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18 Мая 2015. Канал #romantic

[00:06:33] * мандарин ( Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.2 < Personal IRC Team > and
[00:19:31] * Озарница (~Olga@ Quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium
[00:25:02] * Vi (~wenet@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[00:25:45] * Vi (~wenet@ has joined
[00:25:45] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Vi
[00:28:16] * Kristinka хлюпает носом
[00:28:29] * машутка (~ZUser@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[00:29:03] * esegua зевает
[00:29:23] * мерзопакость sets mode: +l 40
[00:34:15] * машутка (~ZUser@ has joined
[00:34:16] * YooKim sets mode: +v машутка
[00:37:05] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Kristinka
[00:37:26] * Kristinka changes topic to ' :: Romantic :: Место для знакомств, флирта и дружеского общения Цитатник - Made in Trollface[wrk]'
[00:46:18] * Kristinka (~hjku@ Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.2 < Personal IRC Team > and
[00:52:45] * Vi (~wenet@ Quit (Quit: )
[01:23:46] * maxwell (~maxwell@ Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[01:24:02] * maxwell (~maxwell@ has joined
[01:24:06] * Luke смотрит фильм ЛОФТ
[01:25:10] * maxwell (~maxwell@ Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[01:42:11] * esegua is now known as syrix
[01:43:30] * maxwell (~maxwell@ has joined
[01:56:00] * Неприкасаемая ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[02:02:32] * машутка (~ZUser@ Quit (Quit: )
[02:03:53] * мерзопакость sets mode: +l 37
[02:29:28] * syrix (~syrix@ Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[02:47:13] * nofunallowed ( has joined
[02:47:30] * nofunallowed ( has left ()
[03:25:59] * XenonSP is now known as додекаэдр
[03:28:22] * сисурити (~fcz@ Quit (Quit: а)
[03:41:46] * Luke ушел (Autoaway после 45 минут ожидания)
[03:41:46] * Luke is now known as Luke|away
[04:33:43] * додекаэдр is now known as XenonSP
[04:34:25] * XenonSP is now known as додекаэдр
[05:27:38] * Chester[BNC] is now known as Chester
[05:27:56] * Murmaiden ( has joined
[05:27:59] * YooKim sets mode: +v Murmaiden
[05:41:56] * соляра (~dwb@ has joined
[05:41:58] * YooKim sets mode: +v соляра
[05:42:35] * соляра is now known as соляра_OFF
[06:19:34] * вктрка ( has joined
[06:19:35] * YooKim sets mode: +v вктрка
[06:33:26] * jtb_KAAA ( Quit (Quit: Bye)
[07:04:11] * Murmaiden ( Quit (Quit: Моя совесть настолько чиста и прозрачна, что ее практически не видно... Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт NeOn Script 9.! CкАчАй с :)
[07:24:54] * Озарница (~Olga@ has joined
[07:24:55] * YooKim sets mode: +v Озарница
[08:11:13] * Kristinka (~hjku@ has joined
[08:11:17] * YooKim sets mode: +v Kristinka
[08:38:55] * соляра_OFF is now known as соляра
[08:51:21] * Eugine-x (Miranda@ has joined
[08:51:53] * мерзопакость sets mode: +l 39
[08:54:54] * syrix (~syrix@ has joined
[09:04:43] * додекаэдр is now known as Xenon_ЖДРЁТ
[09:15:26] * Kristinka (~hjku@ Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.2 < Personal IRC Team > and
[09:24:22] * Wit (~wit@ has joined
[09:24:55] * enot ( has joined
[09:26:23] * мерзопакость sets mode: +l 41
[09:31:08] * Mint (Kate@ has joined
[09:31:09] * YooKim sets mode: +v Mint
[09:43:08] * Неприкасаемая ( has joined
[09:43:09] * YooKim sets mode: +v Неприкасаемая
[09:43:16] * c0da (~-@ has joined
[09:44:23] * мерзопакость sets mode: +l 44
[09:46:58] * Luke|away is now known as Luke
[09:49:19] * c0da (~-@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[09:50:15] * c0da (~-@ has joined
[09:50:33] * c0da всем привет
[09:54:23] * iliy-w (pll@ has joined
[09:58:17] * enot is now known as enot|wrk
[10:07:13] * Wit рад видеть прекрасную соляра и приветствует ее на этом канале
[10:07:17] * Wit утащил соляра в уголок и полюбил
[10:07:21] * _ЧИРСКАЯ_ (~kvirc@ has joined
[10:07:22] * YooKim sets mode: +v _ЧИРСКАЯ_
[10:08:23] * мерзопакость sets mode: +l 46
[10:09:37] * соляра угостила печенькой Wit
[10:09:43] * Wit налил соляра чашку чая
[10:25:43] * GateUser ( has joined
[10:25:53] * GateUser is now known as frat
[10:38:32] * _ЧИРСКАЯ_ (~kvirc@ Quit (Quit: до скорых встреч)
[10:46:15] * Leo_Romeo (~HackUser@ has joined
[10:46:15] * enot|wrk ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[10:51:00] * Mint (Kate@ Quit (Client closed connection)
[10:53:26] * соляра is now known as соляра_OFF
[10:55:49] * мандарин ( has joined
[10:56:30] * Mint (Kate@ has joined
[10:56:32] * YooKim sets mode: +v Mint
[10:57:31] * enot ( has joined
[10:57:53] * мерзопакость sets mode: +l 48
[11:00:38] * соляра_OFF is now known as соляра
[11:01:32] * мандарин потрунькал соляра
[11:02:03] * LuTeR (~luter@ has joined
[11:11:52] * Scapegrace (~scapegrace@ has joined
[11:11:56] * Scapegrace (~scapegrace@ has left (--)
[11:11:58] * Scapegrace (~scapegrace@ has joined
[11:12:53] * мерзопакость sets mode: +l 50
[11:39:15] * Dre|away is now known as Dre
[11:39:34] * соляра (~dwb@ Quit (Quit: Quit (Quit: When two people dream the same dream, it ceases to be an illusion.)
