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10 Июня 2010. Канал #RadioFunny

[01:05:02] * Зайкуля|away ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[01:05:02] * Адекват|x_x (pIRCuser63@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[01:05:02] * Antosha_6eJIbIu ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[01:05:02] * _Stimul_ ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[01:05:02] * MAPC ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[01:05:02] * WebGirl (~girl@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[01:05:02] * AlmaZka (~alma@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[01:08:03] * _Stimul_ ( has joined
[01:08:03] * Зайкуля|away ( has joined
[01:08:03] * Адекват|x_x (pIRCuser63@ has joined
[01:08:03] * Antosha_6eJIbIu ( has joined
[01:08:03] * MAPC ( has joined
[01:08:03] * sets mode: +o _Stimul_
[01:08:03] * sets mode: +v Зайкуля|away
[01:08:04] * RadioFunny sets mode: +o _Stimul_
[01:08:16] * _Stimul_ ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[01:08:16] * MAPC ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[01:08:16] * Antosha_6eJIbIu ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[01:08:16] * Адекват|x_x (pIRCuser63@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[01:08:16] * Зайкуля|away ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[01:09:02] * _Stimul_ ( has joined
[01:09:02] * Зайкуля|away ( has joined
[01:09:02] * Адекват|x_x (pIRCuser63@ has joined
[01:09:02] * Antosha_6eJIbIu ( has joined
[01:09:02] * MAPC ( has joined
[01:09:02] * sets mode: +o _Stimul_
[01:09:02] * sets mode: +v Зайкуля|away
[01:09:03] * RadioFunny sets mode: +o _Stimul_
[01:13:32] * Aleks (~viperbody@ has joined
[01:13:32] * YooKim sets mode: +b *!VipeR*@109.188.*
[01:13:33] * Aleks was kicked by YooKim (Banned: Requested (до Wed Jun 30 19:38:00 2010).)
[01:17:13] * WebGirl (~girl@ has joined
[01:17:13] * AlmaZka (~alma@ has joined
[01:17:13] * sets mode: +v AlmaZka
[04:11:48] * Витя ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[04:12:31] * Витя ( has joined
[06:13:08] * Лямурчик ( has joined
[06:14:48] * ZuluS_ (Stimuser15@ has joined
[06:54:49] * ZuluS_ (Stimuser15@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[06:55:21] * Лямурчик is now known as Лямурчик|away
[06:55:21] * Лямурчик|away [ОтошЛа] По причине: просто*** by ...Narkoman's Modern 3.5 Script...
[07:17:07] * [malina] (~figa@ has joined
[07:30:42] * Phoenix (Phoenix@ has joined
[07:50:14] * Phoenix (Phoenix@ Quit (Quit: )
[07:53:40] * [malina] (~figa@ Quit (Quit: /21:09:12\ «AlexX» ты говори /21:09:15\-«AlexX» если кто обидит/21:09:18\ «AlexX» я за тебя/21:09:19\ «AlexX» убью ( это так мило, прям ах ^^)
[07:57:00] * {Tony} ( has joined
[08:06:00] * I love you baby ( has joined
[08:06:08] * I love you baby ( Quit (Client closed connection)
[08:13:23] * КеПка ( has joined
[08:15:26] * WebGirl (~girl@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[08:15:26] * AlmaZka (~alma@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[08:15:26] * КеПка ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[08:15:26] * {Tony} ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[08:15:26] * Лямурчик|away ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[08:15:26] * _Stimul_ ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[08:15:26] * MAPC ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[08:15:26] * Antosha_6eJIbIu ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[08:15:26] * Адекват|x_x (pIRCuser63@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[08:15:26] * Зайкуля|away ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[08:19:29] * _Stimul_ ( has joined
[08:19:29] * CnekTp ( has joined
[08:19:29] * КеПка ( has joined
[08:19:29] * {Tony} ( has joined
[08:19:29] * Лямурчик|away ( has joined
[08:19:29] * AlmaZka (~alma@ has joined
[08:19:29] * WebGirl (~girl@ has joined
[08:19:29] * Зайкуля|away ( has joined
[08:19:29] * Адекват|x_x (pIRCuser63@ has joined
[08:19:29] * Antosha_6eJIbIu ( has joined
[08:19:29] * MAPC ( has joined
[08:19:29] * sets mode: +o _Stimul_
[08:19:29] * sets mode: +v AlmaZka
[08:19:29] * sets mode: +v Зайкуля|away
[08:19:30] * RadioFunny sets mode: +o _Stimul_
[08:29:29] * Wild Devil ( has joined
[08:35:59] * ZuluS_ (Stimuser15@ has joined
[08:37:10] * Antosha_6eJIbIu is now known as _B_e_l_o_m_o_R_
[08:37:34] * Казявулька ( has joined
[08:41:44] * _B_e_l_o_m_o_R_ ( Quit (Quit: ...Narkoman's Modern 3.5 Script...
