IRC логи каналов.
6 Ноября 2012. Канал #help
[00:11:34] * tont is now known as [die]
[01:01:18] * Bumblebee ( has joined
[01:15:11] * dimaniO ( has joined
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[01:22:37] * липкий липкий он is now known as ZemIn[offline]
[02:21:20] * dimaniO is now known as di
[02:53:01] * Born_With_A_Beard|спит is now known as Born_With_A_Beard|нету
[03:23:40] * ~Девушка~с~характером~ (~irc@ Quit (Client closed connection)
[05:43:04] * [A-F-K] is now known as Lex
[06:49:30] * Zelik ( Quit (Quit: )
[07:01:52] * dizagen (~diesel@ has joined
[07:02:43] * dizagen (~diesel@ Quit (Quit: Лучше переспать, чем недоесть...)
[07:11:01] * Ржевский ( has joined
[09:45:50] * Lex is now known as [A-F-K]
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[10:04:44] * SnoochiBoochi ( has joined
[10:05:10] * Ktak (~ctac@ has joined
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[10:51:51] <Frenck> всем привет
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[11:28:39] * SpAm^eR_[23] (~NUser@ has joined
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[11:49:13] * S_Kristel-dead (pll@ Quit (Quit: поке \ BB)
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[12:10:06] * ~Девушка~с~характером~ (~irc@ has joined
[12:15:25] * Cromlech|away (~cromlech@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[12:49:46] * Unhal (~kvirc@ has joined
[12:49:57] <Unhal> Вопрос на засыпку -
[12:50:13] <Unhal> это что-то у меня с клиентом, или что-то у вас с народом?
[12:50:24] <Unhal> Где все, блин?
[12:51:10] * Unhal (~kvirc@ Quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.1.1 Equilibrium
[13:00:07] * Cromlech|away (~cromlech@ has joined
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[13:54:53] * Winston ( Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.1 < Personal IRC Team >
[16:01:44] * Born_With_A_Beard|нету is now known as Born_With_A_Beard
[16:11:40] * Cromlech|away (~cromlech@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[16:12:49] * OtecNagibator (~222@ has joined
[16:14:39] * OtecNagibator is now known as ВоистинуПельмень
[16:18:25] * Cromlech|away (~cromlech@ has joined
[16:20:13] * ВоистинуПельмень is now known as ОтецНагибатор
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[17:33:55] * zergut (zergut@ has joined
[17:42:56] * Cromlech|away is now known as Cromlech
[17:45:05] * Grisha_бнц is now known as Grisha
[17:50:18] * ОтецНагибатор (~222@ Quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.4 Insomnia
[18:04:56] * newbie ( has joined
[18:12:41] * newbie ( Quit (Quit: Ебу систему в рот)
[18:15:04] * zergut (zergut@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[18:23:28] * ViOlencis (~vika@ Quit (Client closed connection)
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[19:23:16] * Born_With_A_Beard ( Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.2 < Personal IRC Team > and
[19:24:14] * [die] is now known as tont
[20:03:14] * ZemIn[offline] is now known as липкий липкий он
[20:06:47] * SpAm^eR_[23] (~NUser@ Quit (Quit: Голод не тетка - полюбишь и козла... Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт NeOn Script 9.! CкАчАй с :)
[20:15:51] * липкий липкий он is now known as ZemIn
[20:33:46] * Zelik ( has joined
[21:12:56] * ZemIn is now known as ZemIn[offline]
[21:21:46] * ZemIn[offline] is now known as ZemIn
[21:49:10] * Grisha is now known as Grisha_бнц
[22:04:44] * Dimonus (~kvirc@ has joined
[22:04:59] <Dimonus> !help
[22:05:32] <Dimonus> !help 6
[22:11:46] * Dimonus (~kvirc@ Quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.3 Insomnia
[22:22:21] * Zelik ( Quit (Quit: )
[22:36:30] * zergut (zergut@ Quit (Quit: )
[22:44:27] * ZemIn is now known as ZemIn[offline]
[22:59:47] * Cromlech is now known as Cromlech|away
[23:28:34] * spock ( Quit (Quit: )
[23:54:18] * tont is now known as [die]
Query time 0.0188 s[01:01:18] * Bumblebee ( has joined
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[01:22:37] * липкий липкий он is now known as ZemIn[offline]
[02:21:20] * dimaniO is now known as di
[02:53:01] * Born_With_A_Beard|спит is now known as Born_With_A_Beard|нету
[03:23:40] * ~Девушка~с~характером~ (~irc@ Quit (Client closed connection)
[05:43:04] * [A-F-K] is now known as Lex
[06:49:30] * Zelik ( Quit (Quit: )
[07:01:52] * dizagen (~diesel@ has joined
[07:02:43] * dizagen (~diesel@ Quit (Quit: Лучше переспать, чем недоесть...)
