~windows86@ has joined
[09:15:43] * _Filka_ ( has joined
[09:15:54] <_Filka_> !vgstat
[09:15:59] <_Filka_> круто
[09:16:12] <_Filka_> мля
[09:16:14] * _Filka_ ( Quit (Quit: Глубина-глубина, я не твой...)
[09:16:56] * _Filka_ ( has joined
[09:17:05] * RauherMaster ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[09:17:19] <_Filka_> мля
[09:17:31] * Demon is now known as Demon|away
[09:17:33] <_Filka_> да чож это такое - заипали концы дергать в дсн
[09:17:35] * _Filka_ ( Quit (Quit: Глубина-глубина, я не твой...)
[09:17:37] * Buster slaps Demon|away around a bit with a large trout
[09:17:45] <Buster> Demon|away cnjq
[09:17:46] <Buster> стой
[09:18:16] <MaGZz> !vgrange
[09:18:21] <MaGZz> !vguess 99
[09:18:28] <Dreamer> !vguess 69
[09:18:41] * RauherMaster ( has joined
[09:22:25] * Buster is now known as Buster[off]
[09:30:16] <MaGZz> !vguess 68
[09:33:54] <Dreamer> !vguess 5
[09:34:15] * Buster ( has joined
[09:42:27] * NicroN ( has joined
[09:45:52] <MaGZz> !vguess 67
[09:49:07] <Plazik> The Pirate Bay отключен шведскими властями
[09:50:30] <Buster> )
[09:50:59] <Plazik> Как и ожидалось, сайт Pirate Bay переехал и вернулся в Интернет. Инсайдер Pirate Bay заявил TorrentFreak, что они «получили новое подключение к сети.» Как нам сказали, треккер еще не доступен и, как ожидается, в полном объеме будет доступен завтра утром. С тех пор, как на их серверах были проведены обыски еще в 2006 году, они были подготовлены для подобных атак.
[09:54:25] * Filka (~FilkaSoft@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[10:15:47] <plastik> !vguess 36
[10:27:44] <MaGZz> !vguess 35
[10:32:18] <Plazik> !Radio Energia
[10:32:44] <Dreamer> !vgrange
[10:32:49] <Dreamer> !vguess 19
[10:33:42] <Несс> !vguess 9
[10:51:32] * plastik (neonc@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[10:51:41] <MaGZz> !vguess 8
[10:53:14] * plastik (neonc@ has joined
[11:01:01] * AlmaZka (~alma@ has joined
[11:04:30] * drag0n (~NUser@ has joined
[11:09:07] * plastik (neonc@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[11:11:16] * plastik (neonc@ has joined
[11:12:39] * Dragomir (~lamer@ has joined
[11:20:37] * _69 (pIRCuser42@ has joined
[11:21:10] * RoKo (RoKo@ has joined
[11:34:38] * Liv (~silvergen@ has joined
[11:34:51] * Liv (~silvergen@ Quit (Quit: "Умный в гору не пойдет, умный гору обойдет", сказал ежик, встретив на пути железную дорогу... Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт NeOn Script 8.! CкАчАй с :)
[11:44:26] * [Docennt] (Auser@ has joined
[11:50:31] * Sonic (~user@ Quit (Quit: )
[11:52:47] <MaGZz> !vgrange
[11:52:50] <MaGZz> !vguess 7
[11:54:53] <Dreamer> !vguess 0
[11:59:53] * YaMan (~YaMan@ has joined
[12:00:13] * Buster is now known as Buster]off[
[12:00:13] <YaMan> всем доброе утро
[12:01:15] <MaGZz> привк
[12:01:49] * HeKuT (~--Toper@ has joined
[12:02:58] * f0ST (Airc_user@ has joined
[12:10:22] * Filka (~FilkaSoft@ has joined
[12:21:42] <Plazik> !Radio Energia
[12:22:13] * Buster[off] is now known as Buster
[12:26:58] * _69 (pIRCuser42@ Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.1 < Personal IRC Team >
[12:26:59] * f0ST (Airc_user@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[12:26:59] * HeKuT (~--Toper@ Quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by HeKuT`slp)))
[12:27:01] * f0ST (Airc_user@ has joined
[12:27:05] * HeKuT (~--Toper@ has joined
[12:27:30] * Plazik (Plazik@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[12:27:30] * Plazik (Plazik@ has joined
[12:27:31] * Дядя_Коля[AWAY] (~Hud@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[12:27:34] * s4astliva9_tapyle4ka^^ (~xz@ has joined
[12:27:35] * Immelstorn (~lamer@ has joined
[12:27:45] * Dragomir (~lamer@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[12:27:48] * тапка (~xz@ Quit (Write Error: Broken pipe)
[12:27:51] <Plazik> ы
[12:27:59] * cheese ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[12:28:47] * s4astliva9_tapyle4ka^^ is now known as тапка
[12:28:50] * cheese ( has joined
[12:31:24] * DJ_ReverS[away] (~windows86@ has joined
[12:31:24] * DJ_ReverS (~windows86@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[12:32:46] * stroitel_ (beton@ has joined
[12:33:00] <Buster>
[12:33:05] <stroitel_> Стесняюсь спросить... инет далеко улетел????
