IRC логи каналов.

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27 Сентября 2010. Канал #help

[00:21:35] * Guest14266 ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[00:24:11] * vanechka is now known as |`away`|
[00:43:44] * chikale[wht] (~deniska@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[00:43:53] * ChanServ sets mode: +o chikale[wht]
[00:44:38] * Away is now known as denio
[01:05:17] * denio ( Quit (Quit: не ровно дышу к её неровностям)
[01:05:43] * rtl (~kill@ Quit (Client closed connection)
[02:42:44] * уг ( Quit (Quit:
[03:03:11] * YooKim ( has joined
[03:03:11] * * changes topic to 'Официальный канал помощи по IRC сети WeNet. На канале запрещены разговоры не по теме (оффтопик), мат, флуд, выделение шрифтами, /me и скрипты. Вопросы по IRC задавайте на канале, а не в приватах! Сайт и правила канала:'
[03:15:31] * jenik (~jenik@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[03:29:57] * kot offline is now known as kot
[03:31:48] <kot> всем пока
[03:31:58] * kot is now known as vlz|bnc
[03:59:52] * troyanremover (~troyanrem@ has left (Для предотвращения заражения IRC-троянами Администрация сети рекомендует использовать команду: /.alias write if encode isin $1- || ctcp isin $1- { halt } | write $1-)
[04:01:53] * troyanremover (~troyanrem@ has joined
[06:09:45] * Depeche_Mode (~depeche_m@ Quit (Quit: American fILM Institute!)
[06:24:55] * Хочу_секеса (~INFINITX@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[06:27:18] * SeenBot (~seenbot@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[06:30:01] * SNеГ[off] ( Quit (Netsplitted)
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[06:54:00] * denio ( has joined
[07:03:43] * exspress ( has joined
[07:24:14] * vlz|bnc is now known as kot
[07:26:17] <kot> привет всем
[07:49:23] * jenik (~jenik@ has joined
[07:53:50] * SNеГ[off] ( has joined
[07:53:50] * jenik (~jenik@ Quit (Quit: )
[07:58:44] * Ruslan (~Miranda@ has joined
[08:07:25] * jenik (~jenik@ has joined
[08:11:36] * denio ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[08:18:53] * Ruslan (~Miranda@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[08:21:30] * kot is now known as kot offline
[08:32:41] * Хочу_секеса (~INFINITX@ has joined
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[08:43:49] * Олеся_Белгород_Ya (~NeoRa_uze@ has joined
[08:59:03] * kot offline is now known as kot
[09:09:25] * Ruslan (~Miranda@ has joined
[09:09:30] * Dmitriy_Stavropol_ZM ( has joined
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[09:12:23] * ушел__ is now known as ^|-__-|^
[09:31:25] * X-Side ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[09:38:40] * kot is now known as vlz|bnc
[09:59:53] * troyanremover (~troyanrem@ has left (Для предотвращения заражения IRC-троянами Администрация сети рекомендует использовать команду: /.alias write if encode isin $1- || ctcp isin $1- { halt } | write $1-)
[10:01:51] * troyanremover (~troyanrem@ has joined
[10:08:22] * SPRINT[afk] is now known as SPRINT
[10:15:43] * CTAPOMAK ( Quit (Quit: When two people dream the same dream, it ceases to be an illusion. KVIrc 3.4.3 Shiny(svn-3438)
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[10:46:23] * SPRINT is now known as SPRINT[afk]
[10:55:21] * X-Side_away is now known as X-Side_work
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[11:08:35] * ChanServ sets mode: +o X-Side
[11:10:45] * ^|-__-|^ is now known as ушел__
[11:14:27] * MaxRush is now known as Max_Rush
[11:35:01] * Ruslan (~Miranda@ Quit (Ping timeout)
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[11:40:29] * CTAPOMAK ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[11:42:14] * Ruslan (~Miranda@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[12:00:41] * |`away`| is now known as ^|-__-|^
[12:03:41] * Night_Tiger[afk] is now known as мерзопакость
[12:14:41] * fire_under_spoon (~user@ has joined
[12:14:52] <fire_under_spoon> !seen AJIuCeHoK
[12:15:03] * fire_under_spoon (~user@ has left ()
[12:30:25] * Reiko[offpower] is now known as Reiko
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[12:45:17] * grantmaster[BNC] is now known as grantmaster
[13:03:43] * OrangeBox (~HotCoffee@zeek.ntown) has joined
[13:07:39] * petite_cuppin ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[13:13:52] * d^_^b|z-z-z is now known as d^_^b