[07:11:01] * Ржевский ( has joined
[09:45:50] * Lex is now known as [A-F-K]
[09:49:45] * X-Side_away ( has joined
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[09:50:06] * ChanServ sets mode: +o X-Side
[10:04:44] * SnoochiBoochi ( has joined
[10:05:10] * Ktak (~ctac@ has joined
[10:51:43] * Frenck ( has joined
[10:51:51] <Frenck> всем привет
[10:57:17] * Frenck ( has left ()
[10:59:33] * SnoochiBoochi ( has left ()
[11:28:39] * SpAm^eR_[23] (~NUser@ has joined
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[11:49:13] * S_Kristel-dead (pll@ Quit (Quit: поке \ BB)
[11:50:21] * iliy[work] (pll@ has joined
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[12:10:06] * ~Девушка~с~характером~ (~irc@ has joined
[12:15:25] * Cromlech|away (~cromlech@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[12:49:46] * Unhal (~kvirc@ has joined
[12:49:57] <Unhal> Вопрос на засыпку -
[12:50:13] <Unhal> это что-то у меня с клиентом, или что-то у вас с народом?
[12:50:24] <Unhal> Где все, блин?
[12:51:10] * Unhal (~kvirc@ Quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.1.1 Equilibrium
[13:00:07] * Cromlech|away (~cromlech@ has joined
[13:45:05] * razboynik_away ( Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
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[13:54:53] * Winston ( Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.1 < Personal IRC Team >
[16:01:44] * Born_With_A_Beard|нету is now known as Born_With_A_Beard
[16:11:40] * Cromlech|away (~cromlech@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[16:12:49] * OtecNagibator (~222@ has joined
[16:14:39] * OtecNagibator is now known as ВоистинуПельмень
[16:18:25] * Cromlech|away (~cromlech@ has joined
[16:20:13] * ВоистинуПельмень is now known as ОтецНагибатор
[16:37:10] * Reiko[offpower] is now known as Reiko
[17:17:45] * Reiko is now known as Reiko[offpower]
[17:33:55] * zergut (zergut@ has joined
[17:42:56] * Cromlech|away is now known as Cromlech
[17:45:05] * Grisha_бнц is now known as Grisha
[17:50:18] * ОтецНагибатор (~222@ Quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.4 Insomnia
[18:04:56] * newbie ( has joined
[18:12:41] * newbie ( Quit (Quit: Ебу систему в рот)
[18:15:04] * zergut (zergut@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[18:23:28] * ViOlencis (~vika@ Quit (Client closed connection)
[18:25:51] * X-Side is now known as X-Side_away
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[19:23:16] * Born_With_A_Beard ( Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.2 < Personal IRC Team > and
[19:24:14] * [die] is now known as tont
[20:03:14] * ZemIn[offline] is now known as липкий липкий он
[20:06:47] * SpAm^eR_[23] (~NUser@ Quit (Quit: Голод не тетка - полюбишь и козла... Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт NeOn Script 9.! CкАчАй с :)
[20:15:51] * липкий липкий он is now known as ZemIn
[20:33:46] * Zelik ( has joined
[21:12:56] * ZemIn is now known as ZemIn[offline]
[21:21:46] * ZemIn[offline] is now known as ZemIn
[21:49:10] * Grisha is now known as Grisha_бнц
[22:04:44] * Dimonus (~kvirc@ has joined
[22:04:59] <Dimonus> !help
[22:05:32] <Dimonus> !help 6
[22:11:46] * Dimonus (~kvirc@ Quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.3 Insomnia
[22:22:21] * Zelik ( Quit (Quit: )
[22:36:30] * zergut (zergut@ Quit (Quit: )
[22:44:27] * ZemIn is now known as ZemIn[offline]
[22:59:47] * Cromlech is now known as Cromlech|away
[23:28:34] * spock ( Quit (Quit: )
[23:54:18] * tont is now known as [die]