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18 Сентября 2009. Канал #Youlike

[00:15:27] * QuelyD (~QuelyD@ has joined
[00:19:35] * QuelyD (~QuelyD@ Quit (Quit: Чем больше самоубийц, тем их меньше.)
[00:42:22] * f0ST (Airc_user@ Quit (Quit: Реальность – это иллюзия, вызываемая отсутствием алкоголя.)
[00:43:12] * McDON (~Slava@ Quit (Quit: Опять нет повода не выпить!)
[00:45:03] * sometimes_awaaay (sok@ Quit (Quit: Свежо питание, да сериться с трудом... Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт NeOn Script 8.! CкАчАй с :)
[00:46:00] * LeXuS is now known as LeXuS[off]
[00:46:41] * [Docennt] (Auser@ has joined
[00:46:52] * P1XeL (Auser@ Quit (Quit: A I r c )
[00:53:55] * YaMan (~YaMan@ Quit (Quit: Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away)
[01:05:06] * Demon is now known as Demon|away
[01:10:14] * FreeLanceR is now known as FRLCR|away
[01:16:26] * Buster ( Quit (Quit: )
[01:24:16] * DOcennt Fr05t bAnn1 ..:: ПрИшЁл »»» Меня Не было: 4hrs 50mins 19secs »»» Отсутствовал по причине: afk ««« ::..
[01:24:30] * DOcennt Fr05t bAnn1 is now known as bAnn1`sleep
[01:24:57] * bAnn1`sleep is now known as bAnn1
[01:25:17] * bAnn1 ..:: УшЁл, ОтМазКа »»» Спать ««« ::..
[01:28:53] <Sun[R]ise> »«°»«°»«°»nPeTbI«°»«°»«°»«
[01:30:39] <Sun[R]ise> как узна на торенте ка4ают ли у бебя или нет
[01:40:47] * NicroN ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[01:50:56] * ~NEO~ (~ExCluSiVe@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[01:54:06] * LiberC (LiberC@ has joined
[02:02:22] * DJ_ReverS is now known as DJ_ReverS[away]
[02:13:54] * [Docennt] (Auser@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[02:18:15] * HeKuT (HeKuT_Ins@ has joined
[02:19:11] * HeKuT (HeKuT_Ins@ Quit (Client closed connection)
[02:27:24] * ~NEO~ (~ExCluSiVe@ has joined
[02:40:28] * ~NEO~ (~ExCluSiVe@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[02:42:33] * RoKo (RoKo@ Quit (Quit: BraXeD Script version 10.1 by BraXeD Качаем здесь:
[03:09:18] * bAnn1 ..:: ПрИшЁл »»» Меня Не было: 1hr 44mins 14secs »»» Отсутствовал по причине: Спать ««« ::..
[03:17:14] * LiberC_ (LiberC@ has joined
[03:18:46] * LiberC (LiberC@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[03:20:34] * LiberC_ (LiberC@ Quit (Quit: )
[03:34:50] * bAnn1 ..:: УшЁл, ОтМазКа »»» Спать ««« ::..
[04:23:28] * Shadowwar ( Quit (Quit: Ленин был умен и мудер... Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт NeOn Script 8.! CкАчАй с :)
[04:34:12] * Nikky (~Nicole@ has joined
[04:52:39] * Nikky (~Nicole@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[05:43:24] * Guest177129 (~a_netu@ has joined
[06:48:55] * FRLCR|away is now known as FreeLanceR
[07:35:06] * Дядя_Коля[AWAY] (~Hud@ has joined
[07:36:41] * FreeLanceR is now known as FRLCR|away
[07:41:49] * DJ_ReverS[away] is now known as DJ_ReverS
[07:52:48] * Demon|away is now known as Demon
[08:04:52] * volt (me@ has joined
[08:10:46] * FRLCR|away is now known as FreeLanceR
[08:10:56] <volt> куку
[08:11:02] * Dreamer (Dreamer@ has joined
[08:11:05] <DJ_ReverS> утра
[08:11:41] <Dreamer> утра тут
[08:17:45] * MaGZz (~MaGZz@ has joined
[08:18:03] * MaGZz машет всем рукой привеееет
[08:19:49] <MaGZz> !vgrange
[08:19:53] <MaGZz> !vguess 59
[08:28:18] * DJ_ReverS is now known as DJ_ReverS[away]
[08:33:49] <MaGZz> !vguess 58
[08:35:12] <Dreamer> !vguess 5
[08:37:22] * Buster ( has joined
[08:55:08] <MaGZz> !vguess 57
[09:15:06] * _comp_ (kompik@ has joined
[09:15:24] <_comp_> здрасьте .!.