[13:18:27] * Хочу_секеса (~INFINITX@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[13:20:20] * Reiko is now known as Reiko[offpower]
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[13:47:59] * Naru-sama (~kvirc@ has joined
[13:48:17] * Naru-sama (~kvirc@ has left (Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away)
[13:51:54] * MaxRush (~maxrush@ has joined
[13:53:09] * Max_Rush (max7rush@ Quit (Ping timeout)
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[13:58:27] * vlz|bnc is now known as kot
[14:16:11] * MaxRush (max7rush@ has joined
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[14:18:16] * denio ( has joined
[14:21:11] * SNеГ (sneg86rus@ has joined
[14:23:03] * denio is now known as Away
[14:26:54] * Ruslan (~Miranda@ has joined
[14:47:49] * DEAD-ZOMBI ( Quit (Quit: Никогда не спорьте с идиотом, ибо во время спора вы опускаетесь до его уровня, где он задавит вас своим опытом | All Hail Lelouch!!! | Guilty Gear Player [FuryBalls]KuroShi)
[14:50:55] * Zigizmund ( has joined
[14:51:37] * Zigizmund ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[15:20:09] * ушел__ is now known as vanechka
[15:22:57] * xUNDERx ( has joined
[15:23:00] * xUNDERx ( Quit (Client closed connection)
[15:36:41] * chikale[wht] (~deniska@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[15:44:37] * Depeche_Mode (~depeche_m@ has joined
[15:54:29] * kot is now known as [малыш]
[15:57:35] * Depeche_Mode (~depeche_m@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[15:59:52] * troyanremover (~troyanrem@ has left (Для предотвращения заражения IRC-троянами Администрация сети рекомендует использовать команду: /.alias write if encode isin $1- || ctcp isin $1- { halt } | write $1-)
[16:01:51] * troyanremover (~troyanrem@ has joined
[16:05:04] * Cellebro (~Cellebro@ has joined
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[16:16:11] * Denis_ShedevR (~denis_she@ has joined
[16:32:51] * d^_^b is now known as d^_^b|z-z-z
[16:32:54] * d^_^b|z-z-z is now known as d^_^b
[16:41:09] * Dmitriy_Stavropol_ZM2 ( Quit (Quit: Русифицированный mIRC 6.03 от NeoRa GrouP ( ))
[16:53:47] * Anti ( has joined
[16:55:01] * ^|-__-|^ is now known as |`away`|
[16:55:49] * Ржевский ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[16:55:50] * Dmitriy_Stavropol_ZM2 ( has joined
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[16:59:38] * О_У_Ч_С ( has joined
[16:59:52] <О_У_Ч_С> как разрегить канал ??
[16:59:52] <Helper> Для того, чтобы разрегистрировать канал, введите:
[16:59:52] <Helper> /cs identify #канал пароль
[16:59:52] <Helper> /cs drop #канал.
[17:01:34] * О_У_Ч_С ( Quit (Quit: Welcome to
[17:02:37] * Dmitriy_Stavropol_ZM ( Quit (Quit: Русифицированный mIRC 6.03 от NeoRa GrouP ( ))
[17:09:51] * YooKim ( has joined
[17:09:51] * * changes topic to 'Официальный канал помощи по IRC сети WeNet. На канале запрещены разговоры не по теме (оффтопик), мат, флуд, выделение шрифтами, /me и скрипты. Вопросы по IRC задавайте на канале, а не в приватах! Сайт и правила канала:'
[17:10:08] * IFBB ( has joined
[17:13:49] * ВАДИМ (st_sergio@ has joined
[17:13:54] * DEAD-ZOMBI ( has joined
[17:15:09] * Guest7487 ( has joined
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[18:06:48] * YooKim ( has joined
[18:06:48] * * changes topic to 'Официальный канал помощи по IRC сети WeNet. На канале запрещены разговоры не по теме (оффтопик), мат, флуд, выделение шрифтами, /me и скрипты. Вопросы по IRC задавайте на канале, а не в приватах! Сайт и правила канала:'
[18:23:50] * X-Side ( Quit (Local kill by X-Side_work (User request))
[18:24:14] * X-Side ( has joined
[18:24:14] * ChanServ sets mode: +o X-Side
[18:52:40] * right (right@ has joined
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[18:56:38] * IFBB ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[18:56:53] * [малыш] is now known as [малыш] купатца
[18:57:22] * ZemIn[offline] is now known as ZemIn
[18:57:26] * X-Side ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[18:57:40] * X-Side_work is now known as X-Side_away
[19:00:14] * yoyoeye (~yoyoeye@ has joined
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[19:09:17] * right (right@ Quit (Quit: Я использую script by right)
[19:13:14] * yoyoeye (~yoyoeye@ Quit (Client closed connection)
[19:36:46] * yMHuK ( Quit (Quit: What? Where? When?)
