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28 Ноября 2011. Канал #RadioFunny

[01:26:09] * UA3UTN (~NUser@ Quit (Quit: )
[03:07:32] * Зайкуля ( Quit (Quit: Существует интересная народная примета, что нельзя смотреться в зеркало, когда ешь - счастье свое проешь. И когда пьешь - пропьешь. А в туалете лучше вообще зеркало не вешать...)
[05:34:50] * ~cy4ka~ (misb24@ has joined
[06:58:04] * ~cy4ka~ (misb24@ Quit (Quit: Тебя оскарбили - забудь,тебя унизели - прости,тебя ударили,вспомни,блядь все вспомни и убей нахуй!!)
[06:58:42] * ~cy4ka~ (misb24@ has joined
[08:30:00] * ~cy4ka~ is now known as ~cy4ka~|нету
[08:30:00] * ~cy4ka~|нету [ОтошЛа] По причине: Далеко и надолго*** by ...Narkoman's Modern 3.5 Script...
[08:33:16] * ~cy4ka~|нету [ПРишЛа] *** Меня Не было: 3mins 17secs*** by ...Narkoman's Modern 3.5 Script...
[08:33:26] * ~cy4ka~|нету is now known as ~cy4ka~
[09:30:24] * ~cy4ka~ is now known as ~cy4ka~|нету
[09:30:24] * ~cy4ka~|нету [ОтошЛа] По причине: где-то...*** by ...Narkoman's Modern 3.5 Script...
[09:30:39] * ~cy4ka~|нету is now known as ~cy4ka~|нету|нету
[09:30:40] * ~cy4ka~|нету|нету [ОтошЛа] По причине: где-то...*** by ...Narkoman's Modern 3.5 Script...
[09:31:06] * ~cy4ka~|нету|нету [ОтошЛа] По причине: где-то...*** by ...Narkoman's Modern 3.5 Script...
[09:33:49] * ~cy4ka~|нету|нету [ПРишЛа] *** Меня Не было: 3mins 17secs*** by ...Narkoman's Modern 3.5 Script...
[09:34:01] * ~cy4ka~|нету|нету is now known as ~cy4ka~|нету
[09:34:10] * ~cy4ka~|нету is now known as ~cy4ka~
[10:15:11] * UA3UTN (~NUser@ has joined
[11:25:00] * RK3UWE (~NUser@ has joined
[11:27:38] * UA3UTN (~NUser@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[11:27:55] * RK3UWE is now known as UA3UTN
[12:23:37] * UA3UTN (~NUser@ Quit (Quit: )
[13:02:03] * ~cy4ka~ (misb24@ Quit (Quit: Тебя оскорбили - забудь,тебя унизили - прости,тебя ударили,вспомни,блядь все вспомни и убей нахуй!!)
[14:42:58] * YooKim ( has joined
[14:43:04] * sets mode: +n
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[14:43:04] * sets mode: -o YooKim
[14:43:04] * _Stimul_ (~StScr@ has joined
[14:43:04] * Seen ( has joined
[14:43:04] * RadioFunny-Shanson (~Stimul24@ has joined
[14:43:04] * RadioFunny-infoBot (~infoBot@ has joined
[14:43:04] * ViOlencis (~vika@ has joined
[14:43:04] * RadioFunny-Drum`n`Bass (~Stimul24@ has joined
[14:43:04] * RadioFunny-Rock (~Stimul24@ has joined
[14:43:04] * RadioFunny (~BOT@ has joined
[14:43:04] * RadioFunny-Relax (~Stimul24@ has joined
[14:43:04] * RadioFunny-90`s (~Stimul24@ has joined
[14:43:04] * RadioFunny-Pop (~Stimul24@ has joined
[14:43:04] * RadioFunny-Exotic (~Stimul24@ has joined
[14:43:04] * sets mode: +o _Stimul_
[14:43:04] * sets mode: +o RadioFunny
[14:43:04] * sets mode: +b *!*@
[14:43:04] * changes topic to '(R)(@)(d)(i)(o)(F)(u)(n)(n)(y) > Внутренний: > || Внешний: || Список всех каналов вещания: !Слушать '
[14:43:43] * ChanServ sets mode: +o YooKim
[15:34:00] * _Stimul_ (~StScr@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[15:34:00] * Seen ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[15:34:00] * RadioFunny-Shanson (~Stimul24@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[15:34:00] * RadioFunny-infoBot (~infoBot@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[15:34:00] * ViOlencis (~vika@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[15:34:00] * RadioFunny-Drum`n`Bass (~Stimul24@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[15:34:00] * RadioFunny-Rock (~Stimul24@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[15:34:00] * RadioFunny (~BOT@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[15:34:00] * RadioFunny-Relax (~Stimul24@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[15:34:00] * RadioFunny-90`s (~Stimul24@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[15:34:00] * RadioFunny-Pop (~Stimul24@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[15:34:01] * RadioFunny-Exotic (~Stimul24@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[15:35:24] * _Stimul_ (~StScr@ has joined