[09:18:33] * NicroN ( has joined
[09:21:06] * _comp_ (kompik@ Quit (Quit: Client closed connection)
[09:26:37] * AB|out (~Alex@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[09:27:13] <MaGZz> !vguess 56
[09:28:09] <Dreamer> !vguess 18
[09:41:07] * YooKim (~YooKim@ has joined
[09:41:07] * * changes topic to '.: Официальный канал сети YouLike ;) :. | 58-00-08 | DC++ dchub:// dchub:// | Video x2 | Local IRC'
[09:41:53] * * changes topic to '.: Официальный канал сети YouLike ;) :. | 58-00-08 | DC++ dchub:// dchub:// | Video x2 | Local IRC'
[09:42:00] * ChanServ sets mode: +o YooKim
[09:42:09] * Buster is now known as Buster]off[
[09:45:56] <MaGZz> !vguess 55
[09:47:03] * PieSpy (~piespy@ has joined
[09:47:04] <Dreamer> !vguess 29
[09:50:52] * Buster ( has joined
[09:52:57] * volt is now known as mini me
[09:53:13] * Alex_Belov|work (~Alex@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[09:54:30] * Alex_Belov|work (~Alex@ has joined
[10:15:00] * f0ST (Airc_user@ has joined
[10:16:54] * Buster]off[ ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[10:23:40] <MaGZz> !vguess 54
[10:27:11] <Dreamer> !vgrange
[10:27:16] <Dreamer> !vguess 37
[10:32:31] <MaGZz> !vguess 36
[10:52:01] <Dreamer> !vguess 32
[10:52:54] <MaGZz> !vguess 35
[10:58:48] * Дядя Коля[AWAY] is now known as Дядя Коля
[10:58:53] <Дядя Коля> Монинг пипл
[11:04:00] <Demon> Buster, у тебя сервер так и не ожил? что-то радио постоянно.. сбоит
[11:05:48] <Buster> а подробнее
[11:06:24] <Buster> с утра я перезагружал, ещё что то было?
[11:08:46] <Demon> сейчас подиагостирую.. релакс должен работать?
[11:12:29] <Buster> должен
[11:12:59] <Buster> но что то не работает
[11:12:59] <Demon> другие уже работают.. а вот релакс что-то нет :(
[11:13:07] <Buster> в обед перезапущу
[11:13:18] <Demon> спасибо
[11:13:49] <Demon> какое ещё радио, где спокойная музыка без болтовни и обилия рекламы?
[11:14:20] <Buster> RMF Classic попробуй
[11:14:54] <Demon> тоже не работает :(
[11:15:06] <Buster> рабоатет
[11:15:10] <Buster> 2 слушателя
[11:15:45] <Buster> наверное рабоатет
[11:15:52] <Demon> наверное :)
[11:16:08] <Demon> но у меня что-то нет :( ладно.. послушаю наше радио чтоль...
[11:21:21] <MaGZz> !vguess 34
[11:21:27] <Buster> !vguess 33
[11:21:38] <Demon> и как только отгадал..
[11:30:22] <Demon> Buster, RMF Classic хорошее.. спасибо
[11:30:45] <Demon> правда.. польское :) но ещё лучше.. не напрягает словами.. может польский выучу :))
[11:31:29] <Buster> в польском есть много русских слов
[11:32:01] <Buster> или очень похожих по звучанию с одинаковым смыслом
[11:44:16] <Dreamer> !vguess 0
[11:45:12] <Buster> !vguess 62
[11:59:22] * пацанёнок (~kufup4uk8@ has joined
[11:59:22] <_comp_> Какой гад эхо-москвы отключил????
[12:00:02] * пацанёнок (~kufup4uk8@ Quit (Excess Flood)
[12:01:03] * пацанёнок (~kufup4uk8@ has joined
[12:02:19] <Buster> Demon вот и вся благодарность)
[12:03:09] <FreeLanceR> )))
[12:04:10] <Sun[R]ise> FreeLanceR, привет
[12:04:31] <Sun[R]ise> FreeLanceR, как на торенте у знать качаютли у тебя иили не
[12:04:35] * Buster is now known as Buster]off[
[12:04:40] <FreeLanceR> привет
[12:04:41] <FreeLanceR> я хз
[12:04:42] <FreeLanceR> )
[12:04:54] <Sun[R]ise> FreeLanceR, ты его юзаеш::??