[11:44:52] * Xenon_ЖДРЁТ is now known as додекаэдр
[11:47:10] * Eugine-x (Miranda@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[11:47:32] * Eugine-x (~Miranda@ has joined
[11:50:17] * enot ( Quit (Quit: )
[11:57:03] * Antisocial (~MORON@ has joined
[12:15:31] * Eugine-x is now known as Eugine-x{away}
[12:37:34] * Озарница (~Olga@ Quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium
[12:39:53] * Kristinka (~hjku@ has joined
[12:39:56] * YooKim sets mode: +v Kristinka
[12:41:25] * Kristinka покосилась на Antisocial
[12:42:53] * Wit рад видеть прекрасную Kristinka и приветствует ее на этом канале
[13:08:15] * Vi (~wenet@ has joined
[13:08:15] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Vi
[13:14:24] * enot ( has joined
[13:20:44] * Kostya ( has joined
[13:21:53] * мерзопакость sets mode: +l 52
[13:26:40] * сисурити (~fcz@ has joined
[13:28:49] * vovnuke ( Quit (Quit: vovnuke)
[13:30:37] * vovnuke ( has joined
[13:30:44] * LuTeR (~luter@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[13:31:06] * LuTeR (~luter@ has joined
[14:13:48] * Vi (~wenet@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[14:18:01] * Leo_Romeo (~HackUser@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[14:24:49] * Leo_Romeo (~HackUser@ has joined
[15:05:36] * YooKim sets mode: +b *!*
[15:05:36] * Dre was kicked by YooKim (Вот и договорились, предупреждали, теперь досвидания :) до встречи! :bwcount: #9231 :)
[15:11:35] * Eugine-x{away} is now known as Eugine-x
[15:25:12] * Mint (Kate@ Quit (Quit: @}--'--)
[15:25:36] * enot is now known as enot|wrk
[15:26:03] * Vi (~wenet@ has joined
[15:26:04] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Vi
[15:29:27] * Leo_Romeo (~HackUser@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[15:36:23] * Leo_Romeo (~HackUser@ has joined
[15:44:44] * YooKim sets mode: -b *!*
[15:45:56] * enot ( has joined
[15:47:59] * c1da (~-@ has joined
[15:48:31] * c0da (~-@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[15:48:54] * Wit [глушит соседей подъ]: НЭНСИ - ДЫМ СИГАРЕТ С МЕНТОЛОМ (REMIX) [06:13]
[15:49:07] * Vi (~wenet@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[15:51:10] * Dre ( has joined
[15:51:51] * frat slaps Kristinka around a bit with a large fishbot
[15:54:59] * c1da is now known as c0da
[16:10:28] * Antisocial is now known as Стальная_Крыса
[16:14:02] * Leo_Romeo (~HackUser@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[16:15:51] * Leo_Romeo (~HackUser@ has joined
[16:23:29] * Murmaiden ( has joined
[16:23:31] * YooKim sets mode: +v Murmaiden
[16:24:28] * Wit достал АК-74, LuTeR, предъявите Ваши документы!
