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7 Июня 2011. Канал #Tusovo4ka

[00:02:11] * detctom (~eXy_guest@ Quit (Quit: Hostes ad pulverem ferire)
[00:15:17] * Юляшка (~trey@ Quit (Quit: )
[00:17:59] * рыбк (~mld_86@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[00:28:35] * Дашуха is now known as Дашуха[off]
[00:36:53] * бурундук is now known as Night_Tiger[afk]
[00:37:31] * Дашуха[off] is now known as Дашуха
[00:58:40] <Дашуха> Всем сладких снов:)
[00:58:52] <Нюся> и тебе )
[00:59:18] <Дашуха> спс:)
[00:59:46] <Нюся> =)
[01:03:24] * Дашуха is now known as Дашуха[off]
[01:03:29] * РОМАНТИК is now known as убЁг
[01:03:58] <Нюся> всем пушистых сноф
[01:08:22] * шизя (~tony@ has joined
[01:08:54] * Нюся (t7FBD529@ Quit (Quit: темномирк:
[01:14:05] * Buster (~Buster@xn--80aeoa4afbke4o.xn--p1ai) Quit (Quit: )
[01:17:05] * Kristinka (~Kristinka@ Quit (Quit: всем пока)
[01:44:03] * Гузя ( has joined
[01:56:47] * schizo_eidos (DotsFam@ Quit (Quit: Слава роботам! Убить всех человеков!)
[02:11:24] * Дашуха[off] is now known as Дашуха
[02:12:59] * Дашуха is now known as Дашуха[off]
[02:13:15] * убЁг is now known as РОМАНТИК
[02:14:38] * РОМАНТИК is now known as убЁг
[02:38:45] * ra1l (kvirc@theminer.svnet2) has joined
[02:46:00] * Гузя ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[03:17:11] * ra1l (kvirc@theminer.svnet2) Quit (Quit: When two people dream the same dream, it ceases to be an illusion. KVIrc 3.4.3 Shiny(svn-3438)
[04:39:07] * шизя (~tony@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[05:26:33] * Дашуха[off] is now known as Дашуха
[05:38:27] * breeze_away ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[05:39:07] * Mazer[nono] ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[05:39:16] * grantmaster[BNC-AWAY] ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[05:39:27] * Night_Tiger[afk] ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[05:39:41] * убЁг ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[05:46:37] * Night_Tiger[afk] ( has joined
[05:47:01] * Mazer[nono] ( has joined
[05:47:03] * YooKim sets mode: +v Mazer[nono]
[05:47:51] * grantmaster[BNC-AWAY] ( has joined
[05:48:16] * breeze_away ( has joined
[05:49:33] * Night_Tiger[afk] ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[06:14:20] * Night_Tiger[afk] ( has joined
[07:14:45] * maxwell ( Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[07:53:06] * Дашуха is now known as Дашуха|убЁгла
[07:53:28] * Птица (~everyone@ has joined
[08:41:47] * Buster (~Buster@xn--80aeoa4afbke4o.xn--p1ai) has joined
[09:03:29] * Wit ( has joined
[09:07:40] * syrix ( has joined
[09:08:53] <syrix> утра
[09:11:54] * maxwell ( has joined
[09:17:01] * Buster (~Buster@xn--80aeoa4afbke4o.xn--p1ai) Quit (Quit: )
[09:25:57] * schizo_eidos (DotsFam@ has joined
[09:29:19] * schizo_eidos (DotsFam@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[09:29:19] * Kristinka|ogogo ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[09:29:20] * schizo_eidos[offline] ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[09:30:14] * schizo_eidos (~DotsFam@ has joined
[09:34:37] * Дашуха|убЁгла is now known as Дашуха[off]
[09:35:01] * schizo_eidos[offline] ( has joined
[09:35:01] * Kristinka|ogogo ( has joined
[09:35:01] * sets mode: +v Kristinka|ogogo
[09:35:03] * YooKim sets mode: +v Kristinka|ogogo
[09:36:37] * Дашуха[off] is now known as Дашуха|убЁгла
[09:48:41] * Стаська (~t8796CC4@ has joined
[09:48:42] * YooKim sets mode: +v Стаська
[09:51:26] * Дашуха|убЁгла is now known as Дашуха[off]
[09:53:19] * Нюся (~user@ has joined
[09:53:21] * YooKim sets mode: +v Нюся
[09:53:25] * Дашуха[off] is now known as Дашуха|убЁгла
[09:56:08] <Нюся> приветки всем
[10:08:18] <Птица> Привет.