[12:33:21] <Buster> Ответ от число байт=32 время=11мс TTL=55
[12:33:42] <Buster> Ответ от число байт=32 время=2мс TTL=124
[12:33:49] <stroitel_> -Buster-, мона я тя пингану??))
[12:34:01] <Buster> всё у тя работает
[12:34:11] <stroitel_> Ты ссылку дал - не работает
[12:34:23] <Buster> tracert
[12:37:02] <stroitel_> Нет инета - увы...
[12:37:13] <Plazik> тока что включили
[12:37:57] <stroitel_> Мирка пашет - инет нет... стихи)
[12:40:06] <Buster> трассировку сделай
[12:42:08] <stroitel_> Руки кривые блин...
[12:43:45] * Filka (~FilkaSoft@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[12:59:27] <MaGZz> !vgrange
[12:59:30] <MaGZz> !vguess 99
[12:59:46] <stroitel_> !vguess 7
[13:15:05] * stroitel_ (beton@ Quit (Quit: Read error: Operation timed out)
[13:15:47] <Dreamer> !vguess 19
[13:16:39] <MaGZz> !vgrange
[13:16:42] <MaGZz> !vguess 98
[13:19:38] <YaMan> !vguess 35
[13:20:31] * bitrate (~S@ has joined
[13:20:54] <bitrate> Превышен интервал ожидания для запроса - это потери пакетов?
[13:22:19] * Plaziik (Plazik@ has joined
[13:22:31] * HeKuT (~--Toper@ Quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by HeKuT`slp)))
[13:22:38] * HeKuT (~--Toper@ has joined
[13:22:39] <MaGZz> да
[13:22:45] <MaGZz> нет
[13:22:48] * Plazik (Plazik@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[13:22:50] <MaGZz> 8)
[13:22:51] * Plaziik is now known as Plazik
[13:23:46] <bitrate> ну так как
[13:23:56] <bitrate> на что заяву остовлять
[13:24:14] <Plazik> подожди
[13:24:17] * stroitel_ (beton@ has joined
[13:24:32] <bitrate> пакеты каму пакеты по 3 рубля, пекеты не проходим мимо
[13:24:46] * [Docennt] is now known as [Docennt]|afk
[13:24:52] * McDON (~Slava@ has joined
[13:24:57] <stroitel_> Кинь на канал сотенку)
[13:24:58] <bitrate> ты мне ? кого ждать?
[13:25:33] <Plazik> чтобы заработало само
[13:25:55] <bitrate> ога
[13:26:00] <bitrate> заработает оно
[13:26:05] <bitrate> 2 недели жду
[13:26:26] <bitrate> сперва скорость упала с 78 до 24 кб терь это
[13:27:35] <bitrate> значит сто пудов пекеты?
[13:27:42] <Несс> у мну тож чира инет вапще пропал
[13:27:51] <Несс> живу на калинина
[13:27:53] <bitrate> или низкую скорость выбрать...
