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20 Октября 2014. Канал #romantic

[00:01:12] * Depeche_Mode is now known as Depeche_Mode_away
[00:07:24] * Nike ( Quit (Quit: ...:: Русифицированный mIRC . от CrEmAtOrY ::... --••» «••---)
[00:09:18] * Ксюшка (~user@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[00:10:28] * Kristinka (~hjku@ Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.2 < Personal IRC Team > and
[00:11:00] * Тушканчик ( Quit (Quit: )
[00:11:20] * мерзопакость sets mode: +l 40
[00:16:52] * kisska (~kisska@ Quit (Quit: -a- Android IRC 2.1.10 )
[00:36:26] * Mint (~AndChat112404@ Quit (Quit: --'--<(@)
[00:36:32] * Mint (~AndChat112404@ has joined
[00:36:34] * YooKim sets mode: +v Mint
[01:11:39] * Prana (~bestirc@ has left ()
[01:18:25] * adamix` ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[01:18:50] * мерзопакость sets mode: +l 37
[01:44:35] * Guest478 (~____@ has joined
[01:46:41] * NDrop ( has joined
[01:47:05] * NDrop ( has left ( - Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP))
[01:47:40] * Guest478 (~____@ Quit (Quit: )
[02:04:20] * _ЧИРСКАЯ_ (~kvirc@ Quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium
[02:17:38] * Ebola is now known as Makar[wrk]
[02:18:45] * Makar[wrk] is now known as Ebola
[02:30:35] * Ebola is now known as Makar[wrk]
[02:32:29] * Makar[wrk] is now known as Ebola
[02:33:46] * Ebola is now known as Makar[wrk]
[02:33:52] * Makar[wrk] is now known as Ebola
[02:36:14] * Ebola is now known as Makar[wrk]
[02:36:19] * Makar[wrk] is now known as Ebola
[02:40:19] * Ebola is now known as Makar[wrk]
[02:40:28] * Makar[wrk] is now known as Ebola
[03:04:56] * Ebola is now known as Makar[wrk]
[03:05:01] * Makar[wrk] is now known as Ebola
[03:05:39] * Ebola is now known as Makar[wrk]
[03:05:44] * Makar[wrk] is now known as Ebola
[03:09:29] * Ebola is now known as Makar[wrk]
[03:09:34] * Makar[wrk] is now known as Ebola
[03:14:46] * Ebola is now known as Makar[wrk]
[03:14:52] * Makar[wrk] is now known as Ebola
[05:12:31] * мыф (~Leksia@ has joined
[05:12:33] * YooKim sets mode: +v мыф
[05:55:37] * мыф (~Leksia@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[05:56:29] * мыфф (Leksia@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[06:03:02] * Ксюшка (~user@ has joined
[06:03:03] * YooKim sets mode: +v Ксюшка
[06:07:50] * Ксюшка (~user@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[06:29:50] * Murmaiden (~mur@ has joined
[06:29:52] * YooKim sets mode: +v Murmaiden
[06:51:01] * Trollface (~troll@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[06:54:46] * Trollface (~troll@ has joined
[07:05:35] * nlo (~nlo@ has joined
[07:06:36] * Mint (~AndChat112404@ Quit (Quit: --'--<(@)
[07:06:42] * Mint (~AndChat112404@ has joined
[07:06:44] * YooKim sets mode: +v Mint
[07:09:45] * Murmaiden (~mur@ Quit (Quit: Не умеешь летать - не марай тротуар. Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт NeOn Script 9.! CкАчАй с :)
[07:15:01] * nlo (~nlo@ Quit (Quit: nlo)
[07:41:21] * мими|away is now known as мими
[07:41:41] * YooKim sets mode: +o мими
[07:46:44] * Trollface (~troll@ Quit (Quit: Textual IRC Client:
[07:47:20] * мерзопакость sets mode: +l 34
[07:49:23] * мими is now known as мими|away
[07:49:32] * мими|away is now known as мими
[07:53:46] * мыф (~Leksia@ has joined
[07:53:48] * YooKim sets mode: +v мыф
[07:53:58] * мыфф (Leksia@ has joined
[07:53:59] * YooKim sets mode: +v мыфф
[07:54:49] * Mint (~AndChat112404@ Quit (Quit: --'--<(@)
[07:54:49] * мыф is now known as Guest30328
[07:54:55] * Mint (~AndChat112404@ has joined
[07:54:56] * YooKim sets mode: +v Mint
