IRC логи каналов.
2 Июля 2010. Канал #eggdrop
[00:07:00] <John> Всем спокойной ночи.
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[02:17:19] * Kein ( Quit (Ping timeout)
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[07:16:07] * FIL «»•«»•«»•«»•«»•«»ВсЕм Пока«»•«»•«»•«»•«»•«»
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[10:44:07] <iRoc> hi all
[10:46:07] <NetServ> iRoc ку
[10:46:27] <iRoc> NetServ Hey Sup
[10:46:50] <iRoc> Buster u here?
[10:47:55] * DJ_ReverS ( has joined
[10:48:01] <Buster> а
[10:48:17] <iRoc> Buster Sir
[10:48:20] <iRoc> i need help
[10:48:35] <DJ_ReverS> он уже тут ))
[10:48:37] <iRoc> can i know you private?
[10:48:46] <iRoc> i knock*
[10:49:07] <Buster> go
[10:49:24] <iRoc> i need Cricket Commentary TCL
[10:50:06] <iRoc> i have mirc script but not tcl can u convert? msl to tcl?
[10:51:52] <DJ_ReverS> go in efiopiya
[10:52:39] <DJ_ReverS> аlso do not force our brain
[10:53:15] <iRoc> ;/
[10:53:25] <iRoc> i reallly need i pay
[10:53:42] <Buster> no such converters, all code rewritten from scratch
[10:54:03] <iRoc> Buster i have mirc script like this
[10:54:09] * gigglebutt_Spoilt ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[10:54:12] <Buster> that the script
[10:54:14] <iRoc> Buster type !startmatch
[10:54:25] <Buster> !startmatch
[10:54:26] <iRoc> *** Please Wait a Few Seconds While I Get You the Info...
[10:54:40] <DJ_ReverS> песец...
[10:55:05] <DJ_ReverS> чо плакать нипаму..
[10:55:11] <FreeLanceR> fuck my brain)))
[10:55:13] <iRoc> oO
[10:55:20] <Buster> ggggg
[10:55:20] <DJ_ReverS> FreeLanceR: я ему песал ))
[10:55:32] <iRoc> 12:54:09pm/ * <iRoc> Over .3 : No runs. RJ Harris to SCJ Broad, short and rising delivery, gets forward and defends it towards the bowler.
[10:55:32] <iRoc> 12:54:11pm/ * <iRoc> Over .2 : Boundary!. RJ Harris to SCJ Broad, good length delivery, moves back and steers it with an open face blade towards thirdman.
[10:55:39] <iRoc> Buster like this
[10:56:00] <FreeLanceR> эт че за игра...мафия чтоль какая
[10:56:02] <FreeLanceR> или арена
[10:56:04] <DJ_ReverS> go in the priest
[10:56:09] <DJ_ReverS> нах
[10:56:10] <DJ_ReverS> ))
[10:56:32] <FreeLanceR> iRoc: what name of this game?
[10:56:43] * Хедин (killedall@ has joined
[10:56:44] <iRoc> FreeLanceR Cricket lamo
[10:56:49] <FreeLanceR> %)
[10:57:13] <Buster> DJ_ReverS поспокойнее)
[10:57:18] <DJ_ReverS> ог
[10:57:20] <DJ_ReverS> )
[10:57:20] <iRoc> soo nobody help me?
[10:57:55] <Vampirsha> шо тут? всем трям
[10:57:59] <Vampirsha> :)))
[10:58:06] <DJ_ReverS> who here will not help you
[10:58:38] <Vampirsha> шо за буржуи?
[10:58:39] <DJ_ReverS> как то так
[10:58:42] <Vampirsha> :))
[10:59:02] <Buster> iRoc and how much you want to propose for the rewriting of the script
[10:59:31] <DJ_ReverS> отправте его в другую ирц сеть пусть там достает своим англишом с ашипкаме )
[10:59:48] <FreeLanceR> да лан обычный поц из бангладеша
[10:59:50] <FreeLanceR> пусть посидит
[11:00:34] <DJ_ReverS> обычный?)))
[11:00:37] <DJ_ReverS> мож это кенни?)
[11:00:43] <DJ_ReverS> гы
[11:00:49] <FreeLanceR> In Russia, cricket is not popular game
[11:01:29] <iRoc> yap but asia soo much ^_^
[11:01:55] <FreeLanceR> бастер его уже на бабло разводит
[11:02:24] <DJ_ReverS> iRoc: who has killed Kenny?
[11:02:48] <iRoc> Kenny?