[19:39:24] * [малыш] купатца is now known as kot
[19:44:24] * Reiko[offpower] is now known as Reiko
[19:45:01] * NetServ ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[19:45:01] * Ржевский_ушел ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[19:45:01] * аё|afk ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[19:45:01] * Grisha ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[19:45:01] * ZemIn ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[19:45:01] * PoRNo-MoRoZ (~hp1ng@ Quit (Netsplitted)
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[19:49:27] * аё|afk ( has joined
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[19:51:17] * ZemIn[offline] ( has joined
[20:06:17] <kot> поа всем
[20:07:08] * kot is now known as vlz|bnc
[20:07:19] * ti_ne_poverish (pIRCuser17@ has joined
[20:07:45] * ZemIn[offline] is now known as ZemIn
[20:07:45] * ZemIn is now known as ZemIn[offline]
[20:08:00] * ZemIn[offline] is now known as ZemIn
[20:10:28] * царь ( has joined
[20:14:24] * царь ( Quit (Quit: )
[20:14:51] * Anti ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[20:16:07] * UnReaL (Unrealilya@ has joined
[20:16:24] * UnReaL (Unrealilya@ has left (Ухожу)
[20:17:36] * SNеГ (sneg86rus@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[20:18:53] * X-Side ( has joined
[20:18:53] * ChanServ sets mode: +o X-Side
[20:24:56] * Reiko is now known as Reiko[offpower]
[20:27:58] * Ruslan (~Miranda@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[20:42:05] * MaxRush is now known as Max_Rush
[20:52:38] * yMHuK ( has joined
[20:52:39] * ChanServ sets mode: +o yMHuK
[20:53:12] * Guest82872 is now known as Grisha
[21:05:45] * exspress ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[21:07:08] * Antibiotic (pIRCuser35@lan1-5-84.unity) has joined
[21:07:23] <Antibiotic> регистарция ника
[21:07:34] <yMHuK> как зарегить ник
[21:07:34] <Helper> Для регистрации ника введите /ns register пароль e-mail.
[21:07:34] <Helper> Очень важно указать правильный e-mail. Забытые пароли от ников и
[21:07:34] <Helper> каналов могут быть восстановлены ТОЛЬКО по этому e-mail.
[21:13:23] * Какажоид ( has joined
[21:16:00] * Guest14266 ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[21:19:43] * ti_ne_poverish (pIRCuser17@ Quit (Quit: )
[21:24:47] * OrangeBox (~HotCoffee@zeek.ntown) Quit (Quit: HotCoffee)
[21:26:11] * Antibiotic (pIRCuser35@lan1-5-84.unity) Quit (Quit: pIRC)
[21:44:08] * Какажоид ( Quit (Quit: для всех любителей StarCraft канал - #StarCraft_OptiZone)
[21:49:21] * X-Side ( Quit (Ping timeout)
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[21:59:52] * troyanremover (~troyanrem@ has left (Для предотвращения заражения IRC-троянами Администрация сети рекомендует использовать команду: /.alias write if encode isin $1- || ctcp isin $1- { halt } | write $1-)
[22:01:51] * troyanremover (~troyanrem@ has joined
[22:05:34] * Какажоид ( has joined
[22:05:47] * IFBB ( Quit (Quit: When two people dream the same dream, it ceases to be an illusion. KVIrc 3.4.3 Shiny(svn-3155)
[22:09:43] * chikale[wht] ( has joined
[22:09:43] * ChanServ sets mode: +o chikale[wht]
[22:16:40] * DEAD-ZOMBI ( Quit (Quit: Никогда не спорьте с идиотом, ибо во время спора вы опускаетесь до его уровня, где он задавит вас своим опытом | All Hail Lelouch!!! | Guilty Gear Player [FuryBalls]KuroShi)
[22:22:06] * ti_ne_poverish (pIRCuser17@ Quit (Quit: )
[22:24:10] * yoyoeye (~yoyoeye@ has joined
[22:37:34] * yoyoeye (~yoyoeye@ Quit (Client closed connection)
[22:48:17] * nt][anter (~nthanter@ has joined
[22:48:23] <nt][anter> Тёхь я№штхђ =)
[22:48:59] <nt][anter> ъђю ёърцхђ ъръ ьэх я№ртшыќэю юђюс№рчшђќ ётюш ёшьтюыр т ьш№ъх7
[22:49:08] <d^_^b> nt][anter, /codepage cp1251
[22:49:12] * Depeche_Mode (~depeche_m@ has joined
[22:49:20] <nt][anter> ёїр..
[22:49:40] <yMHuK> nt][anter /server
[22:49:57] <nt][anter> ђръ ђю ш хёђќ эю
[22:50:06] <nt][anter> тћјхёърчрээрџ я№юсыхьр(
[22:51:08] <nt][anter> усё =)
[22:52:24] <nt][anter> круто)
[22:52:34] <nt][anter> жесть веще)
[22:53:01] <nt][anter> только крестика не хватает +v
[22:53:35] <yMHuK> оффтопик только прекращаем
[22:53:37] <nt][anter> и ключика для 9 того клиента мирки
[22:53:48] <yMHuK> по остальным вопросам на #ask
[23:02:57] * grantmaster is now known as grantmaster[BNC]
[23:06:51] * Grisha is now known as Grisha бнц
[23:10:31] <d^_^b> Всем спокойной ночи.
[23:11:15] * d^_^b is now known as d^_^b|z-z-z
[23:16:01] * Guest14266 ( has joined
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[23:43:02] * Ruslan (~Miranda@ has joined
[23:45:44] * уг ( has joined
[23:46:22] * уг is now known as как так
[23:48:00] * yMHuK ( Quit (Quit: What? Where? When?)
[23:58:13] * Ruslan (~Miranda@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[23:59:53] * Oygen2005 ( has joined
Query time 0.0548 s