[07:56:20] * мерзопакость sets mode: +l 36
[07:57:36] * мими привязала к Mint якорь
[07:57:39] * БелкО_о (~AndChat314001@ has joined
[07:57:41] * YooKim sets mode: +v БелкО_о
[08:04:20] * kotobus ( has joined
[08:04:21] * YooKim sets mode: +v kotobus
[08:04:34] * kotobus ( Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[08:05:40] * h1de (~HELLSING@ has joined
[08:06:50] * мерзопакость sets mode: +l 38
[08:19:51] * БелкО_о (~AndChat314001@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[08:38:54] * БелкО_о (~AndChat314001@ has joined
[08:38:56] * YooKim sets mode: +v БелкО_о
[08:40:03] * Guest30328 is now known as мыф
[08:46:28] * Mint (~AndChat112404@ Quit (Quit: --'--<(@)
[08:46:35] * Mint (~AndChat112404@ has joined
[08:46:36] * YooKim sets mode: +v Mint
[08:57:56] * Depeche_Mode_away is now known as Depeche_Mode
[09:03:40] * Лилит ( has joined
[09:03:41] * YooKim sets mode: +v Лилит
[09:06:26] * Озарница (~Olga@ has joined
[09:06:27] * YooKim sets mode: +v Озарница
[09:06:50] * мерзопакость sets mode: +l 40
[09:21:57] * cheat (~cheat@ Quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium
[09:30:47] * Depeche_Mode is now known as Depeche_Mode{away}
[09:30:56] * Сеньёр_Абакан (~pIRCuser84@ has joined
[09:31:56] * Сеньёр_Абакан (~pIRCuser84@ Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.2 < Personal IRC Team > and
[09:34:12] * мими is now known as мими|away
[09:35:09] * Trollface[wrk] потрогал Лилит
[09:35:33] * Лилит погладила Trollface[wrk]
[09:37:16] * мими|away is now known as ми
[09:41:08] * adamix` ( has joined
[09:43:00] * HE60 (~blackSky@ has joined
[09:58:07] * nlo (~nlo@ has joined
[09:59:21] * мерзопакость sets mode: +l 42
[10:02:25] * iliy-w (makfol@ has joined
[10:03:43] * nlo потискал чота у ми
[10:03:45] * Озарница (~Olga@ Quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.4 Insomnia
[10:03:57] * ми пошатала nlo
[10:13:29] * КриСкаКиСка|AwAy ( Quit (Quit: KILL выполнен.)
[10:14:07] * Depeche_Mode{away} is now known as Depeche_Mode
[10:25:00] * nlo (~nlo@ Quit (Client closed connection)
[10:26:32] * Mint (~AndChat112404@ Quit (Quit: --'--<(@)
[10:26:39] * Mint (~AndChat112404@ has joined
[10:26:40] * YooKim sets mode: +v Mint
[10:27:02] * nlo (~nlo@ has joined
[10:30:02] * nlo (~nlo@ Quit (Client closed connection)
[10:30:18] * nlo (~nlo@ has joined
[10:38:17] * nlo (~nlo@ Quit (Quit: nlo)
[10:42:36] * Trollface[wrk] потеребонькал Лилит
[10:44:03] * Nike ( has joined
[10:54:18] * ми is now known as мими
[10:55:01] * Trollface[wrk] нэжна потеребонькал Лилит
[10:55:31] * Лилит нэжна пнула Trollface[wrk]
[10:56:54] * Nike ( Quit (Quit: )
[11:08:18] * Ксюшка (~user@ has joined
[11:08:20] * YooKim sets mode: +v Ксюшка
[11:19:20] * мими is now known as ми
[11:21:47] * Озарница (~Olga@ has joined
[11:21:48] * YooKim sets mode: +v Озарница
[11:25:18] * Mint (~AndChat112404@ Quit (Quit: --'--<(@)
[11:25:25] * Mint (~AndChat112404@ has joined
[11:25:27] * YooKim sets mode: +v Mint
[11:27:56] * h1de (~HELLSING@ has left ()
[11:30:39] * Mint (~AndChat112404@ Quit (Quit: --'--<(@)
[11:30:46] * Mint (~AndChat112404@ has joined
[11:30:47] * YooKim sets mode: +v Mint
[11:31:40] * h1de (~HELLSING@ has joined
[11:48:57] * Kristinka (~hjku@ has joined
[11:49:00] * YooKim sets mode: +v Kristinka
[11:53:25] * Depeche_Mode is now known as Depeche_Mode_away
[11:56:05] * Depeche_Mode_away is now known as Depeche_Mode
[11:58:37] * Depeche_Mode is now known as Kseniya
[12:01:59] * Eugine-x (Miranda@ has joined
[12:02:21] * мерзопакость sets mode: +l 44
[12:06:03] * Лилит ( Quit (Quit: Ушла творить бобро... с особой жестокостью!...)