[08:54:12] * Лямурчик|away [ПРишЛа] *** Меня Не было: 1hr 58mins 50secs*** by ...Narkoman's Modern 3.5 Script...
[08:54:12] * Лямурчик|away is now known as Лямурчик
[09:03:20] * CnekTp ( Quit (Quit: Где искать то, что не суждено найти.Продолжать это стоит или прекратить?Осознать что на свете больше незачем жить или наплевать на то, на что глаза не закрыть.)
[09:08:32] * st1l ( has joined
[09:13:11] * ZuluS_ (Stimuser15@ Quit (Quit: Я юзаю самый реальный скрипт ==>> StimScript 3.5 <<== Скачай с .)
[09:14:21] * rdff ( has joined
[09:19:31] * КеПка ( Quit (Quit: DokNet)
[09:29:16] * Адекват|x_x is now known as Адекват
[09:31:46] * ZuluS_ (Stimuser15@ has joined
[09:40:56] * Зайкуля|away ( Quit (Quit: Существует интересная народная примета, что нельзя смотреться в зеркало, когда ешь - счастье свое проешь. И когда пьешь - пропьешь. А в туалете лучше вообще зеркало не вешать...)
[09:41:05] * Зайкуля ( has joined
[09:41:05] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Зайкуля
[09:42:48] * [ПоХотлиВый] (anjcfgcy@ has joined
[09:44:53] * [ПоХотлиВый] is now known as [МЕДВЕДЕВ]
[09:45:27] * хичкок ( has joined
[09:53:00] * UA3UTN (UA3UTN@ has joined
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[09:55:11] * rdff ( Quit (Quit: Улыбнись зайка ^^)
[09:55:21] * _4ереп_ is now known as _4epen_
[09:59:14] * [МЕДВЕДЕВ] чатеры привет
[10:05:41] * [МЕДВЕДЕВ] пока
[10:10:23] * [МЕДВЕДЕВ] (anjcfgcy@ Quit (Quit: ЧТо мы сюда смотрим?=))
[10:12:13] * _aLeX_ (Stimuser15@ has joined
[10:30:11] * good Lucky ( has joined
[10:35:54] * saLt (~pIRCuser5@ has joined
[10:45:45] * st1l is now known as trololo
[10:57:29] * БолбеС ( has joined
[11:02:10] * БолбеС ( has left ()
[11:10:27] * trololo ( Quit (Quit: Семь раз доверься – один раз проверься. :D)
[11:10:58] * Sandra ( has joined
[11:11:02] * Sandra ( Quit (Client closed connection)
[11:11:51] * БолбеС ( has joined
[11:13:03] * Зайкуля is now known as Зайкуля|упрыгала
[11:14:36] * БолбеС ( Quit (Excess Flood)
[11:14:47] * БолбеС ( has joined
[11:15:18] * Wild Devil ( Quit (Quit: StreetWorkoutKrSk)
[11:15:25] * БолбеС ( Quit (Quit: Я такой, какой я есть! И не ипёт!)
[11:15:37] * UA3UTN (UA3UTN@ Quit (Quit: )
[11:18:24] * ZuluS_ (Stimuser15@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[11:25:11] * EnJoi ( has joined
[11:28:51] * EnJoi ( Quit (Quit: Найдётся всё.Со временем)
[11:33:04] * _aLeX_ УшЕл ОтМаЗкА: молчи терпи
[11:33:04] * _aLeX_ is now known as _aLeX_|away
[11:54:13] * SaNTa_XpEN ( has joined
[11:59:53] * SaNTa_XpEN ( Quit (Quit: Девочка эмо сидит на трубе, мечтает о смерти, скорбит о судьбе... и вдруг труба взрывается.Газпром - мечты сбываются!)
