IRC логи каналов.

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10 Ноября 2008. Канал #seen

[00:01:27] * tont is now known as Фараон
[00:15:48] * ЕВГЕНИЙ_20 (_euser_@ has left ()
[00:28:11] * [ВИКТОРИЯ]|ФИЛЬМЕЦ (~viktoriya@vita7.ntown) has joined
[00:29:05] <[ВИКТОРИЯ]|ФИЛЬМЕЦ> !seen *!*@
[00:29:45] * [ВИКТОРИЯ]|ФИЛЬМЕЦ is now known as [ВИКТОРИЯ]
[00:30:49] <[ВИКТОРИЯ]> !seen *!*@
[00:36:30] * [ВИКТОРИЯ] (viktoriya@vita7.ntown) has left ()
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[00:39:44] * Guest106617 is now known as PIT-BULL
[00:58:02] * теплый (~mirc62@ Quit (Quit: Русифицированный mIRC 6.21 от yXo -= =- )
[00:59:47] * _AleN04ka_ (AleN04ka20@lan1-6-50.unity) Quit (Client closed connection)
[01:03:13] * НЕЗЕМНАЯЯЯ (~pIRCuser8@ has joined
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[01:21:08] * PircMann (pIRCuser20@ Quit (autokilled: Massads & Network abusing gate. Temporarily banned.)
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[01:30:08] * PircMann (pIRCuser20@ Quit (autokilled: Massads & Network abusing gate. Temporarily banned.)
[01:30:39] * PIT-BULL (olesay24@ Quit (Quit: )
[07:38:38] * Koshka Irish ( has joined
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[07:39:24] <Koshka Irish> !seen *!*@
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[07:54:09] <Koshka Irish> !seen *709666090@*
[07:54:30] <Koshka Irish> !seen *!*8jdj@*
[07:54:38] <Koshka Irish> !seen *8jdj@*
[07:55:00] <Koshka Irish> !seen *!*@
[07:55:45] <Koshka Irish> !seen *!*77090909@*
[07:56:16] <Koshka Irish> !seen *!*9999125999@*
[07:57:10] <Koshka Irish> !seen *!*@93.157.16.*
[07:59:59] <Koshka Irish> !seen *!*@213.142.32.*
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[09:56:42] <Дракошка> !seen стрело4НИК
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[10:52:52] <Koshka Irish> !seen *!*mazuta@*
[11:24:54] * NeoWolf (~xackers@ has joined
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[13:01:27] * Koshka Irish ( has joined
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[13:38:01] * ЕВГЕНИЙ_20 (_euser_@ has joined
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[13:55:38] * Iron_Man (~Man@ has joined
[13:55:40] <Iron_Man> !seen животное
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[14:00:16] * nblx (~penthouse@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[14:03:13] * Guest108325 is now known as PoRNo-MoRoZ
[14:04:13] * maR1k (marik@ has left ()
[14:04:13] * PoRNo-MoRoZ is now known as Guest108327
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[14:07:07] * Guest108326 is now known as nblx
[14:07:23] * Guest108331 is now known as PoRNo-MoRoZ
[14:13:53] * Cold_boy is now known as Cold_boy|away
[14:35:18] * ЕВГЕНИЙ_20 (_euser_@ has joined
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[14:37:02] * ~БРЭНД~ (_euser_@ has joined
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[15:17:53] * Cold_boy|away is now known as Cold_boy
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[15:22:18] <OverFlow> !seen Sail
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[16:00:52] * Hepllcu (Hepllcu@ has joined
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[16:21:50] <Cold_boy> !seen darkness-sall
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[16:28:57] * _AleN04ka_ is now known as _AleN04ka__ТюТЮ
[16:36:59] * Dva (YourBot@lan1-1-3.unity) has joined
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[16:37:51] * Фараон is now known as tont
[16:45:15] * PIT-BULL (olesay24@ has joined
[16:50:16] * Птенечка (~Ole4ka@ has joined
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[16:50:44] * Cold_boy (pIRCuser@ Quit (Quit: )
[17:09:01] * _СлаДкая_МеСть_ (_euser_@ has joined
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[17:12:51] * Animals_Dar|иs dead (Guest_@dmitriy90.ntown) Quit (Quit: WoW Liga CLub Server 2.4.2 & *))
[17:26:19] * _AleN04ka__ТюТЮ (AleN04ka20@lan1-6-50.unity) Quit (Client closed connection)
[17:36:38] * DEAD-ZOMBI|~буХОЙ (zombi@ has joined
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[17:38:22] <DEAD-ZOMBI|~буХОЙ> !seen *!*
[17:39:30] <`System`> !seen !
[17:41:06] <`System`> !seen *!*
[17:41:22] * DEAD-ZOMBI|~буХОЙ (zombi@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[17:41:53] <`System`> !seen *!*
[17:43:11] * Hepllcu (Hepllcu@ has left ()
[17:55:27] * _СлаДкая_МеСть_ (_euser_@ Quit (Quit: )
[17:55:33] * PIT-BULL (olesay24@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[18:00:01] <`System`> !seen *!*
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[18:01:16] * [[[_Дъяволица_]]] ( has joined
[18:01:20] <[[[_Дъяволица_]]]> Всем привет!Я пришла,цветов не надо =)
[18:02:42] * Внуснящка (~pIRCuser@ has joined
[18:02:47] <Внуснящка> !seen Shuher 
[18:04:55] * [[[_Дъяволица_]]] ( has left ()
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[18:24:47] * `System` is now known as `System`_BNC
[18:50:18] * Shelby ( has left ()
[18:51:31] * Mr_President (zZzZz@abcb.ntown) has joined
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[18:57:26] * Sail (~_@ has joined
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[19:40:20] * BlackSmith (_____@ Quit (Quit: Ты меня не любишь - ну и чёрт с тобой!!! Бог тебя накажет СЕРНОЙ КИСЛОТОЙ!!!)
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[20:33:57] * yMHuK (yMHuK@ has left ()
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[23:37:54] * Первый_Парень_грустит (killyours@ has left ()
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[23:59:53] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Фараон
Query time 0.2851 s