[12:10:34] * Rain угостил Озарница солнечной мандаринкой
[12:25:46] * Mint (~AndChat112404@ Quit (Quit: --'--<(@)
[12:25:53] * Mint (~AndChat112404@ has joined
[12:25:54] * YooKim sets mode: +v Mint
[12:58:32] * Лилит (~Lilita@ has joined
[12:58:33] * YooKim sets mode: +v Лилит
[13:03:08] * Luke ( has joined
[13:08:49] * h1de (~HELLSING@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[13:09:01] * h1de (~HELLSING@ has joined
[13:09:09] * Озарница (~Olga@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[13:14:57] * Чюдо ( has joined
[13:14:58] * YooKim sets mode: +v Чюдо
[13:17:46] * Mint (~AndChat112404@ Quit (Quit: --'--<(@)
[13:17:52] * Mint (~AndChat112404@ has joined
[13:17:53] * YooKim sets mode: +v Mint
[13:21:16] * Озарница (~Olga@ has joined
[13:21:17] * YooKim sets mode: +v Озарница
[13:21:51] * мерзопакость sets mode: +l 46
[13:22:37] * мандарин ( has joined
[13:24:02] * Лилит сняла с мандарин шкурку
[13:24:19] * мандарин снял с Лилит всё лишнее и унес куда надо
[13:24:45] * мандарин снял с Озарница всё лишнее и унес куда надо
[13:26:03] * Leo_Romeo (~HackUser@ has joined
[13:26:21] * мерзопакость sets mode: +l 48
[13:26:30] * Luke крепко крепко обнял Озарница
[13:28:55] * Лилит тормашит Leo_Romeo
[13:29:37] * Leo_Romeo протягивает Лилит @-}--'--
[13:30:17] * Mint налила чай Чюдо
[13:34:52] * Озарница рассыпала конфети над головой Luke и надела ему праздничный колпак
[13:35:14] * Озарница подудела в эту самую
[13:37:40] * Kinesskop (~kinesskop@ has joined
[13:43:39] * Kinesskop (~kinesskop@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[13:45:13] * Kinesskop (~kinesskop@ has joined
[13:46:00] * Mint (~AndChat112404@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[13:46:40] * Сахарочек (~Lili@ has joined
[13:46:40] * Лилит (~Lilita@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[13:46:42] * YooKim sets mode: +v Сахарочек
[13:47:10] * Озарница подняла бокал за здоровье Luke
[13:47:51] * Luke радуется Озарнице
[13:47:58] * Mint (~AndChat112404@ has joined
[13:47:59] * YooKim sets mode: +v Mint
[13:57:24] * Озарница пkzitn
[13:57:29] * Озарница пляшет
[14:07:09] * Trollface[wrk] was kicked by YooKim (Вот и договорились, предупреждали, теперь досвидания :) до встречи! :bwcount: #8523 :)
[14:07:13] * Trollface[wrk] ( has joined
[14:12:56] * Eugine-x (Miranda@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[14:23:46] * iliy-w (makfol@ Quit (Read error: Input/output error)
[14:25:55] * Mint (~AndChat112404@ Quit (Quit: --'--<(@)
[14:26:02] * Mint (~AndChat112404@ has joined
[14:26:03] * YooKim sets mode: +v Mint
[14:27:03] * h1de (~HELLSING@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[14:30:25] * мандарин ( has left ()
[14:30:51] * мерзопакость sets mode: +l 45
[14:35:36] * Ксюшка (~user@ Quit (Quit: Навсегда расстаемся с тобой, дружок. Нарисуй на бумаге простой кружок. Это буду я: ничего внутри. Посмотри на него — и потом сотри.)
