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24 Апреля 2011. Канал #eggdrop

[00:10:10] * Lily_Dip_Lamb_Chop (~Lily_Dip_@ has joined
[00:12:12] * d^_^b|z-z-z is now known as d^_^b
[00:19:19] * Lily_Dip_Lamb_Chop (~Lily_Dip_@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[00:21:44] * Lily_Dip_Lamb_Chop (~Lily_Dip_@ has joined
[00:30:00] <Talisman> * [12/44] ñâàäüáà = торжественная сдача пизды в эксплуатацию [СооlСоld]
[01:04:56] * Night_Tiger is now known as Night_Tiger[afk]
[01:12:25] * FRLCR|away is now known as FreeLanceR
[01:13:04] * Lily_Dip_Lamb_Chop (~Lily_Dip_@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[01:21:05] * FreeLanceR is now known as FRLCR|away
[01:30:02] <Talisman> * [57/44] underline(подчеркивание) = \037 [Dосtоr_V]
[01:33:47] * Buster]off[ is now known as Buster[zzZ]
[01:37:01] * xamyt (~xamyt@ Quit (Quit: KVIrc Insomnia 4.0.0, revision: 4092, sources date: 20100125, built on: 2010-03-05 11:16:18 UTC
[01:57:41] * ~Девушка~с~характером~ (~irc@ Quit (Quit: [Лн·Ст] v6 › 'll be back!)
[01:59:11] * Stels ( Quit (Client closed connection)
[02:23:57] <d^_^b> Всем споке.
[02:25:53] * DashaBezac ( has joined
[02:26:59] * DashaBezac ( Quit (Quit: )
[02:30:00] <Talisman> * [7/44] screen = - рульная прога, при скрещивании с irssi позволяет заменять bnc [Наyеnnе]
[02:34:03] * d^_^b is now known as d^_^b|z-z-z
[03:02:22] * Guest32593 (~noxxi_no4@ has joined
[03:08:20] * Guest32593 (~noxxi_no4@ Quit (Quit: « §c®ipT™P®O «» v.4.2 » (© §c®ipT™ §y§Tem) ¤ 2005 --••» «••--)
[03:30:00] <Talisman> * [3/44] setup(make) = в шелле(не под рутом): wget && tar jxf eggdrop*.tar.bz2 && cd eggdrop1.6.18 && ./configure && make config && make && make install | Если шелл на, набираем getdrop9 для бота с handlen9 или getdrop32 для handlen32 [Наyеnnе]
[04:30:00] <Talisman> * [7/44] ccs = | - Channel Control Script - TCL скрипт для eggdrop/windrop, который дает возможность управлять каналом с помощью публичных команд. [kns]
[05:26:54] * iRoc (~iRoc@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[05:30:00] <Talisman> * [0/44] filonka = [аdmin]
[06:01:21] * ~Шарик~ ( Quit (Ping timeout)
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[06:01:44] * AliasNET sets mode: +v ~Шарик~
[06:01:44] * D-Face sets mode: +v ~Шарик~
[06:03:10] * SNS (~NarkooUse@ has joined
[06:03:29] <SNS> че есть кто жывой ваще?
[06:10:55] * SNS (~NarkooUse@ Quit (Quit: Незнал чо сюда написать вообще так, поэтому передаю привет вам, всем пока!)
[06:30:00] <Talisman> * [96/44] мабила = [МаrtDоg]
[06:37:17] * Reiko[offpower] is now known as Reiko
[07:03:27] * Сын_дьявоЛА (~olegmk@ has joined
[07:12:03] * Сын_дьявоЛА (~olegmk@ Quit (Quit: mIRC 5.0a от РоМаНыЧа скачай с )
[07:30:00] <Talisman> * [9/44] mirc.scripts = коллекция скриптов для mIRC [Аquа]
[08:00:22] * kanz (kanz@ has joined
[08:30:00] <Talisman> * [1/44] poisk_(ya) = - Поиск по Google Yandex Rambler GoGo Bing Yahoo и Aport. Текущая версия: 1.1. (теги: scripts search poisk yandex google suzi) [Vеrtigо]
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[09:24:39] * kanz (kanz@ Quit (Quit: Сеть RightSide живет и побеждает!)
[09:30:00] <Talisman> * [13/44] нах = [Аquа]
[09:39:04] * Lily_Dip_Lamb_Chop (~Lily_Dip_@ Quit (Ping timeout)
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[10:23:40] * FRLCR|away is now known as FreeLanceR
[10:29:29] * Lily_Dip_Lamb_Chop (~Lily_Dip_@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[10:30:00] <Talisman> * [9/44] tk skin =, (битые ссылки) [Тwin]
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[11:30:00] <Talisman> * [/44] 3hauka = - скрипт для проведения викторины, - база вопросов. | так-же !man new.3hauka [tсs]
[11:40:50] * dd (~dd@ has joined
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[12:02:07] * DPblH ( Quit (Quit: Кризис нас не коснется... Это олигархов он коснется... А нам пи*дец полный!)
[12:13:56] * kanz (kanz@ Quit (Quit: Сеть RightSide живет и побеждает!)
