IRC логи каналов.
31 Октября 2011. Канал #powernet
[00:06:37] * lor (~lor@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[00:52:04] * Бурэ (~pesok@ Quit (Quit: Тузик казёл!)
[01:44:19] * ~Девушка~с~характером~ (~irc@ Quit (Quit: [Лн·Ст] v6 › 'll be back!)
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[09:01:59] * smv[offline] is now known as smv
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[09:13:25] * Guest1226 is now known as lor
[09:27:57] * d^_^b|z-z-z is now known as d^_^b
[09:42:00] * d^_^b is now known as d^_^b|z-z-z
[09:42:14] * d^_^b|z-z-z is now known as d^_^b
[09:50:02] * дщк|sleep| ( has joined
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[09:51:32] * sets mode: +o impres
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[09:54:41] * дщк|sleep| ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[10:14:42] * Depeche (~soul7@ has joined
[11:23:55] * d^_^b is now known as d^_^b|z-z-z
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[14:05:07] * ~Девушка~с~характером~ (~irc@ has joined
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[15:23:01] * d^_^b|z-z-z is now known as d^_^b
[16:04:02] * нет не кого is now known as `ШаЛуН
[16:35:49] * smv is now known as smv[offline]
[16:55:10] * `ШаЛуН is now known as нет не кого
[17:05:56] * Бурый (~rutra@ has joined
[17:08:46] * Silencer (~________@ has joined
[17:32:14] * smv[offline] is now known as smv
[17:41:33] * d^_^b is now known as d^_^b|z-z-z
[17:48:12] * nitrokent (~il@ has joined
[17:50:13] * nitrokent (~il@ Quit (Quit: InetTools IRC 1.7 beta 5 от ХАОСа.)
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[18:18:38] * нет не кого is now known as `ШаЛуН
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[18:42:24] * ^FLIBOUSTIER^ (~user@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[19:00:39] * lor (~___@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[19:00:57] * Бурый (~rutra@ Quit (Ping timeout)
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[19:16:46] * Guest627 is now known as Makar
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[19:46:13] * d^_^b is now known as d^_^b|z-z-z
[19:57:08] * lor (~___@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[20:01:30] * ^FLIBOUSTIER^ (~user@ Quit (Quit: )
[20:03:19] * d^_^b|z-z-z is now known as d^_^b
[20:54:26] * Depeche (~soul7@ Quit (Quit:
[21:02:51] * Бурый (~rutra@ Quit (Ping timeout)
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[21:19:26] * Mr-X ( Quit (Client closed connection)
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[21:29:48] * Silencer (~________@ Quit (Quit: NeoRa TrioN v1.0 -
[21:30:53] * d^_^b|z-z-z is now known as d^_^b
[21:32:38] * Бурый (~rutra@ Quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.2 Insomnia
[21:43:05] * Фионочка (~en-s@ Quit (Quit: темномирк:
[21:45:01] * smv is now known as smv[offline]
[21:53:38] * `ШаЛуН is now known as нет не кого
[23:11:53] * d^_^b is now known as d^_^b|z-z-z
[23:32:51] * ~Девушка~с~характером~ (~irc@ Quit (Quit: [Лн·Ст] v6 › 'll be back!)
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Query time 0.3289 s[00:52:04] * Бурэ (~pesok@ Quit (Quit: Тузик казёл!)
[01:44:19] * ~Девушка~с~характером~ (~irc@ Quit (Quit: [Лн·Ст] v6 › 'll be back!)
[08:57:59] * lor (~___@ has joined
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[09:01:59] * smv[offline] is now known as smv
[09:05:13] * cccpImax (~___@ has joined
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[09:08:27] * Guest1231 (~lor@ Quit (Quit: )
[09:13:25] * Guest1226 is now known as lor
[09:27:57] * d^_^b|z-z-z is now known as d^_^b
[09:42:00] * d^_^b is now known as d^_^b|z-z-z
[09:42:14] * d^_^b|z-z-z is now known as d^_^b
[09:50:02] * дщк|sleep| ( has joined
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[09:51:32] * sets mode: +o impres
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[09:54:41] * дщк|sleep| ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[10:14:42] * Depeche (~soul7@ has joined
[11:23:55] * d^_^b is now known as d^_^b|z-z-z
[12:10:18] * Depeche (~soul7@ Quit (Quit:
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[14:05:07] * ~Девушка~с~характером~ (~irc@ has joined
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[15:23:01] * d^_^b|z-z-z is now known as d^_^b
[16:04:02] * нет не кого is now known as `ШаЛуН
[16:35:49] * smv is now known as smv[offline]
[16:55:10] * `ШаЛуН is now known as нет не кого
[17:05:56] * Бурый (~rutra@ has joined
[17:08:46] * Silencer (~________@ has joined
[17:32:14] * smv[offline] is now known as smv
[17:41:33] * d^_^b is now known as d^_^b|z-z-z
[17:48:12] * nitrokent (~il@ has joined
[17:50:13] * nitrokent (~il@ Quit (Quit: InetTools IRC 1.7 beta 5 от ХАОСа.)
[18:06:43] * ^FLIBOUSTIER^ (~user@ has joined
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[18:18:38] * нет не кого is now known as `ШаЛуН
[18:34:36] * lor (~___@ has joined
[18:42:24] * ^FLIBOUSTIER^ (~user@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[18:43:48] * d^_^b|z-z-z is now known as d^_^b
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[18:47:56] * Фионочка (~en-s@ has joined
[19:00:39] * lor (~___@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[19:00:57] * Бурый (~rutra@ Quit (Ping timeout)
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[19:16:46] * Guest627 is now known as Makar
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[19:46:13] * d^_^b is now known as d^_^b|z-z-z
[19:57:08] * lor (~___@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[20:01:30] * ^FLIBOUSTIER^ (~user@ Quit (Quit: )
[20:03:19] * d^_^b|z-z-z is now known as d^_^b
[20:54:26] * Depeche (~soul7@ Quit (Quit:
[21:02:51] * Бурый (~rutra@ Quit (Ping timeout)
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[21:19:26] * Mr-X ( Quit (Client closed connection)
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[21:29:48] * Silencer (~________@ Quit (Quit: NeoRa TrioN v1.0 -
[21:30:53] * d^_^b|z-z-z is now known as d^_^b
[21:32:38] * Бурый (~rutra@ Quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.2 Insomnia
[21:43:05] * Фионочка (~en-s@ Quit (Quit: темномирк:
[21:45:01] * smv is now known as smv[offline]
[21:53:38] * `ШаЛуН is now known as нет не кого
[23:11:53] * d^_^b is now known as d^_^b|z-z-z
[23:32:51] * ~Девушка~с~характером~ (~irc@ Quit (Quit: [Лн·Ст] v6 › 'll be back!)
[23:35:56] * ~Девушка~с~характером~ (~irc@ has joined