[12:04:58] <FreeLanceR> неа
[12:05:13] <Sun[R]ise> мля
[12:05:33] <Sun[R]ise> бастер может ты знаеш??
[12:10:58] * DJ_ReverS (~windows86@ has joined
[12:11:39] * DJ_ReverS (~windows86@ Quit (Client closed connection)
[12:14:18] * Buster ( has joined
[12:16:24] * f0ST (Airc_user@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[12:17:26] * пацанёнок is now known as наркоша
[12:20:16] * f0ST (Airc_user@ has joined
[12:27:52] * YaMan (~YaMan@ has joined
[12:28:13] <YaMan> всем привет
[12:33:39] * тапка (~xz@ has joined
[12:40:03] * наркоша (~kufup4uk8@ Quit (Quit: Если ты нашел на счастье подкову, значит кто-то другой недавно отбросил копыта... Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт NeOn Script 8.! CкАчАй с :)
[12:41:06] * HeKuT (HeKuT_Ins@ has joined
[12:43:27] <MaGZz> !vgrange
[12:43:30] <MaGZz> !vguess 61
[12:45:19] <RauherMaster> !vguess 48
[12:48:59] * QuelyD (~QuelyD@ has joined
[12:49:00] * YaMan is now known as YaMan|NotHere
[13:12:17] * McDON (~Slava@ has joined
[13:13:51] * YaMan|NotHere is now known as YaMan
[13:19:56] * bAnn1 ..:: ПрИшЁл »»» Меня Не было: 9hrs 45mins 2secs »»» Отсутствовал по причине: Спать ««« ::..
[13:20:02] * bAnn1 ..:: УшЁл, ОтМазКа »»» afk ««« ::..
[13:21:06] * f0ST (Airc_user@ Quit (Quit: Реальность – это иллюзия, вызываемая отсутствием алкоголя.)
[13:44:18] * Dragomir (~lamer@ has joined
[13:49:33] * QuelyD (~QuelyD@ Quit (Quit: Чем больше самоубийц, тем их меньше.)
[13:55:22] <YaMan> !vguess 32
[13:55:52] <Buster> !vguess 17
[13:56:59] * RoKo (RoKo@ has joined
[14:08:53] * Buster]off[ is now known as Бастер
[14:18:28] * DJ_ReverS[away] is now known as DJ_ReverS
[14:27:21] * _aksa_ is now known as девочка_венса
[14:27:24] * девочка_венса is now known as девочка_весна
[14:28:27] * девочка_весна is now known as Guest72662
[14:29:41] * Guest72662 is now known as девочка_весна
[14:32:47] * DJ_ReverS[away] (~windows86@ has joined
[14:33:02] * DJ_ReverS (~windows86@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[14:33:09] * DJ_ReverS[away] is now known as DJ_ReverS
[14:33:42] * Sun[R]ise (lamer@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[14:33:50] * Beatl 1966 (~neskazgu@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[14:34:02] * Beatl 1966 (~neskazgu@ has joined
[14:34:09] * Immelstorn (~lamer@ has joined
[14:34:09] * Бастер ( Quit (Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout))
[14:34:12] * |Alex_Belov|work| (~Alex@ has joined
[14:34:22] * aksa (kvirc@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[14:34:26] * Dragomir (~lamer@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[14:34:31] * Alex_Belov|work (~Alex@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[14:34:42] <DJ_ReverS> лайг полятел...
[14:34:53] * mcdebugger (~mcQ@ Quit (Ping timeout)
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[14:43:09] * Plazik (Plazik@ has joined
[14:43:13] * Бастер ( has joined
[14:44:34] <MaGZz> !vgrange
[14:44:38] <MaGZz> !vguess 31
[14:45:40] * Premier (~premier@ has joined
[14:49:53] <MaGZz> !погода Иваново -завтра
[14:50:14] <Dreamer> уй ))
[14:50:17] <Dreamer> !vgrange
[14:50:22] <Dreamer> !vguess 24
[14:50:35] <Бастер> !vguess 29
[14:50:50] <MaGZz> !vguess 28
[14:52:25] * drag0n (~NUser@ has joined
[14:52:28] <MaGZz> пака
[14:52:30] <MaGZz> !vguess 28
[14:52:32] * MaGZz (~MaGZz@ has left ()
[14:52:49] <Plazik> ы
[14:55:50] * Premier (~premier@ Quit (Quit: Trust no one.)