[12:14:23] * Lily_Dip_Lamb_Chop (~Lily_Dip_@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[12:30:00] <Talisman> * [7/44] mysqlegglog = - Connects your eggdrop to mysql db. Logs channel actions & msgs/notices/ctcps. Partyline & stuff however is NOT logged. [Oцeлoт]
[12:30:16] * dd (~dd@ Quit (Quit: :-р)
[12:32:45] * ^bandit^ ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[12:32:48] * Network ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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[12:37:41] * ~Девушка~с~характером~ (~irc@ has joined
[12:45:42] * d^_^b|z-z-z is now known as d^_^b
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[13:04:11] * Lily_Dip_Lamb_Chop (~Lily_Dip_@ has joined
[13:22:31] * xamyt (~xamyt@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[13:30:00] <Talisman> * [4/44] др(dr) = день варенья канала 27 ноября 2003 года, 09:41:28 MSK [^х_о^]
[13:34:08] * IFBB ( Quit (Quit: When two people dream the same dream, it ceases to be an illusion. KVIrc 3.4.3 Shiny(svn-3155)
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[14:08:09] * Lily_Dip_Lamb_Chop (~Lily_Dip_@ Quit (Client closed connection)
[14:10:33] * Lily_Dip_Lamb_Chop (~Lily_Dip_@ has joined
[14:30:00] <Talisman> * [5/44] putserv = putserv [options] Послать текст серверу. Сообщение откладывается в очередь. Если на очереди более одного сообщения, то бот сначала отсылает первых 3 сообщения с паузой 0.5 сек, далее по сообщению через каждые 1.9 секунд. Эта и следующие очереди имеют размер примерно в 2-5 тысяч сообщений. *опции: -next поместить сообщение в начало очереди (c) eggdrop/doc/tcl-commands.doc [Аquа
[14:49:02] <d^_^b> ~script b-ident
[14:49:02] <Jaiss> b-ident.tcl byte SP[+] [7-07-2007] Скрипт идентификации бота на NickServ, протестированный на WeNet, очень простой и стабильный. За всё время службы и многочисленные нетсплиты ниразу не сбоил
[15:00:24] * Lily_Dip_Lamb_Chop (~Lily_Dip_@ Quit (Client closed connection)
[15:03:32] * Lily_Dip_Lamb_Chop (~Lily_Dip_@ has joined
[15:30:00] <Talisman> * [6/44] cracks = Патчиков, прививающим программе светлое чувство альтруизма здесь нет и не будет [Наyеnnе]
[15:37:36] * masters ( has joined
[15:52:38] * Lily_Dip_Lamb_Chop (~Lily_Dip_@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[15:54:11] * kanz (kanz@ has joined
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[16:14:33] * Lily_Dip_Lamb_Chop ( has joined
[16:29:11] * Reiko is now known as Reiko[offpower]
[16:30:00] <Talisman> * [2/44] commands(commands.txt) = | - cистема помощи по командам бота. [Shrikе]
[16:34:14] * Reiko[offpower] is now known as Reiko
[16:41:01] * kanz (kanz@ Quit (Quit: Сеть RightSide живет и побеждает!)
[16:50:02] * Reiko is now known as Reiko[offpower]
[16:53:14] * Reiko[offpower] is now known as Reiko
[17:00:39] * Reiko is now known as Reiko[offpower]
[17:28:36] * Reiko[offpower] is now known as Reiko
[17:30:00] <Talisman> * [2/44] searcher( = - поиск на Yandex/Google/Youtube/Gogo/Wiki # скрипт использует xml-выдачу результатов поиска, поэтому не зависит от изменений в дизайне сайтов. (см.также: wiki) (теги: search poisk google yandex suzi) [Vеrtigо]
[17:55:30] * Lily_Dip_Lamb_Chop ( Quit (Client closed connection)
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[18:11:44] * Reiko is now known as Reiko[offpower]
[18:23:18] * Lily_Dip_Lamb_Chop ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[18:30:00] <Talisman> * [2/44] = | &L = \002 | &U = \037 | &n = \017 (см.также: ck.colors) [Vеrtigо]
[18:34:37] * d^_^b is now known as d^_^b|z-z-z
[18:34:51] * d^_^b|z-z-z is now known as d^_^b
[18:36:54] * ~Девушка~с~характером~ (~irc@ Quit (Quit: [Лн·Ст] v6 › 'll be back!)
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[19:06:36] * kanz (kanz@ Quit (Quit: Сеть RightSide живет и побеждает!)
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[19:37:32] * sets mode: +o Buster
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[19:37:32] * sets mode: +o tont
[19:37:32] * sets mode: +v multiki
[19:37:32] * sets mode: +v Kristina
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[20:30:00] <Talisman> * [0/44] commands(help) = | - cистема помощи по командам бота. [Shrikе]
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[20:58:23] * Reiko is now known as Reiko[offpower]
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[21:59:28] * * changes topic to '.: Official EggDrop Help Channel :. LATEST STABLE RELEASE FROM: (Win32 NEW!: | Scripts:'
[21:59:29] * IRCServ sets mode: +v YooKim
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Query time 0.0779 s