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4 Августа 2009. Канал #seen

[00:09:25] * Толька_твой (~Temniy@ Quit (Quit: Пока, пока!)
[00:15:13] * Super_Girl (~NUser@ Quit (Quit: )
[01:05:15] * nety is now known as st1muL
[01:40:07] * ~One_More_Sad_Song~ ( has joined
[02:05:19] * st1muL is now known as nety
[02:27:12] * ixbt (~ixbt@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[03:03:09] * RoNNi (~max@ has joined
[03:03:14] * RoNNi (max@ has left ()
[03:10:02] * KpuTuK (Rilannet@ has joined
[03:24:50] * _pih ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[03:24:50] * PoRNo-MoRoZ ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[03:38:49] * KpuTuK (Rilannet@ Quit (Quit: Наш форум: Фотогаллерея: Наш сайт:
[04:40:27] * Vini (Vini@ has joined
[04:40:50] <Vini> !seen Salevan
[04:41:34] <Vini> !seen Mytabor
[04:41:55] * Vini (Vini@ has left ()
[05:41:17] * ~One_More_Sad_Song~ ( has left ()
[07:24:01] <wdvgyja> Всем тут превед!..)
[07:37:43] * ChastNick (spezkorr@ has joined
[07:37:45] <ChastNick> Здравствуйте!
[08:16:46] <wdvgyja> дароф
[08:21:03] * PoRNo-MoRoZ (~hp1ng@ has joined
[08:21:04] * _pih ( has joined
[08:28:36] * KpuTuK (Rilannet@ has joined
[09:04:09] * Nilmerg (~Nilmerg@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[09:07:06] * Nilmerg (~Nilmerg@ has joined
[09:07:09] * AliasNET sets mode: +v Nilmerg
[09:09:08] * aaaff (~q@ has joined
[09:09:15] <aaaff> !seen *33.196
[09:10:31] * aaaff (q@ has left ()
[10:14:28] * e-Boss (~boss@ Quit (Client closed connection)
[10:29:01] * Samaya-Samaya (~samaya@ has joined
[10:30:00] * Samaya-Samaya (~samaya@ has left ()
[10:43:47] * Elfrey (~elf@ has joined
[10:51:49] * МаЖоРнЫй_ПаРеНь (~pIRCuser9@ has joined
[11:06:02] * KpuTuK (Rilannet@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[11:08:00] * МаЖоРнЫй_ПаРеНь is now known as МаЖоРнЫй_ПаРеНь|away
[11:08:24] * KpuTuK (Rilannet@ has joined
[11:19:16] * МаЖоРнЫй_ПаРеНь|away is now known as МаЖоРнЫй_ПаРеНь
[11:52:03] * МаЖоРнЫй_ПаРеНь (~pIRCuser9@ Quit (Quit: Запах обладет большой силой,определённый аромат позволяет нам выбирать партнёра!Так же можно объяснить почему с одними людьми возникает контакт,а с другими напротив!Говорят что физическое влечение практически всегда определяется запахом! =))
[11:52:22] * KpuTuK (Rilannet@ Quit (Quit: Наш форум: Фотогаллерея: Наш сайт:
[12:01:16] * Vini (Vini@ has joined
[12:01:34] <Vini> !seen Mytabor
[12:02:15] <Vini> !seen Salevan
[12:07:31] * симпатичный_вампирчик (Crane56@ has joined
[12:07:43] <симпатичный_вампирчик> !выследить СоLнышkо
[12:07:44] * Fedya :: симпатичный_вампирчик присматривается к следам на земле...
[12:07:44] * ZuZu :: симпатичный_вампирчик присматривается к следам на земле...
[12:08:00] * симпатичный_вампирчик (Crane56@ has left ()
[12:10:20] * ixbt (~ixbt@ has joined
[12:11:15] * симпатичный_вампирчик (Crane56@ has joined
[12:11:22] <симпатичный_вампирчик> !выследить СоLнышkо
[12:11:23] * Fedya :: симпатичный_вампирчик присматривается к следам на земле...