[12:10:25] * Catch_Me_if_You_Can (newuser@ has joined
[12:11:36] * __Nikitos__ ( has joined
[12:22:33] * Croll_ (Stimuser15@ has joined
[12:22:33] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Croll_
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[12:42:40] * good Lucky ( Quit (Quit: ...Narkoman's Modern 3.5 Script...
[12:53:18] * mm chocolate ( has joined
[12:54:14] * mm chocolate ( Quit (Quit: В жизни нет хеппиэнда, веселись сейчас!)
[12:55:50] * Croll_ (Stimuser15@ Quit (Quit: Да я вообще в этой жизни люблю только печеньки. Взаимностью они, конечно, не отвечают, но и как чмо себя не ведут.)
[13:00:02] * __Nikitos__ ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[13:13:56] * st1l ( has joined
[13:15:09] * st1l ( Quit (Quit: Семь раз доверься – один раз проверься. :D)
[13:20:58] * mm chocolate ( has joined
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[13:28:28] * КеПка ( Quit (Quit: DokNet)
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[13:51:16] * {Tony} is now known as {Tony}|мыццо
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[13:53:25] * _aLeX_|away (Stimuser15@ Quit (Quit: )
[13:56:47] * mm chocolate ( Quit (Quit: В жизни нет хеппиэнда, веселись сейчас!)
[13:57:59] * ZuluS_ (Stimuser15@ has joined
[13:58:49] * Catch_Me_if_You_Can (newuser@ has left ()
[14:01:05] * [МЕДВЕДЕВ] (anjcfgcy@ has joined
[14:04:26] * Herus_Dlinus (n45s@ has joined
[14:04:34] <Herus_Dlinus> !викторина
[14:04:51] <Herus_Dlinus> недомыслие
[14:05:07] <Herus_Dlinus> тори и виги
[14:06:10] <saLt> !rock
[14:06:31] <Herus_Dlinus> черешок
[14:06:33] <Herus_Dlinus> черешек
[14:06:46] <Herus_Dlinus> черешик
[14:06:48] <Herus_Dlinus> хз
[14:06:51] <Herus_Dlinus> ЫыЫыЫы :)))
[14:14:57] * [МЕДВЕДЕВ] рЫгнУл
[14:19:49] * [МЕДВЕДЕВ] качаеца
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[14:33:30] * XakerOk ( has joined
[14:40:18] * [МЕДВЕДЕВ] лишается головый под Alors on dance
[14:40:23] * [МЕДВЕДЕВ] лишается головы под Alors on dance
[14:47:04] * Dark_Princess (~666@ has joined
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[14:52:50] * Адекват (pIRCuser63@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[14:52:52] * Guest44129 ( Quit (Client closed connection)
[14:57:41] * XakerOk УшЁл МаЗа »»» В НиКуДа! «««
[15:07:16] * {Tony}|мыццо is now known as {Tony}
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[15:10:43] * Казявулька ( Quit (Quit: покидание)
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[15:36:02] * [МЕДВЕДЕВ] :-)
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[16:00:14] * saLt (~pIRCuser5@ Quit (Ping timeout)
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[16:12:41] * ChanServ sets mode: +v Vikkki
[16:13:01] <Vikkki> Лямурчик приветооосииик!;)
[16:13:43] * alexRX (~irc@ Quit (Quit: See the sun at 7, she is cold about you. On my way to heaven, to heaven...)
[16:15:23] <Лямурчик> Vikkki привет))
[16:16:09] * Vikkki ( Quit (Quit: Сеть RightSide живет и побеждает)
[16:40:33] * Asiris ( has joined
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[16:41:17] * Казявулька ( Quit (Quit: покидание)
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[17:00:25] * [МЕДВЕДЕВ] (anjcfgcy@ Quit (Quit: ЧТо мы сюда смотрим?=))
[17:02:55] * ZuluS_ (Stimuser15@ Quit (Quit: Я юзаю самый реальный скрипт ==>> StimScript 3.5 <<== Скачай с .)
