IRC логи каналов.
9 Марта 2012. Канал #help
[00:09:22] * ZemIn[offline] is now known as ZemIn
[00:39:44] * Wolf|away is now known as Wolf
[00:52:17] * yMHuK ( Quit (Read error: Input/output error)
[01:03:53] * грейпфрут is now known as d^_^b|z-z-z
[01:29:36] * INFINITI (~INFINITIX666@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[01:31:14] * X-Side ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[01:35:34] * INFINITI (~INFINITIX666@ has joined
[01:47:43] * Ржевский ( Quit (Quit: Помилуйте, королева! Разве я мог предложить даме водку? Чистый спирт!)
[02:13:23] * ZemIn is now known as ZemIn[offline]
[02:43:59] * Wolf is now known as Wolf|away
[03:18:44] * Zelik ( Quit (Quit: )
[03:20:28] * denio ( Quit (Quit: Oo)
[03:47:43] * Kseniya (~irc@ Quit (Quit: Лучше сделать и пожалеть, чем не сделать и пожалеть об этом.
[04:47:07] * Lex is now known as Reeper[bnc]
[04:56:24] * Reeper[bnc] is now known as Lex
[05:43:05] * Lex is now known as Lex|afk
[07:01:21] * Lex|afk is now known as Reeper[bnc]
[08:23:46] * Reeper[bnc] is now known as Lex|afk
[08:23:50] * Lex|afk is now known as Lex
[09:23:28] * denio ( has joined
[09:48:00] * Lex is now known as Reeper[bnc]
[09:57:03] * Cromlech|away is now known as Cromlech
[10:04:05] * denio ( Quit (Quit: Oo)
[10:40:54] * ZemIn[offline] is now known as ZemIn
[11:02:33] * Cromlech is now known as Cromlech|away
[11:03:27] * ХуЛиГаН (~hamlo@ has joined
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[11:06:15] * ChanServ sets mode: +o X-Side
[11:40:36] * Ржевский ( has joined
[11:43:48] * ХуЛиГаН (~hamlo@ Quit (Quit: )
[12:08:06] * ZemIn is now known as ZemIn[offline]
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[12:51:03] * d^_^b|z-z-z is now known as грейпфрут
[12:51:54] * PUSSyCAT (~NarkooUser@ has joined
[13:02:43] * НеТу (~zenit@ has joined
[13:02:59] * НеТу is now known as ХуЛиГаН
[13:12:19] * mirtoff|2 (~kvirc@ has joined
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[15:01:18] * ZemIn is now known as ZemIn[offline]
[15:07:36] * Андэдик ( has joined
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[15:36:16] * ХуЛиГаН (~zenit@ Quit (Quit: )
[15:41:38] * Cromlech|away is now known as Cromlech
[16:19:13] * Kseniya (~irc@ has joined
[17:00:14] * HellRaiser (~flip@ has joined
[17:17:52] * PUSSyCAT (~NarkooUser@ Quit (Ping timeout)
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[17:37:14] * IFBB ( has joined
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[17:43:04] <NITROGLITSERIN> ъх
[17:57:52] * ХуЛиГаН (~zenit@ has joined
[18:19:50] * Reeper[bnc] is now known as Lex
[18:27:21] * Guest4510 ( has joined
[18:28:22] * NITROGLITSERIN (~NITRO@ has left (Once you know what it is you want to be true, instinct is a very useful device for enabling you to know that it is)
[18:29:56] * Ржевский ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[19:24:43] * Reiko[offpower] is now known as Reiko
[19:29:26] * грейпфрут is now known as d^_^b|z-z-z
[20:24:15] * yMHuK ( Quit (Read error: Input/output error)
[20:34:22] * Zelik ( has joined
[21:06:23] * IFBB ( Quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.2 Insomnia
[21:17:43] * impres ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[21:19:27] * Reiko is now known as Reiko[offpower]
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[21:30:17] * Андэдик ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[22:41:32] * ffkkk (~----@ has joined
[22:42:37] <ffkkk> Take part in the project of financial mutual help, real money, real income look video on main page and registered now!