[16:24:34] * Wit рад видеть прекрасную Murmaiden и приветствует ее на этом канале
[16:24:40] * Wit рад видеть благородного maxwell и приветствует его на этом канале
[16:27:50] * Scapegrace (~scapegrace@ Quit (Quit: --)
[16:30:37] * Озарница (~Olga@ has joined
[16:30:38] * YooKim sets mode: +v Озарница
[16:30:50] * enot is now known as enot|aw
[16:31:07] * Leo_Romeo (~HackUser@ Quit (Quit: тыц)
[16:33:01] * Luke поздравил Murmaiden
[16:38:12] * Kristinka (~hjku@ Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.2 < Personal IRC Team > and
[16:47:47] * Неприкасаемая ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[16:53:52] * jtb_KAAA ( has joined
[16:56:08] * Стальная_Крыса is now known as Бегущая_Черепаха
[17:04:44] * maxwell (~maxwell@ Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[17:05:58] * Mint (Kate@ has joined
[17:05:59] * YooKim sets mode: +v Mint
[17:06:47] * Luke ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[17:07:47] * syrix обнял Murmaiden
[17:08:32] * Murmaiden обняла syrix
[17:09:00] * Бегущая_Черепаха тоже лезет абнимацо
[17:11:13] * Luke ( has joined
[17:14:27] * enot|aw is now known as enot
[17:15:55] * maxwell (~maxwell@ has joined
[17:19:48] * мандарин ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[17:24:15] * jtb_KAAA is now known as crafti4
[17:30:09] * c0da (~-@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[17:36:58] * Неприкасаемая ( has joined
[17:36:59] * YooKim sets mode: +v Неприкасаемая
[17:57:57] * syrix (~syrix@ Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[17:59:38] * Trollface (~troll@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[18:00:54] * мерзопакость sets mode: +l 49
[18:02:05] * Неприкасаемая ( Quit (Quit: )
[18:02:40] * Trollface (~troll@ has joined
[18:10:35] * Mints ( has joined
[18:10:36] * YooKim sets mode: +v Mints
[18:10:58] * Mint (Kate@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[18:12:38] * iliy-w (pll@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[18:13:40] * Mints ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[18:19:24] * Mints (Kate@ has joined
[18:19:25] * YooKim sets mode: +v Mints
[18:22:18] * Mints (Kate@ Quit (Quit: @}--'--)
[18:23:04] * Mint (Kate@ has joined
[18:23:05] * YooKim sets mode: +v Mint
[18:46:11] * Wit (~wit@ Quit (Quit: если минарет - значит выше всех)
[18:52:47] * Chester is now known as Chester[BNC]
[19:00:25] * Wit (~wit@ has joined
[19:04:05] * jtb_KAAA^mb is now known as crafti4_mb
[19:33:16] * syrix (~syrix@ has joined
[19:35:33] * Etherworld (~artyem@ has joined
[19:35:51] * Etherworld (~artyem@ has left (WeeChat 1.2-rc1)
[19:47:29] * crafti4 is now known as BT_figurant
[19:51:30] * veles (~gessika@ has joined
[19:52:08] * veles щипает Rain
[19:53:43] * BT_figurant ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[19:53:44] * qwart_mb ( has joined
[19:54:11] * Wit (~wit@ Quit (Quit: если минарет - значит выше всех)
[19:54:24] * qwart_mb ( Quit (Quit: Bye)
[19:54:43] * LuTeR (~luter@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[19:54:51] * crafti4_mb is now known as BT_figurant|2
[19:57:38] * BT_figurant ( has joined
[20:08:37] * Бегущая_Черепаха (~MORON@ Quit (Quit: )
[20:09:06] * Kostya ( Quit (Quit: quit)
[20:09:13] * Kostya ( has joined
[20:12:16] * veles (~gessika@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[20:12:55] * мерзопакость sets mode: +l 46
[20:15:14] * Vi (~wenet@ has joined
[20:15:14] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Vi
[20:17:28] * соляра (~la@ has joined
[20:17:29] * YooKim sets mode: +v соляра
[20:18:54] * мерзопакость sets mode: +l 48
[20:28:50] * Eugine-x (~Miranda@ Quit (Quit: У правды интонация одна (C) Eugine-x)
[20:32:00] * Неприкасаемая ( has joined
[20:32:01] * YooKim sets mode: +v Неприкасаемая
[20:33:39] * мандарин ( has joined
[20:35:07] * соляра пытаица сделать фреш из мандарин: )
[20:38:11] * Kristinka (~hjku@ has joined
[20:38:13] * YooKim sets mode: +v Kristinka
[20:38:24] * мерзопакость sets mode: +l 50
[20:38:57] * Kristinka похлопала Mint пажопи
[20:40:04] * _ЧИРСКАЯ_ (~kvirc@ has joined