[10:28:57] * Дашуха|убЁгла is now known as Дашуха[off]
[10:30:55] * Дашуха[off] is now known as Дашуха|убЁгла
[10:39:47] * Нюся (~user@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[10:47:06] <syrix> приветики
[11:15:59] * Нюся (~user@ has joined
[11:16:00] * YooKim sets mode: +v Нюся
[11:44:58] * Нюся (~user@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[11:45:54] * Нюся (~user@ has joined
[11:45:55] * YooKim sets mode: +v Нюся
[11:54:03] * BIGS (pIRCuser43@ has joined
[11:56:48] * Нюся (~user@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[11:57:33] * Дашуха|убЁгла is now known as Дашуха[off]
[11:59:31] * Дашуха[off] is now known as Дашуха|убЁгла
[12:08:13] * нет не кого is now known as `ШаЛуН
[12:11:36] * `ШаЛуН is now known as нет не кого
[12:12:53] * BIGS (pIRCuser43@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[12:14:18] * BIGS (pIRCuser43@ has joined
[12:19:59] * Нюся (~user@ has joined
[12:20:00] * YooKim sets mode: +v Нюся
[12:26:09] * Buster (~Buster@xn--80aeoa4afbke4o.xn--p1ai) has joined
[12:29:51] * Нюся (~user@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[12:34:21] * Miss-Kiss ( has joined
[12:34:23] * YooKim sets mode: +v Miss-Kiss
[12:56:28] * Маркс (~eekfenix@ has joined
[12:58:22] * Маркс (~eekfenix@ Quit (Quit: )
[13:18:59] * Kristinka (~hjku@ has joined
[13:19:00] * YooKim sets mode: +v Kristinka
[13:20:26] * BIGS (pIRCuser43@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[13:23:55] * BIGS (pIRCuser43@ has joined
[13:54:40] * Buster (~Buster@xn--80aeoa4afbke4o.xn--p1ai) Quit (Quit: )
[13:56:24] * Miss-Kiss ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[13:58:00] * Miss-Kiss ( has joined
[13:58:01] * YooKim sets mode: +v Miss-Kiss
[13:58:48] * Miss-Kiss ( has left ()
[14:07:06] * schizo_eidos (~DotsFam@ Quit (Quit: Слава роботам! Убить всех человеков!)
[14:20:48] * Нюся (~user@ has joined
[14:20:49] * YooKim sets mode: +v Нюся
[14:42:54] * maxwell ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[14:51:22] * schizo_eidos (~DotsFam@ has joined
[15:22:48] * schizo_eidos (~DotsFam@ Quit (Quit: Слава роботам! Убить всех человеков!)
[15:29:01] * Дашуха|убЁгла is now known as Дашуха[off]
[15:31:06] * Дашуха[off] is now known as Дашуха|убЁгла
[15:48:45] * Нюся (~user@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[15:49:25] * Нюся (~user@ has joined
[15:49:26] * YooKim sets mode: +v Нюся
[15:54:51] * Wit ( Quit (Quit: если минарет - значит выше всех)
[15:54:51] * Нюся (~user@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[15:57:22] * Нюся (~user@ has joined
[15:57:23] * YooKim sets mode: +v Нюся
[15:58:29] * нет не кого is now known as `ШаЛуН
[16:06:17] * Wit ( has joined
[16:10:39] * detctom (~eXy_guest@ has joined
[16:14:34] * root31337 (~Maksim@ has joined
[16:14:49] <root31337> всем привет
[16:14:55] <detctom> чхо такое 31337 ,
[16:14:59] <detctom> ?