[13:28:31] <bitrate> все дело сделал
[13:28:52] <MaGZz> Несс нубяра
[13:28:55] <MaGZz> ^__^
[13:28:56] <bitrate> пока ващего ответа зду все лайковци по домам разбегутся
[13:29:53] <MaGZz> фчера часть оптоволоконного кабеля компании Like;) была зохавана инопланетянами
[13:31:10] <Несс> :)
[13:31:35] <Plazik> :)
[13:32:37] * Th4K (~Auser@ has joined
[13:33:38] * Th4K (~Auser@ Quit (Quit: A I r c )
[13:35:03] * f0ST (Airc_user@ Quit (Quit: Реальность – это иллюзия, вызываемая отсутствием алкоголя.)
[13:39:57] * bAnn1 (~Auser@ has joined
[13:42:31] * bitrate (~S@ Quit (Quit: )
[13:51:45] <Buster> ни у кого нету панели с потдержкой IPTV ?
[13:58:11] * NicroN ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[14:03:40] * Dragomir (~lamer@ has joined
[14:03:54] * Immelstorn (~lamer@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[14:05:37] * Maxadrom (~Miranda@ has joined
[14:06:23] <Maxadrom> Прет! :-)
[14:07:04] * Dragomir (~lamer@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[14:09:41] * Dragomir (~lamer@ has joined
[14:11:54] * McDON (~Slava@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[14:14:19] <MaGZz> !vgrange
[14:14:25] <MaGZz> !vguess 97
[14:14:40] <тапка> !vguess 55
[14:19:02] * plastik (neonc@ Quit (Quit: Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[14:27:40] * Дядя_Коля[AWAY] (~Hud@ has joined
[14:28:35] * Nikky (~Nicole@ has joined
[14:29:35] * LeXuS (~lexus@ has joined
[14:30:53] * bAnn1 is now known as bAnn1|afk
[14:40:00] * тапка is now known as tpk
[14:42:09] * E1ectr0n1k (E1ectr0n1k@ has joined
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[15:01:31] <MaGZz> !vgrange
[15:01:35] <MaGZz> !vguess 54
[15:02:00] <tpk> !vguess 48
[15:07:13] <stroitel_> !vguess 42
[15:07:57] <tpk> !vgrange
[15:23:32] * LeXuS тыкнул tpk в пуп
[15:23:41] <tpk> что лекс?
[15:23:47] <LeXuS> =)
[15:23:49] <LeXuS> живое
[15:23:55] <tpk> !vguess 44
[15:24:03] <LeXuS> !vguess 47
[15:24:16] <Несс> !vguess 45
[15:24:21] <tpk> ахаха
[15:24:24] <Несс> )))
[15:24:46] <Несс> тсссс
[15:24:54] <Несс> мож низаметит никто )
[15:26:09] <Несс> проскролить на пару экранов )
[15:26:25] * Maxadrom (~Miranda@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[15:27:00] <MaGZz> !vguess 46
[15:27:19] <Несс> )))
[15:27:23] <Несс> зометил всетки
[15:29:13] <MaGZz> ога ога
[15:29:39] <Dreamer> !vguess 0
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[15:33:20] <Buster>
[15:33:22] <Buster> ахахха
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[15:44:55] <MaGZz> !vguess 99
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[16:04:41] * E1ectr0n1k (E1ectr0n1k@ Quit (Quit: )
[16:05:40] * tpk is now known as тапка
[16:07:33] <MaGZz> !vguess 97
[16:09:44] <тапка> !vguess 63
[16:20:54] <Dreamer> !vgrange
[16:20:58] <Dreamer> !vguess 8
[16:21:03] <Dreamer> !курс USD
[16:21:16] <тапка> !vguess 45
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[16:25:18] <stroitel_> !vguess 51
[16:25:29] <MaGZz> !vguess 97
[16:25:33] <MaGZz> !vgrange
[16:25:37] <MaGZz> !vguess 62
[16:26:13] * [Docennt]|afk is now known as [Docennt]
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[16:37:28] * LeXuS is now known as АвЭй
[16:38:16] <MaGZz> !vguess 55
[16:38:35] <тапка> !vgrange
[16:38:49] <тапка> !vguess 53
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[16:39:20] <volt> !vguess 52
[16:46:26] <MaGZz> !vguess 99
[16:55:31] * FreeLanceR is now known as FRLCR|away
[17:00:38] * Buster]off[ ( Quit (Quit: CGI:IRC (Session timeout))
[17:05:33] <MaGZz> !vguess 99
[17:05:37] <MaGZz> дасвидос
[17:05:39] * MaGZz (~MaGZz@ has left ()
[17:05:45] <Dreamer> !курс EUR
[17:05:52] <Dreamer> !vgrange
[17:05:58] <Dreamer> !vguess 54
[17:10:14] <Несс> пака
[17:10:16] * Несс (__@ has left ()
[17:12:34] * тапка is now known as тапка|кушает салатик
[17:12:38] * тапка|кушает салатик is now known as тапка|away
[17:13:45] <volt> bb
[17:13:50] * volt (me@ Quit (Quit: )
[17:14:34] <stroitel_> -тапка|away-, салтик порубила тяпкой?!)