[15:35:24] * Seen ( has joined
[15:35:24] * RadioFunny-Shanson (~Stimul24@ has joined
[15:35:24] * RadioFunny-infoBot (~infoBot@ has joined
[15:35:24] * ViOlencis (~vika@ has joined
[15:35:24] * RadioFunny-Drum`n`Bass (~Stimul24@ has joined
[15:35:24] * RadioFunny-Rock (~Stimul24@ has joined
[15:35:24] * RadioFunny (~BOT@ has joined
[15:35:24] * RadioFunny-Relax (~Stimul24@ has joined
[15:35:24] * RadioFunny-90`s (~Stimul24@ has joined
[15:35:24] * RadioFunny-Pop (~Stimul24@ has joined
[15:35:24] * RadioFunny-Exotic (~Stimul24@ has joined
[15:35:24] * sets mode: +o _Stimul_
[15:35:24] * sets mode: +o RadioFunny
[16:09:46] * КеПка ( has joined
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[16:13:17] * {Tony} ( has joined
[16:43:21] * КеПка ( has joined
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[17:37:56] * Зайкуля ( has joined
[17:37:56] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Зайкуля
[17:47:32] * sets mode: +o _Stimul_
[17:47:32] * sets mode: +v Зайкуля
[17:47:32] * sets mode: +o RadioFunny
[19:12:29] * _Stimul_ (~StScr@ Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
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[19:17:28] * RadioFunny-Rock (~Stimul24@ Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[19:17:32] * RadioFunny (~BOT@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[19:17:32] * RadioFunny-Exotic (~Stimul24@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[19:17:32] * RadioFunny-Drum`n`Bass (~Stimul24@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[19:17:32] * RadioFunny-Relax (~Stimul24@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[19:17:32] * RadioFunny-90`s (~Stimul24@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[19:17:50] * RadioFunny-Pop (~Stimul24@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[19:17:50] * RadioFunny-Shanson (~Stimul24@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[19:18:08] * RadioFunny-infoBot (~infoBot@ Quit (Ping timeout)
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[19:19:55] * _Stimul_ (~StScr@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[19:21:33] * RadioFunny-infoBot (~infoBot@ Quit (Ping timeout)
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[20:47:24] * {Tony} ( Quit (Quit: Забудь все, что ты знал о жизни и просто раскрой глаза...)
[20:59:43] * sets mode: +v Зайкуля
[21:16:33] * RadioFunny (~BOT@ has joined
[21:16:34] * ChanServ sets mode: +o RadioFunny
[21:17:51] * RadioFunny-Shanson (~Stimul24@ has joined
[21:17:53] * RadioFunny-Rock (~Stimul24@ has joined
[21:32:27] * RadioFunny-Drum`n`Bass (~Stimul24@ has joined
[21:33:09] * RadioFunny-Relax (~Stimul24@ has joined
[21:33:26] * RadioFunny-Exotic (~Stimul24@ has joined
[21:33:47] * RadioFunny-Pop (~Stimul24@ has joined
[21:35:08] * RadioFunny-90`s (~Stimul24@ has joined
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[22:24:56] * ChanServ changes topic to '(R)(@)(d)(i)(o)(F)(u)(n)(n)(y) > Внутренний: > || Внешний: || Список всех каналов вещания: !Слушать '
[22:24:59] * ChanServ changes topic to '(R)(@)(d)(i)(o)(F)(u)(n)(n)(y) > Внутренний: > || Внешний: || Список всех каналов вещания: !Слушать '
Query time 0.1518 s