[16:15:02] <detctom> привет
[16:15:22] <root31337> цифры )
[16:15:31] <detctom> точнее
[16:15:42] <detctom> то што цыфры и так вижу
[16:16:12] <root31337> почему ты спросил про цифры?
[16:16:25] <detctom> пачиму ты написал 31337
[16:16:30] <detctom> ?
[16:16:34] <detctom> )
[16:16:52] <root31337> просто
[16:17:23] <detctom> какой ты скрытный
[16:17:30] <detctom> написал
[16:17:31] * Kristinka (~hjku@ Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.2 < Personal IRC Team > and
[16:17:42] <detctom> и шыфруетцо
[16:17:57] <root31337> ты думаешь они что то значат?
[16:18:12] <detctom> думаю ты так думаеш
[16:18:41] <root31337> набери в гугле
[16:19:19] <detctom> там нет объяснений (
[16:20:23] <root31337> в индекс 31337
[16:20:30] <detctom> разоблачайся ужэ
[16:20:34] <root31337> яндексе точнее
[16:20:52] <root31337> в чем?
[16:20:55] <detctom> яндек sux
[16:21:01] * Wit ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[16:21:08] <detctom> в мвоих цыфрахъ
[16:21:20] <detctom> своих
[16:21:31] <root31337> и что нашел?
[16:21:32] <detctom> некуй просто так писать
[16:21:41] <detctom> в гугле ничо не нашол
[16:21:51] <root31337> почему просто так?
[16:22:02] <detctom> ну мне так кажетцо
[16:22:30] <root31337> тебе кажется
[16:22:53] * detctom отрыгнул
[16:23:04] <detctom> вероятно
[16:26:41] * Wit ( has joined
[16:29:43] * root31337 (~Maksim@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[16:39:47] * Дашуха|убЁгла is now known as Дашуха[off]
[16:39:57] * maxwell ( has joined
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[16:49:41] * maxwell ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[17:01:19] * schizo_eidos (~DotsFam@ has joined
[17:05:00] * BIGS (pIRCuser43@ Quit (Quit: )
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[17:10:38] * schizo_eidos (DotsFam@ has joined
[17:16:16] * konikulin ( has joined
[17:16:56] * konikulin утро красит алым цветом...
[17:17:42] <Нюся> =)
[17:17:57] <detctom> йа резко смазал карту будня плеснуфшы краску из стакана
[17:18:10] <detctom> день поезии ебнрт
[17:19:55] <Нюся> это же хорошо
[17:20:17] <detctom> замичятильно
[17:20:41] <Нюся> угумс
[17:24:42] * Дашуха|убЁгла is now known as Дашуха
[17:26:45] * Kristinka (~Kristinka@ has joined
[17:26:47] * YooKim sets mode: +v Kristinka
[17:27:48] * Нюся (~user@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[17:30:56] * Стаська (~t8796CC4@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[17:37:45] * Reiko[offpower] is now known as Reiko
[17:38:59] * `ШаЛуН is now known as нет не кого
[17:46:22] * Diora (~Diora@ has joined
[17:46:22] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Diora
[17:46:23] * YooKim sets mode: +v Diora
[17:52:33] * syrix зевает
[17:53:34] <Kristinka> о
[17:53:36] <Kristinka> диорка
[17:55:26] <Diora> приветик кристин
[17:55:42] <Diora> К
[17:58:24] <detctom>
[17:58:45] * Diora (~Diora@ Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.2 < Personal IRC Team > and
[17:59:55] * syrix ( Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[18:00:51] * Reiko пощекотал Kristinka
[18:01:17] <Reiko> konikulin доброго вечера княже:) солнечной погоды вам несмотря на пасмурные будни
[18:02:51] <konikulin> Reiko: Моё почтение государь! Благодарствую коленопреклоненно! Желаю же Вам солнечного настроения на всю рабочую неделю!