[20:40:05] * YooKim sets mode: +v _ЧИРСКАЯ_
[20:40:17] * мандарин оголил жопу перед Kristinka
[20:45:19] * NDrop ( has joined
[20:45:54] * мерзопакость sets mode: +l 52
[20:46:38] * Murmaiden ( Quit (Quit: Не пьющий человек в принципе вызывает подозрение! Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт NeOn Script 9.! CкАчАй с :)
[20:49:08] * мандарин стучит в танк Trollface
[20:50:45] * NDrop ( has left ()
[20:53:00] * DasHuTka (~androirc@ has joined
[20:53:01] * YooKim sets mode: +v DasHuTka
[20:54:09] * Тушканчик ( has joined
[20:55:36] * Trollface налил мандарин семилетнего Ноя
[20:58:04] * Ander (~gessika@ has joined
[21:01:57] * мандарин ушёл по-тихонму
[21:13:29] * Ander (~gessika@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[21:13:36] * Ander (~gessika@ has joined
[21:19:59] * Hentiamenti (~lnl@ has joined
[21:20:24] * мерзопакость sets mode: +l 54
[21:27:33] * Kristinka вооружилась лупой
[21:28:24] * соляра сидит закинув ногу на ногу
[21:28:31] * DasHuTka (~androirc@ Quit (Client closed connection)
[21:28:50] * zag (~ron@ has joined
[21:29:42] * _ЧИРСКАЯ_ (~kvirc@ Quit (Quit: до скорых встреч)
[21:30:21] * соляра (~la@ Quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium
[21:30:35] * Kristinka гыкает
[21:31:38] * вктрка ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[21:32:24] * мерзопакость sets mode: +l 51
[21:33:09] * Nelson (~nel@ has joined
[21:35:15] * andessa (~gessika@ has joined
[21:35:21] * Ander (~gessika@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[21:35:47] * c0da (~andrey@ has joined
[21:36:15] * andessa (~gessika@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[21:36:19] * Ander (~gessika@ has joined
[21:36:54] * мерзопакость sets mode: +l 53
[21:43:12] * Ander (~gessika@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[21:43:14] * Ander (~gessika@ has joined
[21:43:15] * Ander (~gessika@ Quit (Client closed connection)
[21:43:52] * c0da всем привет
[21:46:47] * c0da разводит америкосов на бабло
[21:51:14] * Kristinka ушла курить ноболкон
[21:51:58] * Trollface was kicked by YooKim (Вот и договорились, предупреждали, теперь досвидания :) до встречи! :bwcount: #9233 :)
[21:52:01] * Trollface (~troll@ has joined
[21:57:06] * enot ( Quit (Quit: )
[21:57:17] * Luna ( has joined
[21:57:18] * YooKim sets mode: +v Luna
[21:58:23] * syrix (~syrix@ Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[22:01:13] * Озарница (~Olga@ Quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium
[22:02:24] * мерзопакость sets mode: +l 50
[22:03:17] * Trollface погладил Luna
[22:11:06] * Scapegrace (~asterisk@ has joined
[22:33:43] * Hentiamenti (~lnl@ Quit (Quit: )
[22:37:52] * Makaway is now known as Mak
[22:39:26] * Vi (~wenet@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[22:41:06] * Nelson (~nel@ Quit (Quit: НЕТ)
[22:46:03] * Alumin (androirc@ has joined
[22:46:59] * Vi (~wenet@ has joined
[22:46:59] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Vi
[22:49:58] * Alumin (androirc@ Quit (Quit: AndroIRC - Android IRC Client ( ))
[22:56:11] * Kostya ( Quit (Quit: quit)
[22:57:34] * Luke ( Quit (Quit: Papa Joe)
[22:57:54] * мерзопакость sets mode: +l 47
[22:58:41] * Mint (Kate@ Quit (Quit: @}--'--)
[23:15:48] * c0da всем снов
[23:16:07] * c0da (~andrey@ Quit (Quit: -)
[23:19:18] * Тушканчик ( Quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium
[23:20:24] * мерзопакость sets mode: +l 44
[23:20:44] * BT_figurant is now known as jooKINGlee
[23:22:23] * jooKINGlee ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[23:22:23] * qwart_mb ( has joined
[23:22:50] * qwart_mb is now known as jooKINGlee
[23:23:11] * jooKINGlee ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[23:23:11] * qwart_mb ( has joined
[23:30:39] * qwart_mb is now known as STARSdeveloper
[23:35:01] * STARSdeveloper is now known as fd_KOTYAT
[23:47:47] * fd_KOTYAT ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[23:47:47] * qwart_mb ( has joined
[23:48:08] * qwart_mb is now known as fd_KOTYAT
[23:59:20] * frat ( Quit (Ping timeout)
Query time 0.0163 s