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15 Ноября 2010. Канал #Tusovo4ka

[00:32:37] * ANTOXA (~NUser@ has left ()
[00:32:56] * Wit ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[00:49:50] * syrix ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[01:09:01] * Kristinka (adm@ Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.2 < Personal IRC Team > and
[01:14:44] * schizo_eidos (~Dotsfam@ Quit (Quit: Одyмайтесь, бpатья и сестpы! Что же вы делаете? Вы же бpатья и сестpы!!!!:))))
[01:18:14] * schizo_eidos[off] ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[01:18:14] * Артемий ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[01:18:14] * Risen[на посту] ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[01:18:14] * strannik|off ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[01:20:18] * schizo_eidos[off] ( has joined
[01:20:45] * Артемий ( has joined
[01:21:43] * Артемий is now known as Guest11080
[01:27:05] * Risen[на посту] ( has joined
[01:30:16] * Вкусненькая-душ is now known as Вкусненькая
[01:42:00] * strannik|off ( has joined
[02:07:42] * Buster (~Buster@ Quit (Quit: )
[02:25:55] * spichki (~zn_mirc41@ has joined
[02:25:57] * YooKim sets mode: +v spichki
[03:17:56] * pIRCuser45 ( has joined
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[03:35:18] * spichki (~zn_mirc41@ Quit (Quit: Спящая красавица так сильно храпела, что принц быстро нашел её замок!)
[03:51:51] * Вкусненькая is now known as Вкусненькая-
[04:02:28] * orb ( has joined
[04:15:25] * orb [mp3] Eminem - Cold Wind Blows
[04:51:39] * Фая (~galinkako@ has joined
[04:52:40] * PieSpy ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[04:57:18] * YooKim ( has joined
[04:57:18] * * changes topic to ' Тонкий стеб без хамства. Гопота не приветствуется Единственный запрет на канале: запрет на оскорбление собеседника. Dechire! | | Тут Щастье!!!'
[04:58:00] * ChanServ sets mode: +o YooKim
[05:32:25] * schizo_eidos[off] ( Quit (Ping timeout)
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[07:46:22] * schizo_eidos (~Dotsfam@ has joined
[07:47:56] * Фая (~galinkako@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[07:52:23] * Kristinka (adm@ has joined
[07:52:26] * YooKim sets mode: +v Kristinka
[08:16:58] * Kristinka (adm@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[08:48:15] * Wit ( has joined
[08:56:15] * syrix ( has joined
[08:56:55] * Doc|away is now known as Doc|Внеадеквате
[08:57:35] <Doc|Внеадеквате> УТра
[08:57:46] * Doc|Внеадеквате is now known as Doc\
[08:57:50] * Doc\ is now known as Doc
[08:58:07] * Doc is now known as Doc|ВАдеквате
[08:58:49] <syrix> утра
[09:06:45] * iriso4ka ( has joined
[09:20:08] * Buster ( has joined
[09:38:00] * Buster ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[09:52:17] * рэйвпися ( has joined
[09:55:37] * iriso4ka ( Quit (Quit: )
[09:57:44] * esegua ( has joined
[09:59:37] * syrix ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[09:59:53] * esegua is now known as syrix
[10:26:51] * Птица (~everyone@ has joined
[10:56:19] * Doc|ВАдеквате is now known as Doc|away
[11:01:30] * Kristinka_интеллигентная (~hjku@ has joined
[11:01:32] * YooKim sets mode: +v Kristinka_интеллигентная
[11:01:44] <Kristinka_интеллигентная> приветы
[11:12:19] * Kristinka_интеллигентная is now known as Kristinka
[11:15:21] * esegua ( has joined
[11:24:00] * [__GLUK__] ( has joined
[11:30:31] * Вкусненькая- is now known as Вкусненькая
[11:57:43] * syrix ( Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[12:12:23] * Metallic (~t7C58D8F@ has joined
[12:25:08] * Вкусненькая is now known as Вкусненькая-
[12:38:07] * Wit ( Quit (Quit: если минарет - значит выше всех)
[12:46:34] * [__GLUK__] ( has left ()
[12:49:12] * schizo_eidos (~Dotsfam@ Quit (Quit: Одyмайтесь, бpатья и сестpы! Что же вы делаете? Вы же бpатья и сестpы!!!!:))))
[12:53:34] * Buster66792 ( has joined
[13:15:57] * }I{YI{ (~nthanter@ has joined
[13:17:23] * }I{YI{ (~nthanter@ has left ()
[13:26:36] * Wit ( has joined
[14:28:40] * Buster66792 ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[14:54:50] * [__GLUK__] ( has joined
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[15:40:08] * [~] (~Dotsfam@ has joined
[15:40:50] * [~] is now known as schizo_eidos
[15:41:12] * Summer (~4557@ has joined
[15:41:13] * YooKim sets mode: +v Summer
[15:41:16] <Summer> всем привет
[15:45:16] <Птица> Привет.