[14:41:11] * Eugine-x (Miranda@ has joined
[14:43:51] * iliy-w (makfol@ has joined
[14:44:37] * Eugine-x для разнообразия ест кашу
[14:55:11] * Kostya ( has joined
[14:56:21] * мерзопакость sets mode: +l 47
[14:57:38] * impres is now known as pIRCuser2
[14:57:44] * pIRCuser2 is now known as impres
[14:58:20] * ми завидует зеленой завистью
[14:58:47] * Luke заностальгировал на пару минут
[14:59:32] * ми кушает
[15:02:17] * Mint (~AndChat112404@ Quit (Quit: --'--<(@)
[15:02:24] * Mint (~AndChat112404@ has joined
[15:02:25] * YooKim sets mode: +v Mint
[15:05:01] * h1de (~HELLSING@ has joined
[15:09:52] * ми зазевалась
[15:09:56] * Kinesskop (~kinesskop@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[15:10:02] * сисурити (~fwefwe@ Quit (Quit: а)
[15:10:31] * Mint (~AndChat112404@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[15:12:51] * Mint (~AndChat112404@ has joined
[15:12:53] * YooKim sets mode: +v Mint
[15:15:57] * Mint (~AndChat112404@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[15:17:50] * Mint (~AndChat112404@ has joined
[15:17:51] * YooKim sets mode: +v Mint
[15:19:14] * nigodai ( Quit (Quit: Русифицированный mIRC 6.35 от yXo ** **)
[15:25:53] * Mint (~AndChat112404@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[15:26:00] * Mint (~AndChat112404@ has joined
[15:26:02] * YooKim sets mode: +v Mint
[15:26:19] * Озарница (~Olga@ Quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.4 Insomnia
[15:26:21] * мерзопакость sets mode: +l 44
[15:28:10] * Сахарочек (~Lili@ Quit (Client closed connection)
[15:28:24] * Сахарочек (~Lili@ has joined
[15:28:26] * YooKim sets mode: +v Сахарочек
[15:31:57] * Murmaiden (~mur@ has joined
[15:32:00] * YooKim sets mode: +v Murmaiden
[15:32:26] * Сахарочек Щипнула ми
[15:33:54] * Leo_Romeo (~HackUser@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[15:33:56] * Wit (~wit12@ has joined
[15:34:15] * Сахарочек Пнула Luke
[15:34:24] * Leo_Romeo (~HackUser@ has joined
[15:34:33] * Wit рад видеть прекрасную Сахарочек и приветствует ее на этом канале
[15:34:48] * ми тык Wit
[15:34:54] * Wit рад видеть прекрасную ми и приветствует ее на этом канале
[15:35:21] * мерзопакость sets mode: +l 46
[15:36:31] * Luke ( has left (closed channel)
[15:38:06] * Wit [глушит соседей подъ]: . @C3 - 09 -2D5<87< > ?@>H;>< [02:35]
[15:39:23] * Wit рад видеть прекрасную Kristinka и приветствует ее на этом канале
[15:39:25] * cheat (~cheat@ has joined
[15:40:14] * Leo_Romeo (~HackUser@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[15:40:59] * HE60 (~blackSky@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[15:42:48] * Сахарочек Пнула БелкО_о
[15:43:24] * БелкО_о скинула Сахарочек в чай
[15:43:56] * Сахарочек Скинула БелкО_о с моста
[15:44:18] * БелкО_о - летяга
[15:46:11] * Leo_Romeo (~HackUser@ has joined
[15:46:22] * Wit (~wit12@ Quit (Quit: если минарет - значит выше всех)
[15:46:48] * HE60 (~blackSky@ has joined
[16:00:49] * Mint (~AndChat112404@ Quit (Quit: --'--<(@)
[16:00:56] * Mint (~AndChat112404@ has joined
[16:00:57] * YooKim sets mode: +v Mint
[16:02:20] * fcz (~fcz@ has joined
[16:08:21] * мерзопакость sets mode: +l 40
[16:10:36] * ми (~mmm@ has joined
[16:10:43] * YooKim sets mode: +o ми
[16:11:21] * мерзопакость sets mode: +l 43
[16:12:53] * GOLDENBOY болеет.
