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27 Октября 2018. Канал #help

[02:11:34] * Yejik (~yejik@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[04:48:30] * Cromlech|away ( Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[04:58:08] * Cromlech|away ( has joined
[08:11:34] * poropeked (~poropeked@ has joined
[08:17:55] * Asti ( has joined
[08:24:47] * Asti ( Quit (Read error: Input/output error)
[08:29:43] * Asti ( has joined
[09:11:20] * a vicious circle (input@ has joined
[09:11:45] * a vicious circle (input@ has left ()
[09:46:38] * Pacman|3 (~kvirc@ has joined
[09:54:23] <Pacman|3> Доброе утро
[09:54:47] <Pacman|3> Шо тут делать???
[09:55:00] <Pacman|3> Тут глухо
[09:58:38] <Asti> Вопросы тут задавать, а не болоболить, вот и тихо
[10:02:32] * air conditioning (warm@ has joined
[10:02:32] * air conditioning (warm@ Quit (K-lined: You have a host listed in the DroneBL. For more information, visit (2018/10/27 10.02))
[10:06:24] <Pacman|3> Вы откуда?
[10:11:05] <Pacman|3> Подскажите комнату где можно поразговаривать с кемто??
[10:17:42] <Asti> ./list в помощь
[10:17:46] <Гриб_СП> Pacman|3: 1. Вводим команду /list 2. выбираем несколько каналов и заходим
[10:18:07] <Гриб_СП> 3. Также можно перебирать каналы, из одних выходить, в другие заходить
[10:19:54] <Pacman|3> list
[10:21:58] <Asti> ./ забыл в начале (без точки)
[10:25:30] <Pacman|3> ./List --- список каналов... но там тоже тишина ....
[10:26:35] <Pacman|3> А ето WeNet ----- Я в сетях вообше чайник
[10:28:01] <Asti> так лист тебе выводит только список каналов и кол-во людей там. отсторитрую по убыванию и зайходи на те, в которых больше народа
[10:28:18] <Asti> в этой сети как минимум 2-3 канала постоянно есть с болоболами)
[10:29:40] <Pacman|3> )
[10:41:18] * Pacman|3 (~kvirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[10:58:38] * Cromlech|away ( Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[11:06:19] * Cromlech|away ( has joined
[11:21:47] * sw ( has joined
[11:22:49] * sw is now known as Guest694
[11:24:46] * Guest694 is now known as sw
[15:53:29] * Гриб_СП is now known as консистенция прецизионных напи
[15:54:00] * консистенция прецизионных напи is now known as XenonSP
[16:53:22] * любимец (rescue@ has joined
[16:58:08] * любимец (rescue@ Quit (autokilled: RIR Allocation -- Bad Poorly Administered Network -- Open Proxy not allowed on WeNet! (2018/10/27 16.58))
[19:58:32] * Asti ( Quit (Read error: Input/output error)
[22:14:59] * Saturn ( has joined
[22:21:21] * Saturn ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[22:26:10] * poropeked (~poropeked@ Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[22:29:17] * serj ( has joined
[22:42:01] * serj ( Quit (Quit: Mutter:
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[22:42:17] * serj ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[22:44:57] * serj ( Quit (Quit: Mutter:
Query time 0.0035 s