[14:56:33] * Dreamer прощается со всеми
[14:57:15] * Dreamer (Dreamer@ Quit (Quit: )
[15:03:24] * Frost (_frost@ has joined
[15:18:15] * freeZzz (artemka-iv@ has joined
[15:22:28] <Plazik> Сегодня 18 сентября 2009 года исполняется 5 лет.
[15:24:10] <Дядя Коля> люди, кто знает где онлайн трасляция ивановской красавицы будет?
[15:24:44] <freeZzz> ла l
[15:24:51] <freeZzz> на livetv
[15:24:56] <freeZzz> =)
[15:26:16] <FreeLanceR> hustler
[15:35:37] <DJ_ReverS> а когда эта "красавица" то будет?
[15:37:09] <mini me> bb
[15:37:15] * mini me (me@ Quit (Quit: )
[15:38:05] <LeXuS[off]>
[15:43:10] <DJ_ReverS> есиб была инет трансляция то думаю на сайте бы указали..
[15:43:17] <DJ_ReverS> а так куй..
[15:44:40] <LeXuS[off]> ага в театре инет трансляция))))
[15:44:57] <DJ_ReverS> )))
[15:51:50] <LeXuS[off]> тапка: а ты чо в ивановский красотки не пошла
[15:51:51] <LeXuS[off]> )
[15:51:58] <LeXuS[off]> проголосовали бы за тя
[15:52:04] <тапка> угу
[15:52:20] <LeXuS[off]> попенисом покрутила бы пару раз на сцене и всё
[15:52:21] <LeXuS[off]> )
[15:52:34] <тапка> ты ща договоришься
[15:52:42] <LeXuS[off]> и? =)
[15:52:52] <тапка> .. :/
[15:53:25] <LeXuS[off]> что это
[16:01:53] <LeXuS[off]> DJ_ReverS:
[16:01:53] <LeXuS[off]> =)
[16:02:17] <DJ_ReverS> и чо
[16:02:27] <LeXuS[off]> бабулек каких то набрали)
[16:02:35] <LeXuS[off]> номер 7 ещё норм
[16:02:45] <DJ_ReverS> пох как та
[16:02:55] <DJ_ReverS> такие не вставляют xD
[16:03:04] * f0ST (Airc_user@ has joined
[16:03:32] <LeXuS[off]> :DDDD
[16:03:59] <_comp_> -Buster-, спасибо за хороший прием эхо-москвы
[16:04:48] <_comp_> -Demon-, [12:08] <Buster> Demon вот и вся благодарность)
[16:04:52] <DJ_ReverS> спасибо в карман не положешь ^)
[16:04:56] <_comp_> Цыц
[16:04:57] <LeXuS[off]> )
[16:05:11] <_comp_> Я киллера с пол-дороги вернул)
[16:05:30] <DJ_ReverS> смеши на другом конале
[16:05:33] <DJ_ReverS> :)
[16:05:49] <_comp_> На других тупые... еще тупей)
[16:06:09] <DJ_ReverS> а лучше в убопе
[16:06:22] <_comp_> Типун тебе
[16:06:27] <DJ_ReverS> :))
[16:06:35] <_comp_> Еще б к ночи вспомнил
[16:06:43] <DJ_ReverS> там твой юмор оценят на все 110%
[16:07:02] <_comp_> У меня стока бабок нет)
[16:07:56] * shaaaa (~lamer@ has joined
[16:07:56] <DJ_ReverS> f bv jyb b yt ye;ys )
[16:07:59] <DJ_ReverS> а им они и не нужны )
[16:08:13] <DJ_ReverS> они тебе сами предоставят гос паёк )
[16:08:13] <RauherMaster> LeXuS[off]> эт чо за стадо тупорылых бабуль?