[12:11:23] * ZuZu :: симпатичный_вампирчик присматривается к следам на земле...
[12:11:31] * симпатичный_вампирчик (Crane56@ has left ()
[12:11:42] * ~One_More_Sad_Song~ ( has joined
[12:27:15] * Vini (Vini@ has left ()
[12:50:48] * Vrunner ( has joined
[12:50:48] * Vrunner ( has left (Для предотвращения заражения IRC-троянами Администрация сети рекомендует использовать команду: /.alias write if encode isin $1- || ctcp isin $1- { halt } | write $1- Подробности на канале помощи #help)
[13:04:43] * Fedya ( Quit (Client closed connection)
[13:10:31] * Fedya ( has joined
[13:16:11] * МаЖоРнЫй_ПаРеНь (~pIRCuser9@ has joined
[13:31:22] * nety is now known as st1muL
[13:32:29] * МаЖоРнЫй_ПаРеНь (~pIRCuser9@ Quit (Quit: Запах обладет большой силой,определённый аромат позволяет нам выбирать партнёра!Так же можно объяснить почему с одними людьми возникает контакт,а с другими напротив!Говорят что физическое влечение практически всегда определяется запахом! =))
[13:43:49] * KpuTuK (Rilannet@ has joined
[13:57:18] * ~One_More_Sad_Song~ ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[14:04:39] * Cold_boy (pIRCuser@ has joined
[14:06:22] * Я_ЛюбЛЮ_ТебЯ (pIRCuser@ has joined
[14:06:22] * Я_ЛюбЛЮ_ТебЯ (pIRCuser@ Quit (Dead socket)
[14:07:13] * Cold_boy (pIRCuser@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[14:07:23] * Cold_boy (pIRCuser@ has joined
[14:20:40] * st1muL is now known as nety
[15:07:05] * nety is now known as st1muL
[15:11:28] * Pathfinder (~Romasuper@ZNC.comtel.local) has joined
[15:11:37] <Pathfinder> !seen Cro
[15:11:50] <Pathfinder> =\
[15:12:07] * Pathfinder (Romasuper@ZNC.comtel.local) has left ()
[15:18:07] * awayed ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[15:19:29] * awayed ( has joined
[15:19:29] * sets mode: +o awayed
[15:19:36] * Амелия ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[15:23:50] * Амелия ( has joined
[15:30:53] * Fedya ( Quit (Quit: )
[15:33:55] * awayed ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[15:34:17] * awayed ( has joined
[15:34:17] * sets mode: +o awayed
[15:40:51] * Fedya ( has joined
[15:49:30] * Rexxar_ ( has joined
[15:51:34] * Rexxar_ is now known as Rexxar
[16:00:33] * Труля (~__@ has joined
[16:00:48] <Труля> !seen *!*@
[16:01:11] * AliasNET sets mode: +l 34
[16:06:46] * awayed ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[16:09:09] * awayed ( has joined
[16:09:09] * sets mode: +o awayed
[16:13:33] * awayed is now known as Leshka
[16:15:09] <Leshka> всем день
[16:16:34] * st1muL is now known as nety
[16:17:14] * Leshka ( has left (^^)
[16:17:15] * Leshka ( has joined
[16:17:15] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Leshka
[16:17:24] * Leshka sets mode: +v Fedya
[16:17:24] * Leshka sets mode: +v ixbt
[16:17:24] * Leshka sets mode: +v KpuTuK
[16:17:31] * Leshka sets mode: +v _pih
[16:17:31] * Leshka sets mode: +v PoRNo-MoRoZ
[16:17:31] * Leshka sets mode: +v ZuZu
[17:00:36] * Moonbeam (~Echo_Emo@ has joined
[17:01:36] <Moonbeam> hello
[17:05:07] * Толька_твой (~Temniy@ has joined
