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23 Сентября 2011. Канал #help

[00:03:21] * ZemIn is now known as ZemIn[offline]
[00:12:49] * X-Side ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[00:47:42] * снусмумрик ( Quit (Quit: )
[00:53:47] * Ржевский ( Quit (Quit: Помилуйте, королева! Разве я мог предложить даме водку? Чистый спирт!)
[01:09:46] * Greenus is now known as Greenus[away]
[01:45:49] * YooKim ( has joined
[01:45:49] * * changes topic to 'Официальный канал помощи по IRC сети WeNet. На канале запрещены разговоры не по теме (оффтопик), мат, флуд, выделение шрифтами, /me и скрипты. Вопросы по IRC задавайте на канале, а не в приватах! Сайт и правила канала: | - описание "/raw -n" в 7.03'
[02:58:32] * Lex is now known as Lex|Sleep
[04:09:42] * Depeche_Mode (~irc@ Quit (Quit: [Лн·Ст] v6 › 'll be back!)
[04:42:32] * ^Oo^ ( Quit (^Oo^)
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[04:48:25] * Lex|Sleep is now known as [Not_on_a_place]
[04:48:49] * ^Oo^ sets mode: -o ^Oo^
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[06:13:17] * [Not_on_a_place] is now known as Lex|Sleep
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[09:42:23] * коля is now known as коля_нету
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[10:06:08] * X-Side_away is now known as X-Side
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[10:46:02] * denio (multik@ Quit (Quit: Oo)
[11:07:03] * Millenium_Коля is now known as коля_уехал_в_бар
[11:09:22] * Lex|BBS is now known as Lex
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[12:01:32] * ZemIn[offline] ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[12:01:32] * аё|afk ( Quit (Netsplitted)
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[13:39:56] * FalleN ( Quit (Quit: - Вчера лег спать около двух....НЕ выспался...((... - Сегодня...пожалуй лягу.....около... одной.....))))))))))))))
[13:43:28] * Greenus[away] is now known as Greenus
[13:44:23] * dimaniO (~pottzi@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[13:44:31] * Guest1593 is now known as gadm
[13:55:14] * NDrop|aw is now known as NDrop
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[16:00:18] * Cromlech is now known as Cromlech|away
[16:01:49] * мерзопакость is now known as Night_Tiger
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[16:19:16] * Greenus is now known as Greenus[away]
[16:36:15] * Lex is now known as [Not_on_a_place]
[16:47:18] * Cromlech|away is now known as Cromlech
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[17:05:00] * Dmitriy_Stavropol_ZM (~NeoRa_uze@ Quit (Quit: Русифицированный mIRC 6.03 от NeoRa GrouP ( ))
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[18:44:18] * Greenus[away] is now known as Greenus
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[19:02:15] * Night_Tiger[afk] is now known as Night_Tiger
[19:09:14] * Night_Tiger ( Quit (Excess Flood)
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[20:00:25] * [Not_on_a_place] is now known as Lex
[20:08:06] * ` (~AlucarD@ Quit (Ping timeout)
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[21:15:52] * Lex is now known as [Not_on_a_place]
[21:20:50] * Apofis (~apofis@ Quit (Quit: )
[21:29:57] * FalleN ( Quit (Quit: - Вчера лег спать около двух....НЕ выспался...((... - Сегодня...пожалуй лягу.....около... одной.....))))))))))))))
[21:49:41] * Reiko is now known as Reiko[offpower]
[22:03:30] * Zelik[wrk] is now known as Zelik
[22:06:58] * ` (~AlucarD@ has joined
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[22:57:03] * schizo_eidos (~VirtuozIR@ has joined
[22:57:23] <schizo_eidos> драсте не могу зарегить канал,статус оператора стоит,а он всё равно пишет "[^22•54•50^] -ChanServ- У Вас должен быть статус оператора на канале, чтобы зарегистрировать этот канал."
[22:57:23] <Helper> Для регистрации канала введите: /cs register #канал пароль описание.
[22:57:23] <Helper> Описание - это основная идея или предназнанчение Вашего канала,по которому о нем смогут
[22:57:23] <Helper> узнать потенциальные посетители канала с помощью контекстного поиска командой /cs list *подстрока*
[22:58:03] <schizo_eidos> всё,решил
[22:58:04] * [Not_on_a_place] is now known as Lex
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[23:24:22] <des> возможна ли переадресация с одного канала на другой?
[23:24:31] <yMHuK> нет.
[23:24:43] * des (pIRCuser33@ has left ()
[23:51:17] * Cromlech is now known as Cromlech|away
[23:52:38] * Lex is now known as [Not_on_a_place]
Query time 0.0709 s