[15:45:35] <Summer> Птица приветик, птиц
[16:10:02] * Summer (~4557@ Quit (Quit: ыа)
[16:21:55] * Metallic (~t7C58D8F@ Quit (Quit: Дружба и братство дароже всякого богатство !!!)
[16:41:08] * refresh (~refresh@ has joined
[16:55:18] * ANTOXA (~NUser@ has joined
[16:55:26] <ANTOXA> Всем привет =)
[17:00:55] * Kristinka (~hjku@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[17:01:55] * Diora (~Diora@ has joined
[17:01:57] * YooKim sets mode: +v Diora
[17:02:25] <Diora> всем привет
[17:18:32] * Diora (~Diora@ Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.2 < Personal IRC Team > and
[17:32:33] * Wit ( Quit (Ping timeout)
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[17:47:05] * gans (~rus@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[17:54:06] * Kristinka (adm@ has joined
[17:54:07] * YooKim sets mode: +v Kristinka
[18:14:56] * Buster ( has joined
[18:22:00] * gans (~rus@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[19:17:56] * schizo_eidos (~Dotsfam@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[19:19:06] * strannik (unisex@ has joined
[19:19:30] <strannik> ку
[19:24:36] * schizo_eidos (~Dotsfam@ has joined
[19:31:36] * CAHEK ( has joined
[19:31:38] <CAHEK> #RuSSian`PeopLe
[19:31:38] <CAHEK> #RuSSian`PeopLe
[19:31:39] <CAHEK> #RuSSian`PeopLe
[19:31:39] <CAHEK> #RuSSian`PeopLe
[19:31:41] <CAHEK> #RuSSian`PeopLe
[19:31:43] <CAHEK> #RuSSian`PeopLe
[19:31:45] <CAHEK> #RuSSian`PeopLe
[19:31:48] <CAHEK> #RuSSian`PeopLe
[19:31:49] <CAHEK> #RuSSian`PeopLe
[19:31:51] <CAHEK> #RuSSian`PeopLe
[19:31:52] * ChanServ sets mode: +o strannik
[19:31:53] <CAHEK> #RuSSian`PeopLe
[19:31:55] * CAHEK ( has left ()
[19:32:27] * Metallic (~t7C58D8F@ has joined
[19:33:24] * ANTOXA (~NUser@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[19:34:12] * Metallic (~t7C58D8F@ Quit (Quit: Дружба и братство дароже всякого богатство !!!)
[19:35:57] * schizo_eidos (~Dotsfam@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[19:36:38] * Wit ( Quit (Quit: если минарет - значит выше всех)
[19:37:35] * ChanServ sets mode: -o strannik
[19:37:36] * YooKim sets mode: +o strannik
[19:37:45] <strannik> !deop
[19:37:46] * YooKim sets mode: -o strannik
[19:39:08] * esegua is now known as syrix
[19:41:54] * schizo_eidos (~Dotsfam@ has joined
[20:12:13] * flame_wearer (~flame_wea@ Quit (Client closed connection)
[20:13:42] * syrix ( Quit (Ping timeout)
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[20:27:19] * Нюка (~kot_nuka@ has joined
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[21:13:03] * wise (~rus@ has joined
[21:27:51] * Wit ( has joined
[21:28:04] * ANTOXA (~NUser@ has joined
[21:28:12] <ANTOXA> Всем привет =)
[21:29:57] <strannik> re
[21:54:56] * time- (~asd@ has joined
[21:54:56] * YooKim sets mode: +b *!*@
[21:54:57] * time- was kicked by YooKim (Banned: Requested (до Mon Dec 6 17:16:45 2010).)
[22:11:09] * konikulin ( has joined
[22:12:03] * konikulin ыть
[22:14:10] * Ogyr (~ygov@ has left ()
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[22:36:15] * strannik (unisex@ Quit (Quit: пока, пока...)
[23:15:25] * |`away`| is now known as vanechka
[23:16:19] * vanechka is now known as нетрезв
[23:22:25] * Buster ( Quit (Quit: )
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[23:47:18] * syrix ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[23:51:10] * Wit ( Quit (Ping timeout)
Query time 0.0469 s