IRC логи каналов.

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12 Июня 2009. Канал #seen

[00:01:22] * Черный_Лентяй (max4ez1988@ has left ()
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[00:11:33] * Guest2175 is now known as PoRNo-MoRoZ
[00:11:49] * Guest2176 ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[00:12:06] * PoRNo-MoRoZ ( Quit (Client closed connection)
[00:13:13] * PoRNo-MoRoZ ( has joined
[00:13:13] * nblx ( has joined
[00:16:04] * Leshka ( has joined
[00:16:04] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Leshka
[00:17:53] <Leshka> !п иваново
[00:18:01] <Leshka> упс)
[00:19:00] * Nilmerg (~Nilmerg@ has joined
[00:19:03] * AliasNET sets mode: +v Nilmerg
[00:20:00] * Nilmerg is now known as Guest2205
[00:20:40] * Leshka sets mode: +v Fedya
[00:20:40] * Leshka sets mode: +v Night_Guardian
[00:20:40] * Leshka sets mode: +v ZuZu
[00:28:30] * ^Гость_Бога^ (NarkooUser@ has joined
[00:28:40] * Леди_Крофт (LD@ has joined
[00:31:56] <Леди_Крофт> !seen Chemer
[00:34:13] * Леди_Крофт (LD@ has left ()
[00:35:07] * Leshka ( Quit (Quit: Сказать "Я тебя люблю" займет несколько секунд, показать как - всю жизнь...)
[00:50:52] * ixbt (~ixbt@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[01:35:22] * go}i{guK (pogoda@ Quit (Quit: Client closed connection)
[05:39:32] * ^Гость_Бога^ is now known as ^Гость_Сна^
[05:43:17] * Reiko[offpower] is now known as Reiko
[07:51:27] * Vrunner ( has joined
[07:51:27] * Vrunner ( has left (Для предотвращения заражения IRC-троянами Администрация сети рекомендует использовать команду: /.alias write if encode isin $1- || ctcp isin $1- { halt } | write $1- Подробности на канале помощи #help)
[08:03:24] * Expert89 is now known as Expert89[На_УличГе]
[08:08:16] * Reiko is now known as Reiko[offpower]
[09:44:41] * Never_wake_up (Rilannet@ has joined
[09:48:16] * TOSSIK (Rilannet@ has joined
[09:49:56] * TOSSIK (Rilannet@ has left ()
[10:17:37] * ^Гость_Сна^ is now known as ^Гость_Бога^
[10:34:05] * Guest2205 (~Nilmerg@ Quit (Client closed connection)
[10:34:16] * Черный_Лентяй (max4ez1988@ has joined
[10:38:35] * Never_wake_up (Rilannet@ Quit (Quit: воя бля компания оставила меня бля посередине пустыни ни машины бля ни хрена бля и я бля шёл пешком три мили бля по шосе бля и меня машины обрызгивали бля а ты мне бля ещё улыбаешься в морду бля я машину требую бля сейчас бля)
[10:47:52] * Nilmerg (~Nilmerg@ has joined
[10:47:54] * AliasNET sets mode: +v Nilmerg
[10:50:26] * ^Гость_Бога^ (NarkooUser@ has left ()
[10:51:47] * Nilmerg (~Nilmerg@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[10:52:50] * Nilmerg (~Nilmerg@ has joined
[10:52:53] * AliasNET sets mode: +v Nilmerg
[11:23:42] * ixbt ( has joined
[11:25:10] * ALIDI ( has joined
[11:26:15] <ALIDI> !seen arhivarius
[11:27:50] * ALIDI ( Quit (Quit: бу)
[11:29:51] * ixbt ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[11:39:45] * ixbt ( has joined
[11:48:11] * Super_Girl (zhenechka-@ has joined
[12:02:13] * Super_Girl (zhenechka-@ Quit (Quit: )
[12:12:07] * Expert89[На_УличГе] is now known as Expert89[На_РеЧиЧгЕ]
[12:57:26] * Черный_Лентяй (max4ez1988@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[13:11:20] * Never_wake_up (Rilannet@ has joined
[13:26:58] * Never_wake_up (Rilannet@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[13:47:13] * dsv (pIRCuser43@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[14:02:27] * dsv (pIRCuser43@ has joined
[14:05:02] * Черный_Лентяй (max4ez1988@ has joined
[14:11:38] * Reiko[offpower] is now known as Reiko
[14:22:37] * `System`|is dead ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[14:31:21] * `System`|is dead ( has joined
[15:05:36] * Хитрый_Лис (~pIRCuser9@ has joined
[15:06:21] * Хитрый_Лис is now known as МаЖоРнЫй_ПаРеНь
[15:11:26] * МаЖоРнЫй_ПаРеНь (~pIRCuser9@ Quit (Quit: Запах обладет большой силой,определённый аромат позволяет нам выбирать партнёра!Так же можно объяснить почему с одними людьми возникает контакт,а с другими напротив!Говорят что физическое влечение практически всегда определяется запахом! =))
[15:26:21] * Черный_Лентяй (max4ez1988@ has left ()
[16:25:04] * Sex_нетЪ (~dodini@ has joined
[16:55:25] * Sex_нетЪ (~dodini@ Quit (Quit: Больше нету секса за мозгами!!!)
