IRC логи каналов.
17 Июля 2013. Канал #pa3boyhuk
[00:10:00] * YooKim ( has left ()
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[00:10:10] * sets mode: +n
[00:10:10] * sets mode: +t
[00:10:10] * sets mode: +r
[00:10:10] * sets mode: -o YooKim
[00:10:10] * sets mode: +v Вкусненькая-
[00:10:10] * sets mode: +b *!*
[00:10:10] * sets mode: +b *!*
[00:10:10] * sets mode: +b *!*@213.87.*
[00:10:13] * changes topic to '%%%%%% Всем привет ! Давно меня небыло тут! (с) CkpoMHuk %%%%%%'
[00:10:22] * Liberty ( has joined
[00:10:22] * sets mode: +o Liberty
[00:10:24] * Liberty sets mode: +v YooKim
[00:10:24] * Liberty sets mode: +v log
[00:10:24] * Liberty sets mode: +v Вкусненькая-
[00:10:47] * GOLDENBOY is now known as Guest3171
[00:12:50] * Ящер[уполз] ( has joined
[00:20:00] * ТаисАфинская (~1@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[00:20:00] * Hawk sleep ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[00:20:00] * ADM[psybnc] ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[00:20:00] * razb[off] ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[00:20:00] * Hawk|sleep ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[00:20:00] * NDrop ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[00:20:00] * di ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[00:20:00] * Guest3171 ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[00:20:00] * Вкусненькая- ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[00:20:00] * razboynik_away ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[00:20:00] * Iron_Man ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[00:20:00] * сисурити (~fcz@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[00:20:00] * log ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[00:49:56] * ТаисАфинская (~1@ has joined
[01:36:02] * ТаисАфинская (~1@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[01:43:00] * YooKim ( has left ()
[01:43:00] * YooKim ( has joined
[01:43:10] * sets mode: +n
[01:43:10] * sets mode: +t
[01:43:10] * sets mode: +r
[01:43:10] * sets mode: -o YooKim
[01:43:10] * sets mode: +o Liberty
[01:43:10] * sets mode: +b *!*
[01:43:10] * sets mode: +b *!*
[01:43:10] * sets mode: +b *!*@213.87.*
[01:43:11] * Liberty sets mode: +v YooKim
[01:43:12] * changes topic to '%%%%%% Всем привет ! Давно меня небыло тут! (с) CkpoMHuk %%%%%%'
[01:43:25] * Guest3171 ( has joined
[01:44:44] * Ящер[уполз] ( has joined
[01:53:00] * Liberty ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[03:16:57] * сисурити (~fcz@ Quit (Quit: а)
[04:09:36] * Liberty ( has joined
[04:09:36] * sets mode: +o Liberty
[04:09:38] * Liberty sets mode: +v YooKim
[04:09:38] * Liberty sets mode: +v Вкусненькая-
[04:19:00] * log ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[04:19:00] * ADM[psybnc] ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[04:19:00] * Hawk sleep ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[04:24:17] * log ( has joined
[04:24:17] * ADM[psybnc] ( has joined
[04:24:17] * Hawk sleep ( has joined
[04:24:17] * sets mode: +v log
[04:24:18] * Liberty sets mode: +v log
[09:16:13] * Wit (~wit12@ has joined
[09:28:26] * Wit (~wit12@ Quit (Quit: если минарет - значит выше всех)
[10:37:00] * log ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[10:37:00] * ADM[psybnc] ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[10:37:00] * Hawk sleep ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[10:49:08] * log ( has joined
[10:49:08] * ADM[psybnc] ( has joined
[10:49:08] * Hawk sleep ( has joined
[10:49:08] * sets mode: +v log
[10:49:09] * Liberty sets mode: +v log
[11:32:10] * YooKim ( has joined
[11:32:10] * * changes topic to '%%%%%% Всем привет ! Давно меня небыло тут! (с) CkpoMHuk %%%%%%'
[11:32:12] * Liberty sets mode: +v YooKim
[12:36:36] * Guest3171 is now known as GOLDENBOY
[12:38:35] * GOLDENBOY ест Цезарь.
