IRC логи каналов.
9 Января 2012. Канал #eggdrop
[00:03:21] * ХуЛиГаН (~hamlo@ Quit (Quit: )
[00:17:39] * d^_^b|z-z-z is now known as грейпфрут
[00:30:35] * LeXuS is now known as LeXuS[off]
[01:00:16] * masters ( Quit (Quit: ***)
[02:27:50] * FreeLanceR is now known as FRLCR|away
[02:36:15] * Kseniya (~irc@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[02:42:53] * Buster (~Buster@xn--80aeoa4afbke4o.xn--p1ai) Quit (Quit: )
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[03:38:29] * грейпфрут is now known as d^_^b|z-z-z
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[09:57:13] * Night_Tiger[afk] is now known as bestialitas
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[12:11:49] * грейпфрут is now known as d^_^b|z-z-z
[12:13:54] * Buster (~Buster@xn--80aeoa4afbke4o.xn--p1ai) has joined
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[13:30:39] * Kseniya (~irc@ Quit (Quit: Лучше сделать и пожалеть, чем не сделать и пожалеть об этом.)
[13:31:04] * Vampi ( Quit (Quit: Боишься - не делай, а сделал не бойся!)
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[14:28:59] * карамельки (~He6echa9l.85@ Quit (Quit: темномирк:
[14:29:09] * AliasNET sets mode: +v Mellisa
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[15:10:35] * DPblH ( Quit (Quit: Если ваша жена застукала вас с любовницей, значит, теперь вам водить!)
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[15:48:05] * d^_^b|z-z-z is now known as грейпфрут
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[16:47:12] * sets mode: +v Network
[17:07:49] * Reiko[offpower] is now known as Reiko
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[17:13:52] * bestialitas is now known as Night_Tiger
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[17:58:49] * FreeLanceR is now known as FRLCR|away
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[18:46:33] * FRLCR|away is now known as FreeLanceR
[19:48:26] * YooKim ( has joined
[19:48:26] * * changes topic to '.: Official EggDrop Help Channel :. LATEST STABLE RELEASE FROM: (Win32 NEW!: | Scripts:'
[19:48:28] * AliasNET sets mode: +v YooKim
[19:49:41] * Jaiss ( has joined
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[20:28:03] * Google ( Quit (Ping timeout)
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[20:46:17] * Reiko is now known as Reiko[offpower]
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[20:54:46] * rte89 ( has joined
[20:55:41] <rte89> Люди всем привет! Не могли бы помочь подправить скрипт, в чём то там ошибся.
[20:56:07] <Buster> какого рода
[20:58:24] <rte89> Скрипт, не берёт сообщения с одного канала и не пересылает на другой.
[20:58:35] <rte89> хотя бинд был указан верно.
[20:58:58] <Buster> а с других каналов пересылает?
[20:59:08] <rte89> нет
[20:59:21] <rte89> вобще не регирует.
[20:59:24] <Buster> кидай скрипт
[21:01:44] <rte89> сейчас
[21:05:50] <rte89>
[21:06:20] <rte89> Я не стал кидать в канал, имхо большой.
[21:08:55] <rte89> тут подправил chanlink )
[21:19:40] <rte89> буду признателен
[21:19:50] <rte89> если поможеш
[21:24:59] <Buster> bind msgs
[21:36:38] <rte89> шас попробывал по другому.
[21:36:42] <rte89> и не пашет..
[21:37:38] <rte89> <Buster в скрипте дело ведь?