[16:55:42] * Черный_Лентяй (max4ez1988@ has joined
[16:58:32] * dsv (pIRCuser43@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[17:26:30] * prowoda (erds47t4@ has joined
[17:26:31] * prowoda Добрый вечер
[17:26:56] * tont sets mode: +v ixbt
[18:06:31] * Черный_Лентяй is now known as Черный_Лентяй_away
[18:20:34] * Гончар (user1131@ has joined
[18:20:42] <Гончар> !seen *!*@
[18:20:59] <Гончар> !seen С_нежная
[18:21:00] <ixbt> Гончар, С_нежная (pIRCuser5@ последний раз покидал #seen 2 недель 2 дней 19 часов 44 минут назад (26.05. 22:36), после того, как провел 5 минут там.
[18:21:06] * Черный_Лентяй_away (max4ez1988@ has left ()
[18:21:33] * Гончар (user1131@ has left ()
[18:30:58] * [Kenny] (Dead@ has joined
[18:31:20] <[Kenny]> Всем привет =)
[18:34:27] * [Kenny] (Dead@ has left ()
[18:48:27] * PoRNo-MoRoZ ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[18:48:51] * nblx ( Quit (Write Error: Broken pipe)
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[19:17:23] * YooKim (~YooKim@ has joined
[19:17:29] * * changes topic to ''
[19:17:55] * Jaiss (~Jaiss@ has joined
[21:01:27] * sets mode: +n
[21:01:27] * sets mode: +t
[21:01:27] * sets mode: +r
[21:01:27] * sets mode: +c
[21:01:27] * sets mode: +l 0
[21:01:27] * tont ( has joined
[21:01:27] * ^Гость_Бога^ (NarkooUser@ has joined
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[21:01:27] * Cold_boy|спит (pIRCuser@ has joined
[21:01:27] * Nilmerg (~Nilmerg@ has joined
[21:01:27] * Sex_нетЪ (~dodini@ has joined
[21:01:27] * Never_wake_up (Rilannet@ has joined
[21:01:27] * Амелия ( has joined
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[21:01:27] * prowoda (erds47t4@ has joined
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[21:01:27] * FreeForum ( has joined
[21:01:27] * Fedya ( has joined
[21:01:27] * Expert89[На_РеЧиЧгЕ] ( has joined
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[21:01:28] * sets mode: +o tont
[21:01:28] * sets mode: +v Nilmerg
[21:01:28] * sets mode: +v ixbt
[21:01:28] * sets mode: +v Talisman
[21:01:28] * sets mode: +v ZuZu
[21:01:28] * sets mode: +v FreeForum
[21:01:28] * sets mode: +v Fedya
[21:01:28] * sets mode: +v Night_Guardian
[21:01:28] * sets mode: +v Mr-X
[21:01:28] * sets mode: +o AliasNET
[21:01:28] * sets mode: +v SeenBot
[21:01:28] * iddqd ( has joined
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[21:01:28] * sets mode: +v iddqd
[21:01:28] * sets mode: +v Reiko
[21:01:28] * sets mode: +b ??????????????????????*!*@*
[21:01:33] * changes topic to '¤ Official Help Channel of Search User's ¤ Используйте команду < !seen Nick > или < !seen *!*@IP(host) > для поиска по нику или маске. Для отправки сообщения -- используйте команду < /ms send Nick сообщение >'
[21:01:33] * AliasNET sets mode: +v YooKim
[21:01:33] * AliasNET sets mode: +v Jaiss
[21:14:39] * dev4onka ( has joined
[21:23:22] * Cold_boy|спит is now known as Cold_boy
[21:23:23] * Cold_boy is now known as Cold_boy|чертю планы
[21:32:27] * kartes ( Quit (Quit: )
[22:06:08] * Cold_boy|чертю планы (pIRCuser@ Quit (Quit: ......)
[22:37:35] * Super_Girl (zhenechka-@ has joined
[22:41:47] <Super_Girl> !seen DJ_FERZ_bnc
[22:42:13] <Super_Girl> !seen DJ_FERZ
[22:54:07] * prowoda (erds47t4@ Quit (Quit: Client closed connection)
[23:14:51] * dsv (pIRCuser43@ has joined
[23:34:15] * Never_wake_up (Rilannet@ Quit (Quit: воя бля компания оставила меня бля посередине пустыни ни машины бля ни хрена бля и я бля шёл пешком три мили бля по шосе бля и меня машины обрызгивали бля а ты мне бля ещё улыбаешься в морду бля я машину требую бля сейчас бля)
[23:47:40] * [LiK] (~kireev_ev@ has joined
[23:54:12] * [LiK] (~kireev_ev@ Quit (Quit: Русифицированный mIRC 6.35 от yXo ** **)
Query time 0.006 s