IRC логи каналов.
14 Мая 2009. Канал #игасу
[00:09:49] * lenalenalena (~tiomny@ Quit (Quit: темномирк:
[00:17:01] <элвин> bb all
[00:17:25] * элвин (e1win@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[00:17:32] * [M]aster (~pIRCuser4@ has joined
[00:18:55] <[M]aster> !seen _belka_
[00:19:09] * [M]aster (~pIRCuser4@ Quit (Quit: )
[02:41:00] * ___КлЕвЫй___ (~nihu@ has joined
[02:41:06] * ___КлЕвЫй___ is now known as Неординарный
[03:13:52] * Неординарный (~nihu@ has left ()
[11:04:05] * Эффект_Доплера (gism@ has joined
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[13:02:53] * a1eksej is now known as a1eksej|скоро_будет
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[14:02:11] * _Denil_ ( has joined
[14:03:58] * _Denil_ ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[16:11:31] <элвин> q all
[16:50:45] * Эффект_Доплера (gism@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[18:05:42] * _Spirit (Spirit@ has joined
[18:47:16] * Komapuk (~Lirc_user@ Quit (Quit: Обожаю Linux, лопатишь тонну инфы, потом пишешь одну строчку и все работает)
[18:57:53] * _Spirit (Spirit@ Quit (Quit: темномирк:
[19:01:31] * lenalenalena (~tiomny@ has joined
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[19:03:59] * Komapuk (~Lirc_user@ has joined
[19:04:42] <Komapuk> hello all
[19:36:07] * a1eksej|скоро_будет is now known as a1EkSej
[19:38:03] * a1EkSej is now known as a1ekSej
[19:45:27] * a1ekSej is now known as a1ek5ej
[19:58:31] * Ышо-Ышо (~tiomny@ has joined
[20:08:22] * Komapuk (~Lirc_user@ Quit (Quit: А на смайликах она симпатичнее была...)
[20:08:54] * Ышо-Ышо is now known as lenalenalena
[20:41:41] * Neophyte (~kaurich@ has joined
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[20:42:54] * Guest1996 is now known as Neophyte
[20:43:27] * a1ek5ej (TrueIRC@ Quit (Quit: )
[20:45:04] * Neophyte is now known as Педаль_с_парусами
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[22:03:29] * Komapuk (~Lirc_user@ has joined
[22:04:11] <Komapuk> hello all
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[22:30:25] * Педаль_с_парусами is now known as Neophyte
[23:08:26] * Neophyte is now known as Neophyte[gone]
[23:09:44] * _NataWkoO_ (OMG@ has joined
[23:09:45] * YooKim sets mode: +v _NataWkoO_
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[23:11:45] * lenalenalenalenalenalena (tiomny@ has left ()
[23:38:18] <Komapuk> bb all
[23:38:21] * Komapuk (~Lirc_user@ Quit (Client closed connection)
[23:49:25] * a1ek5ej (TrueIRC@ Quit (Quit: )
[23:58:02] * Ышо-Ышо (~tiomny@ has joined
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Query time 0.0047 s[00:17:01] <элвин> bb all
[00:17:25] * элвин (e1win@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[00:17:32] * [M]aster (~pIRCuser4@ has joined
[00:18:55] <[M]aster> !seen _belka_
[00:19:09] * [M]aster (~pIRCuser4@ Quit (Quit: )
[02:41:00] * ___КлЕвЫй___ (~nihu@ has joined
[02:41:06] * ___КлЕвЫй___ is now known as Неординарный
[03:13:52] * Неординарный (~nihu@ has left ()
[11:04:05] * Эффект_Доплера (gism@ has joined
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[13:02:53] * a1eksej is now known as a1eksej|скоро_будет
[13:48:50] * lenalenalena (~tiomny@ has joined
[14:02:11] * _Denil_ ( has joined
[14:03:58] * _Denil_ ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[16:11:31] <элвин> q all
[16:50:45] * Эффект_Доплера (gism@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[18:05:42] * _Spirit (Spirit@ has joined
[18:47:16] * Komapuk (~Lirc_user@ Quit (Quit: Обожаю Linux, лопатишь тонну инфы, потом пишешь одну строчку и все работает)
[18:57:53] * _Spirit (Spirit@ Quit (Quit: темномирк:
[19:01:31] * lenalenalena (~tiomny@ has joined
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[19:03:59] * Komapuk (~Lirc_user@ has joined
[19:04:42] <Komapuk> hello all
[19:36:07] * a1eksej|скоро_будет is now known as a1EkSej
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[19:58:31] * Ышо-Ышо (~tiomny@ has joined
[20:08:22] * Komapuk (~Lirc_user@ Quit (Quit: А на смайликах она симпатичнее была...)
[20:08:54] * Ышо-Ышо is now known as lenalenalena
[20:41:41] * Neophyte (~kaurich@ has joined
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[20:42:54] * Guest1996 is now known as Neophyte
[20:43:27] * a1ek5ej (TrueIRC@ Quit (Quit: )
[20:45:04] * Neophyte is now known as Педаль_с_парусами
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[21:11:27] * элвин (e1win@ Quit (Ping timeout)
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[22:03:29] * Komapuk (~Lirc_user@ has joined
[22:04:11] <Komapuk> hello all
[22:08:08] * lenalenalena (~tiomny@ has joined
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[22:19:05] * lenalenalena is now known as lenalenalenalenalenalena
[22:30:25] * Педаль_с_парусами is now known as Neophyte
[23:08:26] * Neophyte is now known as Neophyte[gone]
[23:09:44] * _NataWkoO_ (OMG@ has joined
[23:09:45] * YooKim sets mode: +v _NataWkoO_
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[23:11:45] * lenalenalenalenalenalena (tiomny@ has left ()
[23:38:18] <Komapuk> bb all
[23:38:21] * Komapuk (~Lirc_user@ Quit (Client closed connection)
[23:49:25] * a1ek5ej (TrueIRC@ Quit (Quit: )
[23:58:02] * Ышо-Ышо (~tiomny@ has joined
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