[16:13:41] * Сахарочек Ниболеет
[16:13:42] * fcz (~fcz@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[16:17:00] * Hawk sleep ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[16:17:00] * Буковка[офф] ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[16:17:00] * Eugine-x (Miranda@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[16:19:29] * мими|away (mmm@mimi.local) has joined
[16:19:43] * YooKim sets mode: +o мими|away
[16:19:43] * ChanServ sets mode: -o мими|away
[16:21:07] * fcz (~fcz@ has joined
[16:21:23] * Hawk sleep ( has joined
[16:21:34] * ми (~mmm@ Quit (Quit: Есть ли во мне изюминка? Во мне масса изюминок! Да я просто кексик!)
[16:22:09] * Буковка[офф] ( has joined
[16:22:10] * YooKim sets mode: +v Буковка[офф]
[16:22:38] * мими|away is now known as ми
[16:22:52] * YooKim sets mode: +o ми
[16:23:21] * мерзопакость sets mode: +l 45
[16:33:10] * Leo_Romeo (~HackUser@ Quit (Quit: Hack[ER] Modern 2.0 Script
[16:34:33] * ми is now known as Night_Tigress
[16:35:38] * Mint (~AndChat112404@ Quit (Quit: --'--<(@)
[16:35:45] * Mint (~AndChat112404@ has joined
[16:35:47] * YooKim sets mode: +v Mint
[16:36:21] * YooKim sets mode: -o Night_Tigress
[16:38:59] * Чюдо ( has left ()
[16:43:35] * Kristinka (~hjku@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[16:44:21] * мерзопакость sets mode: +l 42
[17:04:17] * Mint (~AndChat112404@ Quit (Quit: --'--<(@)
[17:04:23] * Mint (~AndChat112404@ has joined
[17:04:25] * YooKim sets mode: +v Mint
[17:04:54] * Eugine-x (Miranda@ has joined
[17:13:01] * Night_Tiger[afk] is now known as Night_Tiger
[17:13:27] * БелкО_о (~AndChat314001@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[17:14:07] * БелкО_о (~AndChat314001@ has joined
[17:14:09] * YooKim sets mode: +v БелкО_о
[17:15:10] * БелкО_о (~AndChat314001@ Quit (Quit: Bye)
[17:25:22] * Mint (~AndChat112404@ Quit (Quit: --'--<(@)
[17:25:28] * Mint (~AndChat112404@ has joined
[17:25:29] * YooKim sets mode: +v Mint
[17:28:35] * Вкусненькая- ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[17:28:35] * Morolol[bnc] ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[17:29:11] * Озарница (~Olga@ has joined
[17:29:12] * YooKim sets mode: +v Озарница
[17:29:54] * Guest89613 (~_@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[17:30:25] * Mint (~AndChat112404@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[17:30:35] * Mint (~AndChat112404@ has joined
[17:30:36] * YooKim sets mode: +v Mint
[17:40:49] * Guest89613 (~_@ has joined
[17:46:33] * Morolol[bnc] ( has joined
[17:49:38] * Murmaiden (~mur@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[17:52:02] * Вкусненькая- ( has joined
[17:52:05] * YooKim sets mode: +v Вкусненькая-
[17:54:59] * Сахарочек (~Lili@ Quit (Client closed connection)
[17:58:11] * Mint (~AndChat112404@ Quit (Quit: --'--<(@)
[17:58:17] * Mint (~AndChat112404@ has joined
[17:58:19] * YooKim sets mode: +v Mint
[18:03:12] * Trollface (~troll@ has joined
[18:04:49] * Eugine-x is now known as Eugine-x{away}
[18:07:47] * Murmaiden ( has joined
[18:07:49] * YooKim sets mode: +v Murmaiden
[18:14:50] * мыф (~Leksia@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[18:16:21] * Озарница (~Olga@ Quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.4 Insomnia
[18:18:18] * Mint (~AndChat112404@ Quit (Quit: --'--<(@)
[18:18:25] * Mint (~AndChat112404@ has joined
[18:18:26] * YooKim sets mode: +v Mint
[18:36:08] * Nike ( has joined
[18:39:58] * Trollface[wrk] ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[18:40:08] * Trollface[wrk] ( has joined
[18:45:13] * Nike ( Quit (Quit: ...:: Русифицированный mIRC . от CrEmAtOrY ::... --••» «••---)
[18:47:33] * КриСкаКиСка (~maks8588@ has joined
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[18:55:38] * Тушканчик привет всем
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[19:31:35] * мысли ( Quit (Quit: Holding your breath, holding your tongue.)
