IRC логи каналов.
3 Декабря 2011. Канал #powernet
[02:13:47] * Depeche_Mode (~irc@ Quit (Quit: [Лн·Ст] v6 › 'll be back!)
[02:39:13] * d^_^b is now known as d^_^b|z-z-z
[03:38:04] * Away ( Quit (Quit: Oo)
[08:22:33] * |ТУМАН| (~snirc@ has joined
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[11:13:33] * aд (~pIRCuser@ has joined
[11:14:47] * Away ( has joined
[11:17:06] * aд (~pIRCuser@ Quit (Quit: KVIrc 3.2.6 Anomalies (r924)
[11:21:00] * lor (~lor@ Quit (Quit: )
[11:27:37] * михас (Unity-Net@lan1-2-185.unity) has joined
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[12:23:25] * михас (Unity-Net@lan1-2-185.unity) Quit (Quit: Люблю я Unity-Net и точка тут!!! Обломись народ, кто не в Юнити живет))))
[12:46:32] * sets mode: +o impres
[13:10:15] * ^FLIBOUSTIER^ (~user@ has joined
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[14:02:20] * ^FLIBOUSTIER^ (~user@ Quit (Quit: )
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[23:03:17] * Depeche_Mode (~irc@ Quit (Quit: [Лн·Ст] v6 › 'll be back!)
[23:41:23] * Away ( Quit (Quit: Oo)
[23:55:31] * Depeche_Mode (~irc@ has joined
Query time 0.0029 s[02:39:13] * d^_^b is now known as d^_^b|z-z-z
[03:38:04] * Away ( Quit (Quit: Oo)
[08:22:33] * |ТУМАН| (~snirc@ has joined
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[11:13:33] * aд (~pIRCuser@ has joined
[11:14:47] * Away ( has joined
[11:17:06] * aд (~pIRCuser@ Quit (Quit: KVIrc 3.2.6 Anomalies (r924)
[11:21:00] * lor (~lor@ Quit (Quit: )
[11:27:37] * михас (Unity-Net@lan1-2-185.unity) has joined
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[12:23:25] * михас (Unity-Net@lan1-2-185.unity) Quit (Quit: Люблю я Unity-Net и точка тут!!! Обломись народ, кто не в Юнити живет))))
[12:46:32] * sets mode: +o impres
[13:10:15] * ^FLIBOUSTIER^ (~user@ has joined
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[14:02:20] * ^FLIBOUSTIER^ (~user@ Quit (Quit: )
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[20:48:37] * d^_^b|z-z-z is now known as d^_^b
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[21:44:41] * FLOPY (~kvirc@ has joined
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[22:29:06] * ^FLIBOUSTIER^ (~user@ Quit (Quit: )
[23:03:17] * Depeche_Mode (~irc@ Quit (Quit: [Лн·Ст] v6 › 'll be back!)
[23:41:23] * Away ( Quit (Quit: Oo)
[23:55:31] * Depeche_Mode (~irc@ has joined