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17 Октября 2009. Канал #seen

[00:26:09] * Cold_boy (pIRCuser@ Quit (Quit: )
[00:46:48] * ixbt ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[02:03:28] * Я_Люблю_Вас_Девушки (Rilannet@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[02:42:32] * Voloдьka ( has joined
[02:42:35] * Voloдьka ( has left ()
[04:01:27] * ZuZu ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[05:38:29] * NiceMaster (sky@gentoo.local) Quit (Netsplitted)
[09:16:45] * Lee ( has left ()
[09:16:53] * ertg (~kakah@ has joined
[09:30:55] * NiceMaster (sky@gentoo.local) has joined
[10:08:11] * Лещ (Fly@ has joined
[11:02:52] * ZuZu ( has joined
[11:03:34] * ZuZu is now known as `ZuZu
[11:03:43] * `ZuZu is now known as ZuZu
[11:33:26] * ixbt ( has joined
[11:51:59] * Cold_boy (pIRCuser@ has joined
[11:52:16] * Cold_boy (pIRCuser@ Quit (Client closed connection)
[12:08:44] * SPRINT is now known as SPRINT[offline]
[12:58:35] * Guest53231 (Fly@ has joined
[12:59:03] * Лещ (Fly@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[12:59:17] * Guest53231 is now known as Лещ
[13:04:03] * Anaconda ( has joined
[13:06:03] * Liberty (~newbot@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[13:06:03] * Notes (~Notes@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[13:06:03] * Nilmerg (~Nilmerg@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[13:06:03] * ZuZu ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[13:06:03] * Anaconda ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[13:06:03] * ertg (~kakah@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[13:06:04] * Talisman ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[13:06:04] * Night_Guardian ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[13:06:04] * nblx ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[13:06:04] * awayed ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[13:06:04] * Лещ (Fly@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[13:06:04] * CuCADMuH ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[13:06:04] * SPRINT[offline] ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[13:06:04] * stomatolog ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[13:06:04] * PoRNo-MoRoZ ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[13:06:04] * Fu5k_3dup ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[13:06:04] * Mr-X ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[13:06:05] * AliasNET ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[13:06:05] * tont ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[13:06:05] * nety (~topgear@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[13:06:05] * ant[bnc] ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[13:06:05] * Амелия ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[13:06:05] * Expert89[В_КоНтАкТе] ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[13:06:05] * NiceMaster (sky@gentoo.local) Quit (Netsplitted)
[13:06:05] * WebGirl (~girl@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[13:06:06] * iddqd ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[13:06:06] * ixbt ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[13:06:48] * AliasNET ( has joined
[13:06:48] * Лещ (Fly@ has joined
[13:06:48] * ixbt ( has joined
[13:06:48] * ZuZu ( has joined
[13:06:48] * NiceMaster (sky@gentoo.local) has joined
[13:06:48] * ertg (~kakah@ has joined
[13:06:48] * Fu5k_3dup ( has joined
[13:06:48] * ant[bnc] ( has joined
[13:06:48] * Mr-X ( has joined
[13:06:48] * CuCADMuH ( has joined
[13:06:48] * Амелия ( has joined
[13:06:48] * nety (~topgear@ has joined
[13:06:48] * Talisman ( has joined
[13:06:48] * Night_Guardian ( has joined
[13:06:48] * stomatolog ( has joined
[13:06:48] * nblx ( has joined
[13:06:49] * PoRNo-MoRoZ ( has joined
[13:06:49] * Expert89[В_КоНтАкТе] ( has joined
[13:06:49] * awayed ( has joined
[13:06:49] * SPRINT[offline] ( has joined
[13:06:49] * tont ( has joined
[13:06:49] * Liberty (~newbot@ has joined
[13:06:49] * Notes (~Notes@ has joined
[13:06:49] * Nilmerg (~Nilmerg@ has joined
[13:06:49] * WebGirl (~girl@ has joined