[11:03:19] <DJ_ReverS> Kenny McCormick
[11:03:44] <DJ_ReverS> South Park?
[11:03:50] <DJ_ReverS> гы
[11:04:09] <DJ_ReverS> счас будет раскрыта тайна целого покаления ))
[11:04:19] <DJ_ReverS> кто и зачем убил кенни)
[11:04:59] <iRoc> DJ_ReverS idk
[11:05:26] <iRoc>
[11:06:05] <DJ_ReverS> [11:04:55] < iRoc > DJ_ReverS idk - that?
[11:06:20] <DJ_ReverS> чо за сокращиние такое )
[11:06:48] <iRoc> DJ_ReverS i dont know* = idk
[11:07:15] <DJ_ReverS> ok
[11:07:33] <DJ_ReverS> ладно нада воркать
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[13:35:16] <John> Утро.
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[18:01:17] * _ХуЛиГаН_ (~zenit@ Quit (Quit: Хорошо зафиксированный больной в анастезии не нуждается... Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт NeOn Script 9.! CкАчАй с :)
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[18:51:47] <[малыш]|offline> привет всем
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[19:01:57] * FIL всем пока.
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[19:16:40] <Vampirsha> !кальк
[19:16:40] <AliasNET> rfc = [AnToNiO]
[19:16:50] <Vampirsha> !кальк cron
[19:16:50] <AliasNET> cron = Для автоматического запуска бота необходимо воспользоваться командой ./autobotchk eggdrop.conf -noemail -5. Команду надо вводить на шелле от имени пользователя под которым запускаеться бот, перед запуском проверить наличие файла autobotchk в папке бота и флага +x. [AnToNiO]
[19:18:24] <iRoc> !кальк proc
[19:18:24] <AliasNET> Я ничего не знаю о 'proc'...
[19:18:48] * Vampirsha раскрасила iRoc под зебру
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[21:17:09] <John> Всем пока.
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[23:45:01] * [тип с района]B nPuBaT _|_[ УшёL ] _|_ПRиЧинА >>> Туда--->>>]
[23:52:15] * [тип с района]B nPuBaT _|_ [ ВерNуLсЯ ] _|_ ОтSуSтвоVаL >>> 7mins 19secs]
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Query time 0.0142 s[00:09:03] * John is now known as John[afk]
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[10:44:07] <iRoc> hi all
[10:46:07] <NetServ> iRoc ку
[10:46:27] <iRoc> NetServ Hey Sup
[10:46:50] <iRoc> Buster u here?
[10:47:55] * DJ_ReverS ( has joined
[10:48:01] <Buster> а
[10:48:17] <iRoc> Buster Sir
[10:48:20] <iRoc> i need help
[10:48:35] <DJ_ReverS> он уже тут ))
[10:48:37] <iRoc> can i know you private?
[10:48:46] <iRoc> i knock*
[10:49:07] <Buster> go
[10:49:24] <iRoc> i need Cricket Commentary TCL
[10:50:06] <iRoc> i have mirc script but not tcl can u convert? msl to tcl?
[10:51:52] <DJ_ReverS> go in efiopiya
[10:52:39] <DJ_ReverS> аlso do not force our brain
[10:53:15] <iRoc> ;/
[10:53:25] <iRoc> i reallly need i pay
[10:53:42] <Buster> no such converters, all code rewritten from scratch
[10:54:03] <iRoc> Buster i have mirc script like this
[10:54:09] * gigglebutt_Spoilt ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[10:54:12] <Buster> that the script
[10:54:14] <iRoc> Buster type !startmatch
[10:54:25] <Buster> !startmatch
[10:54:26] <iRoc> *** Please Wait a Few Seconds While I Get You the Info...
[10:54:40] <DJ_ReverS> песец...
[10:55:05] <DJ_ReverS> чо плакать нипаму..
[10:55:11] <FreeLanceR> fuck my brain)))
[10:55:13] <iRoc> oO
[10:55:20] <Buster> ggggg
[10:55:20] <DJ_ReverS> FreeLanceR: я ему песал ))
[10:55:32] <iRoc> 12:54:09pm/ * <iRoc> Over .3 : No runs. RJ Harris to SCJ Broad, short and rising delivery, gets forward and defends it towards the bowler.
[10:55:32] <iRoc> 12:54:11pm/ * <iRoc> Over .2 : Boundary!. RJ Harris to SCJ Broad, good length delivery, moves back and steers it with an open face blade towards thirdman.
