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14 Декабря 2024. Канал #WeNet

[00:06:05] * Ural (~Ural@ Quit (Quit: We need a post-work, well-fed and happy society on a global scale.)
[08:07:24] * Ural (~Ural@ has joined
[08:10:25] * Ural (~Ural@ Quit (Quit: We need a post-work, well-fed and happy society on a global scale.)
[09:38:20] * Ural (~Ural@ has joined
[09:59:13] * Ural (~Ural@ Quit (Quit: We need a post-work, well-fed and happy society on a global scale.)
[15:56:03] * Ural (~Ural@ has joined
[16:28:54] * Ural (~Ural@ Quit (Quit: We need a post-work, well-fed and happy society on a global scale.)
[16:39:51] * Ural (~Ural@ has joined
[17:47:30] * Ural (~Ural@ Quit (Quit: We need a post-work, well-fed and happy society on a global scale.)
[17:52:37] * invader (~ghost@ has joined
[19:25:10] * invader (~ghost@ Quit (Quit:
[19:27:18] * invader (~ghost@ has joined
[19:33:45] * Ural (~Ural@ has joined
[19:38:50] * Ural (~Ural@ Quit (Quit: We need a post-work, well-fed and happy society on a global scale.)
[21:21:01] * Ural (~Ural@ has joined
[21:40:43] * nislova (~fuck@ has joined
[21:40:53] <nislova> ҐЎ ­л© а®в нв®Ј® Є §Ё­®
[21:40:59] <nislova> ­Ё вг¤ 
[21:42:39] * nislova (~fuck@ has left ()
[21:46:31] * nislova (~fuck@ has joined
[21:52:13] * nislova потыкал Rain палкой
[21:53:57] <Ural> Что ж это? Слова в кодировке дос???
[21:55:28] * Ural (~Ural@ Quit (Quit: We need a post-work, well-fed and happy society on a global scale.)
[21:58:40] <nislova> не сразу расчехлился
[21:58:47] <nislova> не обр внимания. ты прнс?
[22:02:17] <nislova> >>Ural ТПРНС???
[22:19:04] * nislova is now known as nislova[AFK]
[22:28:02] * nislova[AFK] is now known as nislova
[22:51:44] * nislova (~fuck@ Quit (Quit: )
Query time 0.003 s