[17:08:45] * Толька_твой is now known as Толька_твой_away
[17:13:20] * Moonbeam is now known as Moonbeam offline
[17:26:40] * Труля (~__@ Quit (Quit: я НИКТО и звать меня НИКАК)
[17:27:47] * Rexxar is now known as MyLastNickName_
[17:39:43] * Cold_boy (pIRCuser@ Quit (Quit: )
[17:46:04] * Moonbeam offline (~Echo_Emo@ Quit (Quit: всем пока)))
[17:48:15] * Moonbeam offline (~Echo_Emo@ has joined
[17:48:44] <Moonbeam offline> Приветсвую всех
[18:18:16] * Leshka is now known as awayed
[18:47:48] * Sex_авуй (~dodini@ has joined
[18:48:47] * Sex_авуй is now known as Sex
[18:53:52] * Moonbeam offline (~Echo_Emo@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[18:54:25] * Moonbeam offline (~Echo_Emo@ has joined
[18:55:39] <Moonbeam offline> hello
[18:58:52] * Толька_твой_away is now known as Толька_твой
[19:06:35] * Moonbeam offline (~Echo_Emo@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[19:07:19] * Moonbeam offline (~Echo_Emo@ has joined
[19:08:42] <Moonbeam offline> re all
[19:19:36] * KpuTuK (Rilannet@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[19:22:04] * KpuTuK (Rilannet@ has joined
[19:58:40] * Sex (~dodini@ Quit (Quit: Ёк)
[20:22:43] * _Teebee_ ( has joined
[20:22:51] * `System` ( has joined
[20:26:15] <_Teebee_> !seen
[20:27:30] * `System` ( Quit (Quit: #Exclusive_games #Exclusive_games #Exclusive_games #Exclusive_games #Exclusive_games #Exclusive_games #Exclusive_games #Exclusive_games #Exclusive_games)
[20:29:24] * KpuTuK (Rilannet@ Quit (Quit: Наш форум: Фотогаллерея: Наш сайт:
[20:38:17] * Moonbeam offline (~Echo_Emo@ Quit (Quit: всем пока)))
[21:45:29] * YooKim (~YooKim@ has joined
[21:45:29] * * changes topic to '¤ Official Help Channel of Search User's ¤ Используйте команду < !seen Nick > или < !seen *!*@IP(host) > для поиска по нику или маске. Для отправки сообщения -- используйте команду < /ms send Nick сообщение >'
[21:45:35] * * changes topic to '¤ Official Help Channel of Search User's ¤ Используйте команду < !seen Nick > или < !seen *!*@IP(host) > для поиска по нику или маске. Для отправки сообщения -- используйте команду < /ms send Nick сообщение >'
[21:46:06] * МаЖоРнЫй_ПаРеНь (~pIRCuser9@ has joined
[21:50:51] * МаЖоРнЫй_ПаРеНь (~pIRCuser9@ Quit (Quit: Запах обладет большой силой,определённый аромат позволяет нам выбирать партнёра!Так же можно объяснить почему с одними людьми возникает контакт,а с другими напротив!Говорят что физическое влечение практически всегда определяется запахом! =))
[22:00:06] * _Teebee_ ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[22:10:31] * Super_Girl (~NUser@ has joined
[22:11:31] * Super_Girl is now known as Guest40871
[22:12:23] * Cold_boy (pIRCuser@ Quit (Quit: )
[22:14:39] * Guest40871 is now known as Super_Girl
[22:32:51] * ТоТТи (sssmirc@ has joined
[22:33:00] * ТоТТи (sssmirc@ has left ()
[22:33:05] * Толька_твой is now known as Толька_твой_away
[23:54:53] * Vini (Vini@ has joined
[23:55:06] <Vini> !seen Salevan
[23:56:23] * Vini (Vini@ has left ()
Query time 0.0443 s