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[19:55:59] * Сахарочек Хватает
[19:56:29] * Сахарочек Кажит
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[20:02:47] * Сахарочек Пощупала у КриСкаКиСка
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[20:09:35] * Kineskop накрутил понтов
[20:09:44] * Сахарочек Почесала пузо
[20:10:37] * Kineskop щупает натуральные титьки Сахарочка
[20:13:33] * Тушканчик is now known as Тушканчик_авей
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[20:17:23] * Сахарочек Крепко обнимает syrix
[20:21:01] * Eugine-x (Miranda@ Quit (Quit: У правды интонация одна (C) Eugine-x)
[20:25:07] * Сахарочек (~Lili@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[20:25:10] * Kineskop (~kinesskop@ Quit (Quit: Цитата из "Спокойной ночи малыши" - "Вам когда-нибудь говорили что такое секс?" Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт NeOn Script 8.! CкАчАй с :)
[20:26:21] * мерзопакость sets mode: +l 46
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[21:25:20] * Murmaiden ( Quit (Quit: Как скучно жить... Нажму-ка на Esc. Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт NeOn Script 9.! CкАчАй с :)
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[21:43:10] * Eugine-x_mob положил руки поверх одеяла
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[22:01:22] * Тушканчик протянул БелкО_о канфетку
[22:05:23] * Тушканчик наливает Eugine-x_mob большую кружку отличного пива и подвигает поближе тарелочку с чипсами! \_/
[22:10:10] * Prana (~bestirc@ has left ()
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[22:11:57] * zag представил в одной комнате 10 неудовлетворенных вагин
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[22:13:06] * ми радушно встречает ozornitca
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[22:14:05] * Pr (~bestirc@ has left ()
[22:17:54] * Eugine-x_mob (~mob@ Quit (Quit: )
[22:22:27] * YooKim sets mode: +b *!*ozornitc*@109.188.126.*
[22:22:27] * ozornitca was kicked by YooKim (Banned: Requested (до Mon Oct 20 23:22:26 2014).)
[22:23:21] * Schizoeidos was kicked by YooKim (Вот и договорились, предупреждали, теперь досвидания :) до встречи! :bwcount: #8526 :)
[22:23:21] * мерзопакость sets mode: +l 45
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[22:28:47] * zag засмущался..
[22:28:53] * zag представил
[22:29:01] * h1de (~HELLSING@ Quit (Quit: Запомни правило трёх «Н» — Нет Ничего Невозможного.)
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[22:45:46] * zag захотел белку
[23:05:23] * zag was kicked by YooKim (Вот и договорились, предупреждали, теперь досвидания :) до встречи! :bwcount: #8527 :)
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[23:19:03] * БелкО_о поцеловала zag
[23:19:59] * zag застеснялся
[23:20:43] * Mint (~AndChat112404@ Quit (Quit: --'--<(@)
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[23:24:53] * БелкО_о (~AndChat314001@ Quit (Quit: Bye)
[23:25:43] * h1de (~HELLSING@ Quit (Quit: Запомни правило трёх «Н» — Нет Ничего Невозможного.)
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Query time 0.0346 s