[17:02:59] * Croll_ (Stimuser15@ Quit (Quit: Да я вообще в этой жизни люблю только печеньки. Взаимностью они, конечно, не отвечают, но и как чмо себя не ведут.)
[17:13:17] * _FUTBOList_ ( Quit (Quit: ФУТБОЛ - Спорт №1 в мире))
[17:16:18] * morda ( has joined
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[17:22:15] * Dark_Princess (~666@ Quit (Quit: Я ничего не слышу - я затыкаю уши, я ничего не вижу и МНЕ НИКТО НЕ НУЖЕН!)
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[18:01:10] * saLt (~pIRCuser5@ has joined
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[18:25:53] * RadioFunny sets mode: +o _Stimul_
[18:41:31] * XakerOk ( Quit (Quit: Турецкий барабанщик Обстул Хуем-бей... Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬного X10eakera CкАчАй с =))) :)
[18:48:29] * Croll_ (Stimuser15@ has joined
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[19:05:33] * хичкок ( has joined
[19:09:25] * alexRX (~irc@ Quit (Quit: See the sun at 7, she is cold about you. On my way to heaven, to heaven...)
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[19:14:41] * [_-Marllboro-_] ( Quit (Quit: всем пока!!! всем удачи!!!)
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[20:04:54] * Ch_DavRin (~newuser@ Quit (Quit: Сеть RightSide живет и побеждает)
[20:05:13] * saLt (~pIRCuser5@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[20:07:06] * {Tony} ( Quit (Quit: На х.. чувства - живи разумом!)
[20:13:27] * saLt (~pIRCuser5@ has joined
[20:16:13] * good Lucky ( Quit (Quit: ...Narkoman's Modern 3.5 Script...
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[20:45:16] * хичкок ( Quit (Quit: (((((((((((())))))))))))
[20:54:41] * Лямурчик ( Quit (Quit: ...Narkoman's Modern 3.5 Script...
[21:00:53] * _4epen_ ( Quit (Quit: Сеть RightSide живет и побеждает)
[21:00:57] * Belosnegka (newuser@ Quit (Ping timeout)
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[21:26:54] * k_E_N_S_H_I_ (Stimuser15@ Quit (Quit: Я юзаю самый реальный скрипт ==>> StimScript 3.0 <<== Скачай с .)
[21:31:11] * Trix ( Quit (Quit: Самый кульный канал:) #Mup заходите и ставьте в автозаход:))
[21:41:02] * saLt (~pIRCuser5@ Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.2 < Personal IRC Team > and
[21:44:04] * UA3UTN (UA3UTN@ Quit (Ping timeout)
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[21:45:07] <Sisyandra> !club
[21:45:28] * RK3UWE is now known as UA3UTN
[21:50:14] * Aleks ( has joined
[21:56:41] <Aleks> Всем привет! Узнай и открой в себе новые возможности прибыли прямо сейчас! Подробности на: Описание проекта:
[21:56:43] <RadioFunny> v^-•*' Aleks '*•-^v.·•° Приветик! °•·. .
[21:56:44] * Aleks ( has left ()
[21:57:39] * Croll_ (Stimuser15@ has left ()
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[21:57:40] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Croll_
[21:57:46] * Croll_ (Stimuser15@ Quit (Quit: Да я вообще в этой жизни люблю только печеньки. Взаимностью они, конечно, не отвечают, но и как чмо себя не ведут.)
[22:06:01] * Sisyandra (~pIRCuser8@ Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.2 < Personal IRC Team > and
[22:19:05] * Lex (~newuser@ has joined
[22:40:36] * IFBB ( Quit (Quit: When two people dream the same dream, it ceases to be an illusion. KVIrc 3.4.3 Shiny(svn-3155)
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[23:02:00] * __Nikitos__ ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[23:25:15] * soloma ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[23:46:50] * [МЕДВЕДЕВ] (anjcfgcy@ has joined
[23:47:34] * [МЕДВЕДЕВ] привет Людишки
[23:50:41] * [МЕДВЕДЕВ] is now known as [МЕДВЕДЕВ]|ушёл
Query time 0.0386 s