[17:14:37] <stroitel_> Салатик
[17:14:54] * Dreamer (Dreamer@ Quit (Quit: )
[17:16:59] <DJ_ReverS> !whoisip
[17:16:59] * Filka (~FilkaSoft@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[17:50:06] * тапка|away is now known as тапка
[17:53:07] * Дядя Коля ушел в сторну дома
[17:53:07] * Дядя Коля is now known as Дядя Коля[AWAY]
[17:59:47] * FRLCR|away is now known as FreeLanceR
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[18:03:58] <FreeLanceR> у 2х2 в стреме какая частота скажите плз
[18:04:09] * ssv ( Quit (Quit: (((SSV RADIO))) [off! Please try later])
[18:05:08] * bitrate (~S@ has joined
[18:06:34] <bitrate> надаели мне гадить! делайте сеть
[18:06:56] <DJ_ReverS> FreeLanceR: 487,25
[18:08:13] <FreeLanceR> спс
[18:08:23] <DJ_ReverS> )
[18:13:13] * YaMan (~YaMan@ Quit (Quit: Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away)
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[18:33:12] <stroitel_> пока-пока)
[18:33:13] <stroitel_> И тебе того же...)
[18:33:14] <stroitel_> Hi all!!
[18:33:17] <stroitel_> Тьфу
[18:33:19] <stroitel_> Бляяя
[18:33:19] * stroitel_ was kicked by YooKim (flood)
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[18:37:10] <no angel> всем привет!
[18:37:14] * Nikky (~Nicole@ has joined
[18:37:44] <stroitel_> здрасьте !..
[18:39:57] * АвЭй is now known as LeXuS
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[19:18:46] <Plazik> нашел интересный способ заработка, покупаешь обьявления в фейсбуке, а ссылку ставишь на партнерку по покупке кино, говорят на иностранцах много заработать можно
[19:21:08] * Зомби ( has joined
[19:24:42] * no angel ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[19:36:43] * Душман (~NUser@ Quit (Quit: Стал вегитарианцем - перешел на травку... Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт NeOn Script 8.! CкАчАй с :)
[19:37:07] * ~NrG~ (mix@ has joined
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[19:46:17] * тапка (~xz@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[19:53:09] * Shadowwar ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[19:53:11] <Plazik> !Radio Energia
[19:55:58] <Plazik> Конкурс Димка: победил Plazik
[19:55:59] <Plazik> ооо
[19:56:31] <stroitel_> Докажи)))
[19:56:39] <Plazik> ейчас на счетчике 5084 подписчика. Единственный челове, который точно угадал эту цифру, - Plazik, автор блога "Rihanna (Рианна) – Новости, песни, клипы и фото". Вот победный комментарий (153-й). Plazik, выйди на связь, чтобы получить денежку - мой е-мейл
[19:56:41] <Plazik>
[19:57:10] <stroitel_> Заиппал со своей Рианой)))
[19:59:04] <stroitel_> -Plazik-, ах ты сцуко... а об этом молчишь???? - Plazik, выйди на связь, чтобы получить денежку - делитцо велел Христос!!!!!
[19:59:19] <Plazik> я тока что увидел)
[19:59:24] <stroitel_> Убью нах))
[19:59:33] <Plazik> 500 руб
[19:59:40] <stroitel_> Дарю)
[19:59:43] <stroitel_> Оставь себе
[19:59:46] <stroitel_> Эти копейки
[20:03:32] * stroitel_ (beton@ Quit (Quit: Read error: Operation timed out)
[20:05:05] * Filka (~FilkaSoft@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[20:46:57] * no angel питаться: на прием пищи...
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[21:09:23] <Plazik> !Radio Energia
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