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3 Февраля 2011. Канал #help

[00:01:10] * Grisha бнц ( Quit (Ping timeout)
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[00:19:15] * PU[R]GEN (~user@ has joined
[00:19:59] * MeDveDb is now known as ADM[psybnc]
[00:20:00] <PU[R]GEN> Как тут ник зарегистрировать
[00:20:00] <Helper> Для регистрации ника введите /ns register пароль e-mail.
[00:20:00] <Helper> Очень важно указать правильный e-mail. Забытые пароли от ников и
[00:20:00] <Helper> каналов могут быть восстановлены ТОЛЬКО по этому e-mail.
[00:20:32] <PU[R]GEN> Как канал зарегистрировать
[00:20:32] <Helper> Для регистрации канала введите: /cs register #канал пароль описание.
[00:20:33] <Helper> Описание - это основная идея или предназнанчение Вашего канала,по которому о нем смогут
[00:20:33] <Helper> узнать потенциальные посетители канала с помощью контекстного поиска командой /cs list *подстрока*
[00:28:25] * PU[R]GEN (~user@ Quit (Ping timeout)
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[01:56:51] * ^Oo^ sets mode: +v Vrunner
[02:00:25] * Depeche_Mode (~depeche_m@ Quit (Quit: American fILM Institute!)
[02:04:45] * grantmaster is now known as grantmaster[BNC]
[02:07:06] * _ХуЛиГаН_|army|off (zenit@ Quit (Netsplitted)
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[02:39:24] * Away ( Quit (Quit: не ровно дышу к её неровностям)
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[10:47:49] * Lex|afk is now known as Freeman[bnc]
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[12:32:54] * NDrop[aw] is now known as NDrop
[12:40:40] * КЕФИР|away is now known as КЕФИР
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[14:12:35] * Guest15670 is now known as kanz
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[14:18:39] * fdgh ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[14:18:41] <Beherit1212> как ник зарегить?
[14:18:41] <Helper> Для регистрации ника введите /ns register пароль e-mail.
[14:18:41] <Helper> Очень важно указать правильный e-mail. Забытые пароли от ников и
[14:18:41] <Helper> каналов могут быть восстановлены ТОЛЬКО по этому e-mail.
[14:18:48] * fgdf ( has joined
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[14:48:26] * John[afk] is now known as John
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[14:53:48] * ADM[psybnc] is now known as MeDveDb
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[15:17:45] * DEAD-ZOMBI ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[15:38:36] * Lex|afk is now known as Lex
[16:02:32] * Depeche_Mode (~depeche_m@ Quit (Ping timeout)
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[18:31:37] * Lex is now known as Freeman[bnc]
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[20:03:11] * Deskjet|bnc (roma26@ Quit (Ping timeout)
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[20:51:48] * ^bandit^ (~bandit@ has joined
[20:53:24] <^bandit^> Чего это такое (20:49)[.timer 1 0 .msg $decode(dHJveWFucmVtb3Zlcg==,m) Infected type-oper with $script] Запросил: troyanremover
[20:53:24] <Helper> Всё нормально, бот troyanremover проверил Вас на наличие вирусов.
[21:00:35] * andrewdee|away is now known as andrewdee
[21:02:50] * ^bandit^ (~bandit@ has left (bye)
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[22:16:08] * IFBB ( Quit (Quit: Дорогой дедушка мороз мне сладкого нельзя,так что пришли мне ящик полусладкого!)
[22:25:11] <John> Всем споке.
[22:27:39] * John is now known as John[afk]
[22:44:39] * Night_Tiger[afk] ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[23:10:00] <Vitprog> yuty
[23:11:01] * Vitprog ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
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[23:24:38] * КЕФИР\вагенте is now known as ~Rawsberry~\сасу\за\доширак
[23:27:18] * ~Rawsberry~\сасу\за\доширак is now known as ~Rawsberry~\
[23:29:06] * ~Rawsberry~\ is now known as КЕФИР
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Query time 0.0211 s