[16:08:15] * shaaaa (~lamer@ Quit (Quit: BraXeD Script version 10.1 by BraXeD Качаем здесь:
[16:08:28] <DJ_ReverS> RauherMaster: видать они его возбуждают
[16:15:15] * Sun[R]ise (lamer@ has joined
[16:15:53] * Sun[R]ise (lamer@ Quit (Quit: я ушол)
[16:17:55] * Sun[R]ise (lamer@ has joined
[16:22:04] <YaMan> пzтая на кадди из хауса похожа чем-то)
[16:22:35] <RauherMaster> ужснах
[16:22:40] <YaMan> )
[16:22:51] <YaMan> восьмая ваще
[16:23:02] <RauherMaster> 6я самая симпотная
[16:23:12] <YaMan> согласен
[16:23:33] <YaMan> но это простто из за контраста с другими)
[16:23:38] <LeXuS[off]> вы про бабулек чтоли?:)
[16:23:44] <YaMan> на фоне их она победитель
[16:23:48] <YaMan> про них
[16:24:21] <YaMan> восьмая приз зрительских симпатий срубит
[16:24:24] <YaMan> стопудово
[16:24:43] <LeXuS[off]> =)
[16:25:30] <YaMan> я ппутал
[16:25:37] <YaMan> седьмая не катит
[16:25:49] <YaMan> ой катит катит
[16:25:59] <YaMan> прям столько красавиц аж ппц
[16:26:09] <YaMan> шестая не катит
[16:26:39] <YaMan> а лидирует смотрю как раз кадди
[16:27:14] * freeZzz is now known as freeZzz_away
[16:27:14] * freeZzz_away ..:: УшЁл, ОтМазКа »»» В НиКуДа! ««« ::..
[16:29:13] * Дядя Коля (~_________@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[16:35:50] * Beatl 1966 (~neskazgu@ Quit (Ping timeout)
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[16:45:31] * OGX (OGX@ Quit (Quit: )
[16:52:19] * RoKo (RoKo@ Quit (Ping timeout)
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[16:54:02] * FreeLanceR is now known as FRLCR|away
[16:54:42] * Guest48201 (~ivnet@ has joined
[16:55:43] * Guest48201 is now known as DiSha
[16:58:07] * |Alex_Belov|work| (~Alex@ Quit (Quit: KVIrc 3.4.0 Virgo
[17:04:55] * aksa (kvirc@ has joined
[17:05:30] <aksa> !whoisip
[17:10:09] * Dragomir (~lamer@ has joined
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[17:11:48] * taplye4ka is now known as Lap4enok
[17:12:12] * drag0n (~NUser@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[17:12:54] * Immelstorn (~lamer@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[17:12:55] * Frost (_frost@ Quit (Quit: )
[17:12:56] * тапка (~xz@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[17:13:07] * Lap4enok is now known as тапка
[17:15:51] * no angel ( has joined
[17:16:15] <no angel> добрый день,дамы и господа!
[17:19:17] * Sumrak (~user@ has joined
[17:20:08] * drag0n (~NUser@ has joined
[17:21:37] * aksa (kvirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[17:27:22] * no angel ( Quit (Quit: Mors omnia solvit)
[17:49:22] * DeaDL1Ne (demon--26@ has joined
[17:49:59] * Бастер ( Quit (Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout))
[17:50:09] * DiSha (~ivnet@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[17:50:09] * Sun[R]ise (lamer@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[17:50:09] * DJ_ReverS (~windows86@ Quit (Netsplitted)
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[17:51:19] <наркоша> привет всем
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[17:55:02] <Plazik> внешка?
[17:55:02] <HeKuT> УГУ
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[18:10:19] <DJ_ReverS> от сволачи инет спиздили
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[18:11:44] <Plazik> )
[18:11:52] <HeKuT> да за херня то а
[18:11:53] * тапка (~xz@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[18:12:39] <Plazik> новые тарифы тестируют)
[18:12:40] <FreeLanceR> о5
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[18:14:01] <Sun[R]ise> внешка упала бля((((
[18:14:12] <FreeLanceR> уже поднялась пока ты писал
[18:14:22] <Plazik> )))
[18:14:33] <Sun[R]ise> хаха да то4но
[18:14:39] <DJ_ReverS> карусель карусел...
[18:14:43] <Sun[R]ise> моими лолитвами)))
[18:14:53] <Sun[R]ise> молитвами))
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[18:23:03] <DJ_ReverS> у кого нито есть летний кубок квн 2004 ?
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[19:04:58] <DJ_ReverS> ладно, пора пиво пить
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[19:26:24] * bAnn1 ..:: ПрИшЁл »»» Меня Не было: 6hrs 6mins 23secs »»» Отсутствовал по причине: afk ««« ::..
[19:26:57] * * changes topic to '.: Официальный канал сети YouLike ;) :. | 58-00-08 | DC++ dchub:// dchub:// | Video x2 | Local IRC'
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[19:48:03] <_comp_> -Buster-, эээээ... хдн эхо-москвы????)))
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[22:56:58] <тапка> всем пока :D
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[23:14:09] * drag0n (~NUser@ Quit (Quit: Явился на урок без трусов. (Запись в дневнике на уроке физкультуры) Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт NeOn Script 8.! CкАчАй с :)
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Query time 0.0153 s