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2 Августа 2019. Канал #WeNet

[00:10:50] * ACherry ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[00:48:00] * Russian_Girl is now known as Russian_Girl{off}
[01:33:04] * Ural (~Ural@ has joined
[02:08:36] * Ural (~Ural@ Quit (Quit: Promising ideas for happy future: hitech, universal welfare, emancipation, materialism, globalism. Conquest of nature with technologies. Space exploration. Full automation of labor. Universal basic income. Variety aestetics and lifestyles in frame of the humanistic paradigm.)
[05:44:46] * Ariveri (~Ar@ Quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.9.3 Aria
[07:56:13] * kiki (~webgate@ has joined
[07:56:58] * kiki is now known as мими
[09:44:31] * Phoenix[Msc] ( has joined
[09:49:02] * Демон_Эмили_Роуз ( has joined
[10:18:03] * Phoenix[Msc] is now known as Клёва_омномном
[10:22:38] * Ural (~Ural@ has joined
[10:34:49] * Клёва_омномном is now known as Клёва_торчит
[10:47:37] * Morfey ( has joined
[10:47:38] * Morfey ( has left ()
[11:01:56] * DEN (~d.e.n@ has joined
[11:10:15] * Клёва_торчит is now known as Phoenix[Msc]
[11:31:42] * мими (~webgate@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[11:57:12] * XenonSP is now known as Гриб_SP
[12:36:44] * Ural (~Ural@ Quit (Quit: Promising ideas for happy future: hitech, universal welfare, emancipation, materialism, globalism. Conquest of nature with technologies. Space exploration. Full automation of labor. Universal basic income. Variety aestetics and lifestyles in frame of the humanistic paradigm.)
[13:46:37] * получение (glossy@ has joined
[13:47:42] <Phoenix[Msc]> получление
[13:47:51] <получение> :-p
[13:49:49] * получение (glossy@ Quit (Quit: :-))
[15:00:12] * Phoenix[Msk] ( has joined
[15:01:26] * Phoenix[Msc] ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[15:19:56] * Ricardo (~webgate@ has joined
[15:20:16] * Ricardo (~webgate@ has left ()
[15:31:42] * Гриб_SP is now known as рой жёлтых слонов
[16:53:36] * DEN (~d.e.n@ has left ()
[17:00:46] * Morfey_ ( has joined
[17:00:48] * Morfey_ ( has left ()
[17:46:53] * Phoenix[Msc] ( has joined
[17:48:41] * Phoenix[Msk] ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[18:43:57] * Russian_Girl{off} is now known as Russian_Girl
[20:27:36] * [die] is now known as tont
[21:35:48] * ACherry ( has joined
[22:22:06] * tont is now known as [die]
[22:28:38] * рой жёлтых слонов is now known as ксенон ещё не падох
[22:36:42] * Phoenix[Msc] is now known as Стадо_пьяных_табуретов
[23:16:41] * Демон_Эмили_Роуз ( Quit (Ping timeout)
Query time 0.0031 s