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20 Апреля 2009. Канал #seen

[00:01:16] * ixbt ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[00:21:18] * Nilmerg (~Nilmerg@ Quit (Ping timeout)
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[01:08:14] * С_нежная ( has joined
[01:08:29] <С_нежная> !seen *!*@
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[03:34:31] * MPx ( has joined
[04:00:33] * MPx ( Quit (Quit: When two people dream the same dream, it ceases to be an illusion. KVIrc 3.4.2 Shiny
[04:28:46] * dsv_ (~pIRCuser4@ has joined
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[07:27:48] * ixbt ( has joined
[08:43:54] * Zlyden (Weter@ has joined
[08:44:05] * Zlyden (Weter@ Quit (Quit: Не защищайте овец :.они жесче чем Волки)
[08:45:16] * ixbt ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[09:30:31] * Nilmerg (~Nilmerg@ Quit (Ping timeout)
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[10:55:17] * __пацанчик__ (~nikola@ has joined
[10:55:17] <__пацанчик__> ВСЕМ ПРИВЕТ)))))))
[10:55:28] <__пацанчик__> !seen _ПрОтИвОчКа_
[10:56:34] <__пацанчик__> !seen Злючка
[10:57:50] * Animals_Dar (Guest_@dmitriy90.ntown) has joined
[10:58:36] * __пацанчик__ (nikola@ has left (ПоКа)
[11:33:23] * Nilmerg (~Nilmerg@ Quit (Ping timeout)
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[11:40:10] * MPx ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[11:43:53] * ZuZu ( Quit (Client closed connection)
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[12:23:48] <prost> !seen *!*@
[12:23:52] * prost (prost@ Quit (Quit: От безделья , чтоб не валять дурака , избегаю волнение...)
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[12:26:28] <_зайка_> !seen _antares_
[12:36:49] * Nilmerg (~Nilmerg@ Quit (Ping timeout)
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[13:36:40] * StIfLeR (pIRCuser43@ has joined
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[13:43:39] <GuestIvnet007> !seen *!*@
[13:45:10] * GuestIvnet007 ( Quit (Quit: (EOF))
[14:01:27] * Animals_Dar (Guest_@dmitriy90.ntown) Quit (Quit: )
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[15:06:48] * Animals_Dar (Guest_@dmitriy90.ntown) has joined
[15:28:44] * Vortex (~ItIsNotMy@ has joined
[15:28:53] <Vortex> !seen @
[15:28:53] * AliasNET sets mode: +l 30
[15:29:02] <Vortex> !seen *@
[15:33:09] * Cold_boy (pIRCuser@ has joined
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[15:43:36] * Nilmerg (~Nilmerg@ Quit (Ping timeout)
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[15:45:34] * Animals_Dar (Guest_@dmitriy90.ntown) Quit (Quit: )
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[15:54:54] <Spez_2009> день
[16:17:09] * dsv (~pIRCuser4@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[16:26:23] * prost (prost@ has joined
[16:26:32] <prost> !seen *!*@
[16:27:13] <prost> !seen *!*@
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[16:51:19] * Солнышко_грустит (pIRCuser@lan1-5-18.unity) has joined
[16:52:11] <Солнышко_грустит> !seen ХоЧу_ВиРтА_с_ДеВуШкОй
[16:52:15] <ixbt> Солнышко_грустит, ты же знаешь, что длинна ников лимитирована? :)
[16:53:43] * Солнышко_грустит (pIRCuser@lan1-5-18.unity) Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.2 < Personal IRC Team > and
[16:54:29] <Спец> жалко Солнышко....
[17:12:08] * prost (prost@ has joined
[17:12:21] <prost> !SEEN *!*@
[17:12:27] * prost (prost@ Quit (Quit: От безделья , чтоб не валять дурака , избегаю волнение...)
[17:18:15] * awayed ( has left ()
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[17:18:48] * Солнышко_грустит (pIRCuser@lan1-5-18.unity) has joined
[17:19:49] <Солнышко_грустит> !seen ХоЧу_ВиРтА_с_ДеВуШкОй
[17:19:49] <ixbt> Солнышко_грустит, ты же знаешь, что длинна ников лимитирована? :)
[17:32:51] * Leshka is now known as Leshka_away
[18:14:31] * SeenBot ( Quit (Write Error: Broken pipe)
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[18:15:57] * Mr-X (~irc@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[18:15:57] * PoRNo-MoRoZ ( Quit (Netsplitted)
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[18:25:59] <Spez_2009> !seen *!*@
[18:30:00] * PoRNo-MoRoZ ( Quit (Netsplitted)
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[19:04:19] * Leshka_away is now known as a`e
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[19:20:18] * Солнышко_грустит (pIRCuser@lan1-5-18.unity) Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.2 < Personal IRC Team > and
[19:45:08] * Spez_2009 (~none@ has left ()
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[20:23:06] * Cold_boy is now known as Cold_boy|спит
[20:30:51] <[маленький]> !seen Птаха
[20:30:51] <ixbt> [маленький], Я нашел 48 масок для вашего запроса. Вот 5 часто используемых: ~ангелочек~, Мася, звёздочка, Дёня, НИкитКА. ~ангелочек~ ( последний раз заходил на #СЕКС 53 секунд назад (20.04. 20:29). ~ангелочек~ все еще там.
[20:41:16] * Leshka is now known as awayed
[20:41:33] * [маленький] (ma1enkiym@ has left ()
[20:45:31] * Altea ( has left ()
[20:46:01] * Cold_boy|спит (pIRCuser@ Quit (Quit: ......)
[21:04:13] * _nblx is now known as nblx
[21:04:34] <Спец> Доброго вечера, люди
[21:06:10] * nblx is now known as _nblx
[21:06:52] * _nblx is now known as nblx
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[21:10:24] * [nblx] is now known as nblx
[21:10:48] * [Kenny] (~Dead@ has joined
[21:11:16] <[Kenny]> Всем привет =)
[21:16:22] * Спец (~braxirc@ Quit (Quit: Client closed connection)
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Query time 0.0713 s