[18:03:02] <Reiko> благодарю!
[18:12:53] * konikulin is now known as konikulin|away
[18:22:52] * konikulin|away is now known as konikulin
[18:40:15] * konikulin is now known as konikulin|away
[18:44:25] * Стаська (~t8796CC4@ has joined
[18:44:26] * YooKim sets mode: +v Стаська
[18:45:47] * Buster (~Buster@xn--80aeoa4afbke4o.xn--p1ai) has joined
[18:46:02] * Reiko is now known as Reiko[offpower]
[18:46:43] * maxwell ( has joined
[19:00:29] * Kristinka (~Kristinka@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[19:19:58] * Дашуха is now known as Дашуха[off]
[19:28:42] * Илья_ ( has joined
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[19:45:07] * Wit ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[19:50:46] * root31337 ( has joined
[19:52:19] * maxwell ( Quit (Ping timeout)
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[19:55:35] * Дашуха is now known as Дашуха[off]
[19:57:57] * syrix ( has joined
[20:01:05] * Wit ( Quit (Quit: если минарет - значит выше всех)
[20:01:38] * strannik (unisex@ has joined
[20:02:17] <strannik> ку
[20:03:32] * Дашуха[off] is now known as Дашуха
[20:14:10] * нет не кого is now known as `ШаЛуН
[20:24:25] * РыЖаЯ_бЕсТиЯ (~user@ has joined
[20:24:38] <РыЖаЯ_бЕсТиЯ> всем привет
[20:25:02] <strannik> РыЖаЯ_бЕсТиЯ привет
[20:25:17] <РыЖаЯ_бЕсТиЯ> как дела?
[20:25:26] <strannik> супер
[20:25:29] <strannik> как сама
[20:25:50] * ChanServ sets mode: +v РыЖаЯ_бЕсТиЯ
[20:26:23] <schizo_eidos> РыЖаЯ_бЕсТиЯ, пиздюшка?
[20:29:51] * root31337 ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[20:40:11] * РыЖаЯ_бЕсТиЯ (~user@ has left ()
[20:45:34] * Wit ( has joined
[21:08:13] * Дашуха is now known as Дашуха[off]
[21:10:52] * konikulin|away is now known as konikulin
[21:14:38] * strannik (unisex@ Quit (Quit: пока, пока мальчики и девочки!)
[21:25:03] * Wit ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[22:00:09] * Дашуха[off] is now known as Дашуха
[22:04:03] * Kristinka (~Kristinka@ has joined
[22:04:05] * YooKim sets mode: +v Kristinka
[22:22:48] * Стаська (~t8796CC4@ Quit (Quit: когда ем шоколад, мысленно оправдываюсь, что мол будет мегамозг. а получается только мегазад блеать!!)
[22:25:59] * Naemnik (romdom1@ has joined
[22:26:48] * BIGS (pIRCuser43@ has joined
[22:26:54] * maxwell ( has joined
[22:56:09] * grantmaster[BNC-AWAY] is now known as grantmaster
[23:02:44] * grantmaster ( Quit (Client closed connection)
[23:02:44] * breeze_away ( Quit (Client closed connection)
[23:04:33] * maxwell ( Quit (Ping timeout)
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[23:15:20] * grantmaster ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[23:18:58] * syrix ( Quit (Ping timeout)
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[23:23:08] * Guest44206 ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[23:25:34] * убЁг ( has joined
[23:26:01] * breeze_away ( has joined
[23:27:38] * Guest44206 is now known as grantmaster
[23:29:00] * `ШаЛуН is now known as нет не кого
[23:36:49] * Naemnik (romdom1@ Quit (Quit: )
[23:40:29] * убЁг is now known as РОМАНТИК
[23:46:16] * BIGS (pIRCuser43@ Quit (Quit: )
[23:52:51] * grantmaster is now known as grantmaster[BNC-AWAY]
[23:58:08] * Дашуха is now known as Дашуха[off]
[23:58:16] * Дашуха[off] is now known as Дашуха
Query time 0.0089 s