[13:06:49] * sets mode: +o AliasNET
[13:06:49] * sets mode: +v CuCADMuH
[13:06:49] * sets mode: +v Амелия
[13:06:49] * sets mode: +v nety
[13:06:49] * sets mode: +v Talisman
[13:06:49] * sets mode: +v Night_Guardian
[13:06:49] * sets mode: +v stomatolog
[13:06:49] * sets mode: +o tont
[13:06:49] * sets mode: +v Liberty
[13:06:49] * sets mode: +v Nilmerg
[13:06:49] * sets mode: +v WebGirl
[13:06:49] * iddqd ( has joined
[13:06:49] * sets mode: +v iddqd
[14:15:53] * Я_Люблю_Вас_Девушки (Rilannet@ has joined
[15:28:35] * ixbt ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[15:32:46] * ertg (~kakah@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[15:32:46] * nblx ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[15:32:46] * Night_Guardian ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[15:32:46] * Talisman ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[15:32:46] * awayed ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[15:32:46] * Лещ (Fly@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[15:32:46] * Я_Люблю_Вас_Девушки (Rilannet@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[15:32:46] * CuCADMuH ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[15:32:46] * SPRINT[offline] ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[15:32:47] * stomatolog ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[15:32:47] * PoRNo-MoRoZ ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[15:32:47] * Fu5k_3dup ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[15:32:47] * Mr-X ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[15:32:47] * AliasNET ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[15:32:47] * nety (~topgear@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[15:32:47] * tont ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[15:32:47] * ant[bnc] ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[15:32:47] * Expert89[В_КоНтАкТе] ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[15:32:47] * Амелия ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[15:32:54] * tont ( has joined
[15:32:54] * Я_Люблю_Вас_Девушки (Rilannet@ has joined
[15:32:54] * Лещ (Fly@ has joined
[15:32:54] * ertg (~kakah@ has joined
[15:32:54] * Fu5k_3dup ( has joined
[15:32:54] * SPRINT[offline] ( has joined
[15:32:54] * awayed ( has joined
[15:32:54] * Expert89[В_КоНтАкТе] ( has joined
[15:32:54] * PoRNo-MoRoZ ( has joined
[15:32:54] * nblx ( has joined
[15:32:54] * stomatolog ( has joined
[15:32:54] * Night_Guardian ( has joined
[15:32:54] * Talisman ( has joined
[15:32:54] * nety (~topgear@ has joined
[15:32:54] * Амелия ( has joined
[15:32:54] * CuCADMuH ( has joined
[15:32:54] * AliasNET ( has joined
[15:32:54] * Mr-X ( has joined
[15:32:55] * ant[bnc] ( has joined
[15:32:55] * sets mode: +o tont
[15:32:55] * sets mode: +v stomatolog
[15:32:55] * sets mode: +v Night_Guardian
[15:32:55] * sets mode: +v Talisman
[15:32:55] * sets mode: +v nety
[15:32:55] * sets mode: +v Амелия
[15:32:55] * sets mode: +v CuCADMuH
[15:32:55] * sets mode: +o AliasNET
[15:32:59] * Notes (~Notes@ Quit (Excess Flood)
[15:33:42] * Notes (~Notes@ has joined
[15:48:45] * NiceMaster (sky@gentoo.local) Quit (Excess Flood)
[15:49:33] * NiceMaster (sky@gentoo.local) has joined
[16:03:56] * SPRINT[offline] is now known as SPRINT
[16:08:56] * ixbt ( has joined
[16:35:56] * nety is now known as st1muL
[16:45:54] * КапитоШка_ (Rilannet@ has joined
[16:46:04] * Я_Люблю_Вас_Девушки (Rilannet@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[16:48:17] * Cold_boy (pIRCuser@ has joined
[16:48:44] * Cold_boy (pIRCuser@ Quit (Client closed connection)
[17:08:22] * satellite (qaz234wsx@ has joined
[17:28:06] * tont sets mode: +v ixbt
[17:28:06] * tont sets mode: +v NiceMaster
[17:28:06] * tont sets mode: +v Notes
[17:28:06] * tont sets mode: +v ZuZu
[17:29:02] * satellite (qaz234wsx@ has left ()
[17:43:13] * SPRINT is now known as SPRINT[offline]
[19:03:48] * НЯ (~pIRCuser@ has joined
[19:03:52] <НЯ> !seen Oliver
[19:03:54] <NiceMaster> НЯ, Oliver? хмм... Попробую вспомнить... может... Нет! Я не уверен... Нет. Я не помню Oliver.