[13:24:19] * сисурити (~fcz@ has joined
[14:14:21] * Wit (~wit12@ has joined
[14:25:59] * Wit (~wit12@ Quit (Quit: если минарет - значит выше всех)
[15:00:00] * log ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[15:00:00] * ADM[psybnc] ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[15:00:00] * Hawk sleep ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[15:01:07] * ADM[psybnc] ( has joined
[15:01:07] * Hawk sleep ( has joined
[15:03:34] * log ( has joined
[15:03:36] * Liberty sets mode: +v log
[16:16:57] * halyavchik (~halyavchik@ has joined
[16:21:17] * halyavchik is now known as Золотой_рыцарь
[18:10:33] * сисурити (~fcz@ Quit (Quit: а)
[18:28:36] * Wit (~wit12@ has joined
[18:30:25] * сисурити (~fcz@ has joined
[21:43:34] * Guest16604 (~pIRCuser34@ has joined
[22:18:08] * Iron_Man ( has joined
[22:20:19] * Золотой_рыцарь (~halyavchik@ Quit (Quit: )
[22:23:47] * Guest16604 (~pIRCuser34@ Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.2 < Personal IRC Team > and
[22:48:12] * Wit (~wit12@ Quit (Quit: если минарет - значит выше всех)
Query time 0.0046 s[00:10:00] * YooKim ( has joined
[00:10:10] * sets mode: +n
[00:10:10] * sets mode: +t
[00:10:10] * sets mode: +r
[00:10:10] * sets mode: -o YooKim
[00:10:10] * sets mode: +v Вкусненькая-
[00:10:10] * sets mode: +b *!*
[00:10:10] * sets mode: +b *!*
[00:10:10] * sets mode: +b *!*@213.87.*
[00:10:13] * changes topic to '%%%%%% Всем привет ! Давно меня небыло тут! (с) CkpoMHuk %%%%%%'
[00:10:22] * Liberty ( has joined
[00:10:22] * sets mode: +o Liberty
[00:10:24] * Liberty sets mode: +v YooKim
[00:10:24] * Liberty sets mode: +v log
[00:10:24] * Liberty sets mode: +v Вкусненькая-
[00:10:47] * GOLDENBOY is now known as Guest3171
[00:12:50] * Ящер[уполз] ( has joined
[00:20:00] * ТаисАфинская (~1@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[00:20:00] * Hawk sleep ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[00:20:00] * ADM[psybnc] ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[00:20:00] * razb[off] ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[00:20:00] * Hawk|sleep ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[00:20:00] * NDrop ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[00:20:00] * di ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[00:20:00] * Guest3171 ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[00:20:00] * Вкусненькая- ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[00:20:00] * razboynik_away ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[00:20:00] * Iron_Man ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[00:20:00] * сисурити (~fcz@ Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[00:20:00] * log ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[00:49:56] * ТаисАфинская (~1@ has joined
[01:36:02] * ТаисАфинская (~1@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[01:43:00] * YooKim ( has left ()
[01:43:00] * YooKim ( has joined
[01:43:10] * sets mode: +n
[01:43:10] * sets mode: +t
[01:43:10] * sets mode: +r
[01:43:10] * sets mode: -o YooKim
[01:43:10] * sets mode: +o Liberty
[01:43:10] * sets mode: +b *!*
[01:43:10] * sets mode: +b *!*
[01:43:10] * sets mode: +b *!*@213.87.*
[01:43:11] * Liberty sets mode: +v YooKim
[01:43:12] * changes topic to '%%%%%% Всем привет ! Давно меня небыло тут! (с) CkpoMHuk %%%%%%'
[01:43:25] * Guest3171 ( has joined
[01:44:44] * Ящер[уполз] ( has joined
[01:53:00] * Liberty ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[03:16:57] * сисурити (~fcz@ Quit (Quit: а)
[04:09:36] * Liberty ( has joined
[04:09:36] * sets mode: +o Liberty
[04:09:38] * Liberty sets mode: +v YooKim
[04:09:38] * Liberty sets mode: +v Вкусненькая-
[04:19:00] * log ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[04:19:00] * ADM[psybnc] ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[04:19:00] * Hawk sleep ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[04:24:17] * log ( has joined
[04:24:17] * ADM[psybnc] ( has joined
[04:24:17] * Hawk sleep ( has joined
[04:24:17] * sets mode: +v log
[04:24:18] * Liberty sets mode: +v log
[09:16:13] * Wit (~wit12@ has joined
[09:28:26] * Wit (~wit12@ Quit (Quit: если минарет - значит выше всех)
[10:37:00] * log ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[10:37:00] * ADM[psybnc] ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[10:37:00] * Hawk sleep ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[10:49:08] * log ( has joined
[10:49:08] * ADM[psybnc] ( has joined
[10:49:08] * Hawk sleep ( has joined
[10:49:08] * sets mode: +v log
[10:49:09] * Liberty sets mode: +v log
[11:32:10] * YooKim ( has joined
[11:32:10] * * changes topic to '%%%%%% Всем привет ! Давно меня небыло тут! (с) CkpoMHuk %%%%%%'
[11:32:12] * Liberty sets mode: +v YooKim
[12:36:36] * Guest3171 is now known as GOLDENBOY
[12:38:35] * GOLDENBOY ест Цезарь.
[13:24:19] * сисурити (~fcz@ has joined
[14:14:21] * Wit (~wit12@ has joined
[14:25:59] * Wit (~wit12@ Quit (Quit: если минарет - значит выше всех)
[15:00:00] * log ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[15:00:00] * ADM[psybnc] ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[15:00:00] * Hawk sleep ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[15:01:07] * ADM[psybnc] ( has joined
[15:01:07] * Hawk sleep ( has joined
[15:03:34] * log ( has joined
[15:03:36] * Liberty sets mode: +v log
[16:16:57] * halyavchik (~halyavchik@ has joined
[16:21:17] * halyavchik is now known as Золотой_рыцарь
[18:10:33] * сисурити (~fcz@ Quit (Quit: а)
[18:28:36] * Wit (~wit12@ has joined
[18:30:25] * сисурити (~fcz@ has joined
[21:43:34] * Guest16604 (~pIRCuser34@ has joined
[22:18:08] * Iron_Man ( has joined
[22:20:19] * Золотой_рыцарь (~halyavchik@ Quit (Quit: )
[22:23:47] * Guest16604 (~pIRCuser34@ Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.2 < Personal IRC Team > and
[22:48:12] * Wit (~wit12@ Quit (Quit: если минарет - значит выше всех)