IRC логи каналов.
10 Мая 2012. Канал #help
[00:13:26] * Wolf|away is now known as Wolf
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[00:23:42] * Shany (~admin2@ has joined
[00:32:26] * ljk (~dotamaster@ has joined
[00:32:29] <ljk> кикнуть с канала
[00:32:35] <ljk> как кикнуть с канала?
[00:32:35] <Helper> Для того, чтобы кикнуть юзера, воспользуйтесь командой:
[00:32:35] <Helper> /kick #канал nick причина
[00:36:10] * dimaniO (~get@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[00:36:23] * ljk (~dotamaster@ has left (наверните)
[01:22:30] * elanc ( Quit (Quit: )
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[03:25:34] * Kseniya (~irc@ Quit (Quit: Лучше сделать и пожалеть, чем не сделать и пожалеть об этом.
[04:38:44] * Wolf is now known as Wolf|away
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[07:51:00] * A W A Y ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[07:51:00] * Armenia|AwAy ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[07:51:00] * Grisha_бнц ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[07:51:00] * ХуЛиГаН|spbOffline ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
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[17:29:20] * ZemIn[offline] is now known as Директор Зоопарка
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[17:54:00] * yMHuK ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[18:09:49] * Ravikovich_dead (qji@ Quit (Read error: Input/output error)
[18:25:21] * Grisha is now known as Grisha_бнц
[18:28:34] * Netsplitted|away is now known as Netsplitted
[18:29:58] * Grisha_бнц is now known as Grisha
[19:11:46] * Night_Tiger[afk] is now known as ntg[stack]
[19:12:31] * X-Side is now known as X-Side_away
[19:12:57] * ntg[orange] is now known as Night_Tiger[afk]
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[20:54:23] * грейпфрут is now known as d^_^b|z-z-z
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[23:59:00] * [^_^]away ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
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[23:59:00] * Chuckie[offline] ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[23:59:00] * SNеГ[off] ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[23:59:00] * ADM[psybnc] ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[23:59:00] * nO ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
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Query time 0.0406 s[00:20:09] * Wolf is now known as Wolf|away
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[00:23:42] * Shany (~admin2@ has joined
[00:32:26] * ljk (~dotamaster@ has joined
[00:32:29] <ljk> кикнуть с канала
[00:32:35] <ljk> как кикнуть с канала?
[00:32:35] <Helper> Для того, чтобы кикнуть юзера, воспользуйтесь командой:
[00:32:35] <Helper> /kick #канал nick причина
[00:36:10] * dimaniO (~get@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[00:36:23] * ljk (~dotamaster@ has left (наверните)
[01:22:30] * elanc ( Quit (Quit: )
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[03:25:34] * Kseniya (~irc@ Quit (Quit: Лучше сделать и пожалеть, чем не сделать и пожалеть об этом.
[04:38:44] * Wolf is now known as Wolf|away
[05:38:53] * X-Side ( has joined
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[07:41:23] * sets mode: +o NDrop
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[07:51:00] * A W A Y ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[07:51:00] * Armenia|AwAy ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[07:51:00] * Grisha_бнц ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[07:51:00] * ХуЛиГаН|spbOffline ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
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[09:39:52] * Grisha_бнц ( Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
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[18:09:49] * Ravikovich_dead (qji@ Quit (Read error: Input/output error)
[18:25:21] * Grisha is now known as Grisha_бнц
[18:28:34] * Netsplitted|away is now known as Netsplitted
[18:29:58] * Grisha_бнц is now known as Grisha
[19:11:46] * Night_Tiger[afk] is now known as ntg[stack]
[19:12:31] * X-Side is now known as X-Side_away
[19:12:57] * ntg[orange] is now known as Night_Tiger[afk]
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[20:54:23] * грейпфрут is now known as d^_^b|z-z-z
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[23:59:00] * [^_^]away ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
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[23:59:00] * Chuckie[offline] ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[23:59:00] * SNеГ[off] ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
[23:59:00] * ADM[psybnc] ( Quit (lost in the netsplit)
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