[22:43:26] * ffkkk (~----@ has left ()
[23:36:11] * Cromlech is now known as Cromlech|away
Query time 0.0044 s[00:39:44] * Wolf|away is now known as Wolf
[00:52:17] * yMHuK ( Quit (Read error: Input/output error)
[01:03:53] * грейпфрут is now known as d^_^b|z-z-z
[01:29:36] * INFINITI (~INFINITIX666@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[01:31:14] * X-Side ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[01:35:34] * INFINITI (~INFINITIX666@ has joined
[01:47:43] * Ржевский ( Quit (Quit: Помилуйте, королева! Разве я мог предложить даме водку? Чистый спирт!)
[02:13:23] * ZemIn is now known as ZemIn[offline]
[02:43:59] * Wolf is now known as Wolf|away
[03:18:44] * Zelik ( Quit (Quit: )
[03:20:28] * denio ( Quit (Quit: Oo)
[03:47:43] * Kseniya (~irc@ Quit (Quit: Лучше сделать и пожалеть, чем не сделать и пожалеть об этом.
[04:47:07] * Lex is now known as Reeper[bnc]
[04:56:24] * Reeper[bnc] is now known as Lex
[05:43:05] * Lex is now known as Lex|afk
[07:01:21] * Lex|afk is now known as Reeper[bnc]
[08:23:46] * Reeper[bnc] is now known as Lex|afk
[08:23:50] * Lex|afk is now known as Lex
[09:23:28] * denio ( has joined
[09:48:00] * Lex is now known as Reeper[bnc]
[09:57:03] * Cromlech|away is now known as Cromlech
[10:04:05] * denio ( Quit (Quit: Oo)
[10:40:54] * ZemIn[offline] is now known as ZemIn
[11:02:33] * Cromlech is now known as Cromlech|away
[11:03:27] * ХуЛиГаН (~hamlo@ has joined
[11:06:15] * X-Side ( has joined
[11:06:15] * ChanServ sets mode: +o X-Side
[11:40:36] * Ржевский ( has joined
[11:43:48] * ХуЛиГаН (~hamlo@ Quit (Quit: )
[12:08:06] * ZemIn is now known as ZemIn[offline]
[12:14:27] * ZemIn[offline] is now known as ZemIn
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[12:44:06] * mirtoff (~mirtoff@ Quit (Quit: )
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[12:51:03] * d^_^b|z-z-z is now known as грейпфрут
[12:51:54] * PUSSyCAT (~NarkooUser@ has joined
[13:02:43] * НеТу (~zenit@ has joined
[13:02:59] * НеТу is now known as ХуЛиГаН
[13:12:19] * mirtoff|2 (~kvirc@ has joined
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[14:12:44] * sets mode: +o X-Side
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[15:01:18] * ZemIn is now known as ZemIn[offline]
[15:07:36] * Андэдик ( has joined
[15:11:13] * ZemIn[offline] is now known as ZemIn
[15:36:16] * ХуЛиГаН (~zenit@ Quit (Quit: )
[15:41:38] * Cromlech|away is now known as Cromlech
[16:19:13] * Kseniya (~irc@ has joined
[17:00:14] * HellRaiser (~flip@ has joined
[17:17:52] * PUSSyCAT (~NarkooUser@ Quit (Ping timeout)
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[17:37:14] * IFBB ( has joined
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[17:43:04] <NITROGLITSERIN> ъх
[17:57:52] * ХуЛиГаН (~zenit@ has joined
[18:19:50] * Reeper[bnc] is now known as Lex
[18:27:21] * Guest4510 ( has joined
[18:28:22] * NITROGLITSERIN (~NITRO@ has left (Once you know what it is you want to be true, instinct is a very useful device for enabling you to know that it is)
[18:29:56] * Ржевский ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[19:24:43] * Reiko[offpower] is now known as Reiko
[19:29:26] * грейпфрут is now known as d^_^b|z-z-z
[20:24:15] * yMHuK ( Quit (Read error: Input/output error)
[20:34:22] * Zelik ( has joined
[21:06:23] * IFBB ( Quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.2 Insomnia
[21:17:43] * impres ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[21:19:27] * Reiko is now known as Reiko[offpower]
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[21:21:05] * ChanServ sets mode: +o impres
[21:30:17] * Андэдик ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[22:13:07] * spock ( Quit (Quit: )
[22:41:32] * ffkkk (~----@ has joined
[22:42:37] <ffkkk> Take part in the project of financial mutual help, real money, real income look video on main page and registered now!
[22:43:26] * ffkkk (~----@ has left ()
[23:36:11] * Cromlech is now known as Cromlech|away