[19:04:08] <НЯ> !seen |Oliver|
[19:04:10] <NiceMaster> НЯ, Не помню, чтобы видел |Oliver|.
[19:04:23] <НЯ> !seen Rosette
[19:04:24] <NiceMaster> НЯ, Rosette? хмм... Попробую вспомнить... может... Нет! Я не уверен... Нет. Я не помню Rosette.
[19:06:12] <НЯ> !seen Rosette Cristopher
[19:06:14] <NiceMaster> НЯ, ты же знаешь, что длинна ников лимитирована? :)
[19:06:33] <НЯ> !seen Milissa
[19:06:36] <NiceMaster> НЯ, Не помню, чтобы видел Milissa.
[19:06:46] <НЯ> !seen Ester
[19:06:48] <NiceMaster> НЯ, Ester? хмм... Попробую вспомнить... может... Нет! Я не уверен... Нет. Я не помню Ester.
[19:07:27] * tont sets mode: +b *!*@gentoo.local
[19:07:42] * NiceMaster was kicked by tont (.chanset #seen +quietseens)
[19:08:06] * tont sets mode: -b *!*@gentoo.local
[19:08:06] * tont sets mode: +b *!sky@gentoo.local
[19:10:07] <НЯ> !seen Hitokiri
[19:13:06] * st1muL is now known as nety
[19:34:36] * nety is now known as st1muL
[19:47:22] * st1muL is now known as nety
[19:48:44] * Cold_boy (pIRCuser@ has joined
[20:02:09] * Лещ (Fly@ Quit (Quit: Всем пока)
[20:02:44] * НЯ (pIRCuser@ has left ()
[20:10:14] * SPRINT[offline] is now known as SPRINT
[20:18:52] * НЯ (~pIRCuser@ has joined
[20:21:57] * Cold_boy (pIRCuser@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[20:27:17] * КапитоШка_ (Rilannet@ Quit (Quit: Наш форум: Фотогаллерея: Наш сайт:
[20:27:24] * НЯ is now known as Ищу_девушку_Москва
[20:27:52] * Ищу_девушку_Москва is now known as Ищу_девушку_Москва\Жуковский
[20:32:58] * Talisman ( has left ()
[20:38:17] * Talisman ( has joined
[20:38:21] * AliasNET sets mode: +v Talisman
[20:39:26] * Ищу_девушку_Москва\Жуковский is now known as надоело_убиваит
[20:40:03] * надоело_убиваит is now known as надоело_убивать
[20:56:57] * стырил ( has joined
[20:58:57] * SPRINT is now known as SPRINT[offline]
[21:22:48] * надоело_убивать (~pIRCuser@ Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.2 < Personal IRC Team > and
[22:08:21] <стырил> !seen Nelo_Cool
[22:08:35] <стырил> !seen Nelo*
[22:13:27] * Я_Люблю_Вас_Девушки (Rilannet@ has joined
[22:27:19] * стырил ( has left (No matter how dark the night, somehow the Sun rises once again)
[22:42:11] * Kartos (~z@ has joined
[22:42:17] * BanMode ( has joined
[22:42:17] * ChanServ sets mode: +o BanMode
[22:43:19] * Kartos (z@ has left ()
[22:44:07] * ixbt ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[22:48:46] * BanMode ( Quit (Quit: Товарищ! Верь! Взойдёт она, звезда пленительного счастья! IRCопы вспрянут ото сна и на обломках IRC напишут наши имена!)
Query time 0.1666 s