[21:38:07] <rte89> я просто не довно начал осваивать
[21:45:47] * ХуЛиГаН|spbOffline is now known as Qarachuxurlu
[21:45:56] * Qarachuxurlu is now known as ХуЛиГаН
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[22:02:32] * rte89 ( Quit (Quit: #Corbina #On-Line)
[22:39:31] * Night_Tiger is now known as Night_Tiger[afk]
[22:55:07] * ХуЛиГаН is now known as ХуЛиГаН|spbOffline
[22:56:26] * darky (~kvirc@ has joined
[22:56:47] * darky (~kvirc@ has left (Once you know what it is you want to be true, instinct is a very useful device for enabling you to know that it is)
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[23:39:53] * d^_^b|z-z-z is now known as грейпфрут
[23:53:32] * FreeLanceR is now known as FRLCR|away
[23:58:48] * FRLCR|away is now known as FreeLanceR
Query time 0.0153 s[00:17:39] * d^_^b|z-z-z is now known as грейпфрут
[00:30:35] * LeXuS is now known as LeXuS[off]
[01:00:16] * masters ( Quit (Quit: ***)
[02:27:50] * FreeLanceR is now known as FRLCR|away
[02:36:15] * Kseniya (~irc@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[02:42:53] * Buster (~Buster@xn--80aeoa4afbke4o.xn--p1ai) Quit (Quit: )
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[03:38:29] * грейпфрут is now known as d^_^b|z-z-z
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[10:50:34] * грейпфрут is now known as d^_^b|z-z-z
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[12:11:49] * грейпфрут is now known as d^_^b|z-z-z
[12:13:54] * Buster (~Buster@xn--80aeoa4afbke4o.xn--p1ai) has joined
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[13:30:39] * Kseniya (~irc@ Quit (Quit: Лучше сделать и пожалеть, чем не сделать и пожалеть об этом.)
[13:31:04] * Vampi ( Quit (Quit: Боишься - не делай, а сделал не бойся!)
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[14:28:59] * карамельки (~He6echa9l.85@ Quit (Quit: темномирк:
[14:29:09] * AliasNET sets mode: +v Mellisa
[14:30:52] * AliasNET sets mode: +v Network
[15:10:35] * DPblH ( Quit (Quit: Если ваша жена застукала вас с любовницей, значит, теперь вам водить!)
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[16:47:12] * sets mode: +v Network
[17:07:49] * Reiko[offpower] is now known as Reiko
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[17:13:52] * bestialitas is now known as Night_Tiger
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[18:46:33] * FRLCR|away is now known as FreeLanceR
[19:48:26] * YooKim ( has joined
[19:48:26] * * changes topic to '.: Official EggDrop Help Channel :. LATEST STABLE RELEASE FROM: (Win32 NEW!: | Scripts:'
[19:48:28] * AliasNET sets mode: +v YooKim
[19:49:41] * Jaiss ( has joined
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[20:54:46] * rte89 ( has joined
[20:55:41] <rte89> Люди всем привет! Не могли бы помочь подправить скрипт, в чём то там ошибся.
[20:56:07] <Buster> какого рода
[20:58:24] <rte89> Скрипт, не берёт сообщения с одного канала и не пересылает на другой.
[20:58:35] <rte89> хотя бинд был указан верно.
[20:58:58] <Buster> а с других каналов пересылает?
[20:59:08] <rte89> нет
[20:59:21] <rte89> вобще не регирует.
[20:59:24] <Buster> кидай скрипт
[21:01:44] <rte89> сейчас
[21:05:50] <rte89>
[21:06:20] <rte89> Я не стал кидать в канал, имхо большой.
[21:08:55] <rte89> тут подправил chanlink )
[21:19:40] <rte89> буду признателен
[21:19:50] <rte89> если поможеш
[21:24:59] <Buster> bind msgs
[21:36:38] <rte89> шас попробывал по другому.
[21:36:42] <rte89> и не пашет..
[21:37:38] <rte89> <Buster в скрипте дело ведь?
[21:38:07] <rte89> я просто не довно начал осваивать
[21:45:47] * ХуЛиГаН|spbOffline is now known as Qarachuxurlu
[21:45:56] * Qarachuxurlu is now known as ХуЛиГаН
[21:47:45] * iRoc (~iRoc@ has joined
[22:02:32] * rte89 ( Quit (Quit: #Corbina #On-Line)
[22:39:31] * Night_Tiger is now known as Night_Tiger[afk]
[22:55:07] * ХуЛиГаН is now known as ХуЛиГаН|spbOffline
[22:56:26] * darky (~kvirc@ has joined
[22:56:47] * darky (~kvirc@ has left (Once you know what it is you want to be true, instinct is a very useful device for enabling you to know that it is)
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[23:39:53] * d^_^b|z-z-z is now known as грейпфрут
[23:53:32] * FreeLanceR is now known as FRLCR|away
[23:58:48] * FRLCR|away is now known as FreeLanceR