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22 Ноября 2010. Канал #RadioFunny

[00:39:05] * Lily_Dip_Lamb_Chop (~Lily_Dip_@ has joined
[01:00:16] <UA3UTN> !викторина
[01:00:44] <UA3UTN> жижка
[01:00:59] <UA3UTN> пиратство
[01:01:33] <UA3UTN> ангон
[01:02:25] <UA3UTN> горватко
[01:03:06] <UA3UTN> актинидия
[01:03:21] <UA3UTN> тетива
[01:03:54] <UA3UTN> галан
[01:04:37] <UA3UTN> грохон
[01:04:40] <UA3UTN> грехон
[01:04:44] <UA3UTN> грахон
[01:05:13] <UA3UTN> эскудо
[01:06:00] <UA3UTN> рейд
[01:06:27] <UA3UTN> бутада
[01:09:10] <UA3UTN> !викторина
[01:09:26] <UA3UTN> перелом
[01:10:04] <UA3UTN> !место ЛелькаNе
[01:10:10] <UA3UTN> !место Лелька
[01:10:23] <UA3UTN> !место
[01:10:39] <UA3UTN> догмат
[01:11:15] <UA3UTN> ремиз
[01:12:29] <UA3UTN> чинш
[01:12:47] <UA3UTN> подбивка
[01:13:30] <UA3UTN> измир
[01:14:16] <UA3UTN> кармен
[01:14:26] <UA3UTN> род
[01:15:40] <UA3UTN> штрих
[01:16:28] <UA3UTN> бобчвинский
[01:16:31] <UA3UTN> бобчинский
[01:16:45] <UA3UTN> апогей
[01:17:05] <UA3UTN> белок
[01:17:52] <UA3UTN> вильно
[01:18:09] <UA3UTN> маловодье
[01:18:38] <UA3UTN> дребезги
[01:19:23] <UA3UTN> примесь
[01:19:29] <UA3UTN> прилесь
[01:20:06] <UA3UTN> постановление
[01:20:58] <UA3UTN> о
[01:28:53] <UA3UTN> !место
[01:29:06] <UA3UTN> !старт
[01:29:21] <UA3UTN> !викторина
[01:29:43] <UA3UTN> гидробиология
[01:30:19] <UA3UTN> акела
[01:30:53] <UA3UTN> хлебникова
[01:31:41] <UA3UTN> станица
[01:32:06] <UA3UTN> баян
[01:32:47] <UA3UTN> рут
[01:32:50] <UA3UTN> рот
[01:33:02] <UA3UTN> рей
[01:33:16] <UA3UTN> кольца
[01:33:29] <UA3UTN> бук
[01:33:31] <UA3UTN> дуб
[01:34:25] <UA3UTN> ксилол
[01:34:33] <UA3UTN> !место
[01:34:39] * UA3UTN (t@ Quit (Quit: )
[01:44:51] * Lily_Dip_Lamb_Chop (~Lily_Dip_@ Quit (Client closed connection)
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[07:10:56] <Guest12436> !Слушать
[07:16:59] * Зайкуля ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[07:18:09] <Guest12436> !Gold
[07:38:19] <Guest12436> !Слушать
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[10:14:22] * Rock`n`Rave|is dead (SystemOf32@nice.progsystem.Ru) Quit (Netsplitted)
[10:14:22] * UA3UTN (t@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[10:14:22] * RadioFunny-EuroHit ( Quit (Netsplitted)
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[10:14:22] * RadioFunny-Rock ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[10:14:22] * RadioFunny-Club ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[10:14:22] * RadioFunny-Pop ( Quit (Netsplitted)
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[10:14:23] * Ксю ( Quit (Netsplitted)
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[10:15:53] * sets mode: +v RadioFunny-Trance
[10:15:53] * sets mode: +v RadioFunny-Techno
[10:15:53] * sets mode: +v RadioFunny-Rap
[10:15:53] * sets mode: +v RadioFunny-Drum`n`Bass
[10:15:53] * sets mode: +v RadioFunny-Exotic
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[10:15:53] * RadioFunny-Rock ( has joined
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[10:15:53] * Rock`n`Rave|is dead (SystemOf32@nice.progsystem.Ru) has joined
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[10:15:53] * sets mode: +v RadioFunny-infoBot
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[10:44:08] * UA3UTN (t@ Quit (Ping timeout)
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[12:38:23] <Guest12436> !слушать
[13:51:46] * Croll_ (Stimuser15@ Quit (Quit: Я юзаю самый реальный скрипт ==>> StimScript 3.5 <<== Скачай с .)
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[15:26:04] * СиМпОтЯжКа ( Quit (Quit: Я юзаю самый реальный скрипт ==>> StimScript 3.5 <<== Скачай с .)
[16:22:01] * Lily_Dip_Lamb_Chop (~Lily_Dip_@ has joined
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[17:22:51] * тёла ( Quit (Quit: Я юзаю самый реальный скрипт ==>> StimScript 3.5 <<== Скачай с .)
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[18:10:03] * sulaev (~nomail@ has joined
[18:11:29] <sulaev> RadioFunny-90`s, RadioFunny-90`s,
[18:11:38] <sulaev> RadioFunny-Club,
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[19:09:07] * ZuluS_ УшЕл ОтМаЗкА: ...
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[19:27:31] * ZuluS_ ВеРнУлСя: оТсУтСтВоВаЛ 18мин. 23сек. (Причина: ...)
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[19:52:42] <людовикXIV> !викторина
[19:52:54] <людовикXIV> ранчо
[19:54:01] <жиголо> межа
[19:54:20] <людовикXIV> зола
[19:54:38] <людовикXIV> стеклодув
[19:55:18] <людовикXIV> араправнуки
[19:55:28] <людовикXIV> праправнуки
[19:58:45] * KrasotkaU ( has joined
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[20:44:23] * жиголо ( Quit (Quit: )
[20:49:09] * Croll_ (Stimuser15@ Quit (Quit: Я юзаю самый реальный скрипт ==>> StimScript 3.5 <<== Скачай с .)
[21:34:55] * Guest312 is now known as RadioFunny
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[22:18:04] * __Nikitos__ ( Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.1 < Personal IRC Team >
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Query time 0.0094 s