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5 Декабря 2011. Канал #help

[01:02:57] * poymep ( Quit (Quit: Leaving)
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[02:13:14] * Depeche_Mode (~irc@ Quit (Quit: [Лн·Ст] v6 › 'll be back!)
[03:42:10] * ` (~AlucarD@ Quit (Quit: А кто же всё-таки станцует на моей могиле?)
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[08:34:12] * Armenia|AwAy ( Quit (Ping timeout)
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[08:57:15] <XoX0L> напомните пожалуйста команду чтобы скрывать инфу по нику
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[12:30:01] * [crash] ( has joined
[12:30:27] <[crash]> как зарегистрировать ник?
[12:30:27] <Helper> Для регистрации ника введите /ns register пароль e-mail.
[12:30:27] <Helper> Очень важно указать правильный e-mail. Забытые пароли от ников и
[12:30:27] <Helper> каналов могут быть восстановлены ТОЛЬКО по этому e-mail.
[12:32:50] * [crash] ( has left ()
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[13:01:11] * yMHuK ( Quit (Read error: Input/output error)
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[15:05:24] * Директор Зоопарка is now known as ZemIn[offline]
[15:07:12] * ZemIn[offline] is now known as Директор Зоопарка
[15:45:41] * Cromlech|away is now known as Cromlech
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[16:26:19] * Night_Tiger[afk] is now known as Night_Tiger
[16:27:12] * Cromlech is now known as Ping timeout
[16:27:27] * Ping timeout is now known as Cromlech
[16:30:21] <NetServ> Cromlech а что с ним?
[16:30:21] * yMHuK ( has joined
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[16:31:14] <NetServ> Oo
[16:32:58] * Night_Tiger is now known as Night_Tiger[afk]
[16:33:20] <Night_Tiger[afk]> попробуйте /ns
[16:37:34] <Night_Tiger[afk]> сейчас вылечим)
[16:38:20] <Night_Tiger[afk]> sent: { Cromlech } так лучше?)
[16:38:25] * Night_Tiger[afk] is now known as Night_Tiger
[16:38:43] * Cromlech is now known as Ping timeout
[16:38:57] * Ping timeout is now known as Cromlech
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[16:46:33] <yMHuK> !help
[17:06:03] * Grisha_бнц is now known as Grisha
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[20:09:11] * Night_Tiger is now known as Night_Tiger[afk]
[20:25:13] * NDrop|aw is now known as NDrop
[20:43:48] * spock ( Quit (Quit: )
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[21:02:19] * IFBB ( Quit (Quit: KVIrc 4.0.2 Insomnia
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[21:22:07] <CHEDDAR> gdfhgdfhfgh
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[21:22:07] <evangeli> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:07] <Ch|no> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:07] <mouse> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:07] <Canadian> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:07] <EsD> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:07] <Eminem> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:07] <Ivy> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:07] <teagan> gdfhgdfhfgh
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[21:22:07] * GNUbie (~bigcatpa@ has joined
[21:22:07] <jay2cool> gdfhgdfhfgh
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[21:22:07] <guera> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:07] <DONETHAT> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:07] <j-a-s-mi> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:07] <tribute> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:07] <CHEDDAR> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:07] <evangeli> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:07] <Ch|no> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:07] <mouse> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:07] <Canadian> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:07] <Eminem> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:07] <EsD> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:07] <Ivy> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:07] <teagan> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:07] <bunty> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:07] <Jayla> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:07] <Jesseca> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:07] <sharmain> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:07] <babycake> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:08] <lonely_m> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:08] <Bo[A]rDW> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:08] <Misty> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:08] <guera> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:08] <JesterWi> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:08] <jay2cool> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:08] <CHEDDAR> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:08] <tribute> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:08] <evangeli> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:08] <Ch|no> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:08] <mouse> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:08] <Canadian> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:08] <Ivy> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:08] <EsD> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:08] <Eminem> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:08] <teagan> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:08] <lonely_m> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:08] <bunty> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:08] <Jesseca> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:08] <sharmain> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:08] <JesterWi> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:08] <jay2cool> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:08] <GNUbie> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:08] <GNUbie> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:08] <j-a-s-mi> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:08] <DONETHAT> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:08] <tribute> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:08] <CHEDDAR> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:08] <evangeli> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:08] <Ch|no> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:08] <Canadian> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:08] <mouse> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:08] <Ivy> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:08] <teagan> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:08] <lonely_m> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:08] <Jesseca> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:08] <sharmain> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:08] <Jayla> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:08] <Jayla> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:08] * CK (~green1@ has joined