[10:55:39] <iRoc> Buster like this
[10:56:00] <FreeLanceR> эт че за игра...мафия чтоль какая
[10:56:02] <FreeLanceR> или арена
[10:56:04] <DJ_ReverS> go in the priest
[10:56:09] <DJ_ReverS> нах
[10:56:10] <DJ_ReverS> ))
[10:56:32] <FreeLanceR> iRoc: what name of this game?
[10:56:43] * Хедин (killedall@ has joined
[10:56:44] <iRoc> FreeLanceR Cricket lamo
[10:56:49] <FreeLanceR> %)
[10:57:13] <Buster> DJ_ReverS поспокойнее)
[10:57:18] <DJ_ReverS> ог
[10:57:20] <DJ_ReverS> )
[10:57:20] <iRoc> soo nobody help me?
[10:57:55] <Vampirsha> шо тут? всем трям
[10:57:59] <Vampirsha> :)))
[10:58:06] <DJ_ReverS> who here will not help you
[10:58:38] <Vampirsha> шо за буржуи?
[10:58:39] <DJ_ReverS> как то так
[10:58:42] <Vampirsha> :))
[10:59:02] <Buster> iRoc and how much you want to propose for the rewriting of the script
[10:59:31] <DJ_ReverS> отправте его в другую ирц сеть пусть там достает своим англишом с ашипкаме )
[10:59:48] <FreeLanceR> да лан обычный поц из бангладеша
[10:59:50] <FreeLanceR> пусть посидит
[11:00:34] <DJ_ReverS> обычный?)))
[11:00:37] <DJ_ReverS> мож это кенни?)
[11:00:43] <DJ_ReverS> гы
[11:00:49] <FreeLanceR> In Russia, cricket is not popular game
[11:01:29] <iRoc> yap but asia soo much ^_^
[11:01:55] <FreeLanceR> бастер его уже на бабло разводит
[11:02:24] <DJ_ReverS> iRoc: who has killed Kenny?
[11:02:48] <iRoc> Kenny?
[11:03:19] <DJ_ReverS> Kenny McCormick
[11:03:44] <DJ_ReverS> South Park?
[11:03:50] <DJ_ReverS> гы
[11:04:09] <DJ_ReverS> счас будет раскрыта тайна целого покаления ))
[11:04:19] <DJ_ReverS> кто и зачем убил кенни)
[11:04:59] <iRoc> DJ_ReverS idk
[11:05:26] <iRoc>
[11:06:05] <DJ_ReverS> [11:04:55] < iRoc > DJ_ReverS idk - that?
[11:06:20] <DJ_ReverS> чо за сокращиние такое )
[11:06:48] <iRoc> DJ_ReverS i dont know* = idk
[11:07:15] <DJ_ReverS> ok
[11:07:33] <DJ_ReverS> ладно нада воркать
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[13:35:16] <John> Утро.
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[18:01:17] * _ХуЛиГаН_ (~zenit@ Quit (Quit: Хорошо зафиксированный больной в анастезии не нуждается... Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт NeOn Script 9.! CкАчАй с :)
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[18:51:47] <[малыш]|offline> привет всем
[18:52:03] * [малыш]|offline is now known as [малыш]
[18:54:18] * Hawk is now known as FIL
[19:01:57] * FIL всем пока.
[19:07:24] * FIL is now known as Hawk|sleep
[19:09:22] * tont is now known as ^T^
[19:16:40] <Vampirsha> !кальк
[19:16:40] <AliasNET> rfc = [AnToNiO]
[19:16:50] <Vampirsha> !кальк cron
[19:16:50] <AliasNET> cron = Для автоматического запуска бота необходимо воспользоваться командой ./autobotchk eggdrop.conf -noemail -5. Команду надо вводить на шелле от имени пользователя под которым запускаеться бот, перед запуском проверить наличие файла autobotchk в папке бота и флага +x. [AnToNiO]
[19:18:24] <iRoc> !кальк proc
[19:18:24] <AliasNET> Я ничего не знаю о 'proc'...
[19:18:48] * Vampirsha раскрасила iRoc под зебру
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[21:17:09] <John> Всем пока.
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[23:45:01] * [тип с района]B nPuBaT _|_[ УшёL ] _|_ПRиЧинА >>> Туда--->>>]
[23:52:15] * [тип с района]B nPuBaT _|_ [ ВерNуLсЯ ] _|_ ОтSуSтвоVаL >>> 7mins 19secs]
[23:52:47] * [тип с района]B nPuBaT is now known as [тип с района]