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[21:22:09] <Ch|no> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:09] <Canadian> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:09] <Ivy> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:09] <teagan> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:09] <lonely_m> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:09] <Jesseca> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:09] <sharmain> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:09] <j-a-s-mi> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:09] <j-a-s-mi> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:09] <DONETHAT> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:09] <DONETHAT> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:09] <JesterWi> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:09] <jay2cool> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:09] <guera> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:09] <CK> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:09] <Eminem> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:09] <EsD> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:09] <Misty> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:09] <jbaruch7> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:09] <jbaruch7> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:09] <GNUbie> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:09] <GNUbie> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:09] <Jayla> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:09] <Jayla> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:09] * Guest_64 (~jerryxtc@ has joined
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[21:22:09] <GuestMal> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:09] <GuestMal> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:09] <GuestMal> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:09] <GuestMal> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:09] <GuestMal> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:09] <Jelly> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:10] <Jelly> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:10] <Jelly> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:10] <Jelly> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:10] <Jelly> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:10] <jbaruch7> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:10] <GNUbie> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:10] <mouse> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:10] <Bo[A]rDW> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:10] <babycake> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:10] <tribute> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:10] <CHEDDAR> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:10] <evangeli> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:10] <Ch|no> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:10] <Canadian> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:10] <Ivy> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:10] <teagan> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:10] <lonely_m> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:10] <Jesseca> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:10] <sharmain> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:10] <JesterWi> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:10] <jay2cool> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:10] <Jayla> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:10] <j-a-s-mi> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:10] <DONETHAT> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:10] <jbaruch7> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:10] <Guest_64> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:10] <CK> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:10] <Eminem> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:10] <EsD> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:10] <guera> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:10] <Misty> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:10] <bunty> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:10] <bunty> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:10] <bunty> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:10] <GuestMal> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:10] <Jelly> gdfhgdfhfgh
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[21:22:10] <mouse> gdfhgdfhfgh
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[21:22:10] <marcy> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:11] <tribute> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:11] <CHEDDAR> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:11] <evangeli> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:11] <Ch|no> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:11] <Canadian> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:11] <Ivy> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:11] <teagan> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:11] <lonely_m> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:11] <bunty> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:11] <Jesseca> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:11] <sharmain> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:11] <JesterWi> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:11] <jay2cool> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:11] <Jayla> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:11] <j-a-s-mi> gdfhgdfhfgh
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[21:22:11] <GNUbie> gdfhgdfhfgh
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[21:22:11] <GNUbie> gdfhgdfhfgh
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[21:22:11] <CK> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:11] <Eminem> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:12] <EsD> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:12] <guera> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:12] <Misty> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:12] <GuestMal> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:12] <Jelly> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:12] <mouse> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:12] <Bo[A]rDW> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:12] <babycake> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:13] <eli1> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:13] <CHEDDAR> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:13] <tribute> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:13] <evangeli> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:13] <Ch|no> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:13] <Canadian> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:13] <teagan> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:13] <Jesseca> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:13] <sharmain> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:13] <lonely_m> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:13] <bunty> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:13] <marcy> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:13] <finbun> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:13] <Ivy> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:13] <JesterWi> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:13] <jay2cool> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:13] <j-a-s-mi> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:13] <DONETHAT> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:13] <Jayla> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:13] <GNUbie> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:13] * lonely_m ( Quit (K-banned: You have a host listed in the DroneBL. For more information, visit (2011/12/05 22.23))
[21:22:13] * bunty ( Quit (K-banned: You have a host listed in the DroneBL. For more information, visit (2011/12/05 22.23))
[21:22:13] <jbaruch7> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:13] <Guest_64> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:13] <CK> gdfhgdfhfgh
[21:22:13] <Eminem> gdfhgdfhfgh
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[21:25:02] <tont> позднее зажигание
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[21:25:17] <d^_^b> Лучше поздно, чем никогда.
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[23:20:58] <Away> да и эмочку можно убрать:)
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