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3 Декабря 2009. Канал #eggdrop

[00:04:30] * tont is now known as [die]
[00:09:21] * X3df (~emo666@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[00:15:31] * X3df (~emo666@ has joined
[00:57:02] * FreeLanceR is now known as FRLCR|away
[01:04:06] <smile> ~script autohi
[01:04:07] <Jaiss> autohi.tcl byte SP[+] [3-01-2009] Рандомно приветствует входящих на канал. v1.0 by CkpoMHuk
[01:04:25] <smile> ~script GeveMeOp
[01:04:32] <smile> ~script GiveMeOp
[01:04:32] <Jaiss> GiveMeOp.tcl byte SP[+] [23-02-2009] Бот будет банить по просьбе дать опа. На канале имеются флаги управления включения/отключение на определенном канале. v1.2 by CkpoMHuk
[01:15:18] * Pioneer ( has joined
[01:15:56] <Pioneer> подскажите как обновить базу городов для "weather.01.05.cp1251.tcl"???
[01:16:47] <Buster> в хелпе команда написана
[01:17:11] <Pioneer> !heip
[01:17:25] <Pioneer> хм..
[01:18:02] * X3df (~emo666@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[01:21:44] <Buster> в скрипте хелп смотри
[01:24:39] * X3df (~emo666@ has joined
[01:59:25] * Buster ( Quit (Quit: )
[02:05:22] * Pioneer is now known as Pioneer|спит
[02:10:58] * kurt (kurt@demanon.ntown) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[02:37:10] * smile is now known as CkpoMHuk
[02:38:05] * CkpoMHuk is now known as Мё
[03:05:41] * Мё is now known as CkpoMHuk
[03:05:53] * CkpoMHuk is now known as smile
[03:34:46] * smile is now known as CkpoMHuk
[03:34:52] * CkpoMHuk желает всем спокойной ночи и удобного просмотра приятных сновидений
[03:34:55] * CkpoMHuk прощается со всеми
[03:35:58] * CkpoMHuk ( Quit (Quit: Read/Dead Error: SendQ Exceeded )
[03:44:45] * X3df (~emo666@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[03:52:25] * X3df (~emo666@ has joined
[03:54:43] * Vampi ( Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[04:43:41] * smile ( has joined
[04:58:58] * [RUS]AHTUXAKEP ( has joined
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[05:21:44] * ZVERb[НетУ] ( has joined
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[05:31:16] * sharki ( Quit (Quit: Reconnecting)
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[05:50:48] * smile ( Quit (Quit: Write Error: Connection reset by peer )
[06:05:35] * Kein ( Quit (Quit: !?)
[06:40:56] * FRLCR|away is now known as FreeLanceR
[07:11:12] * FreeLanceR is now known as FRLCR|away
[07:44:03] * ^Oo^ ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[07:56:58] * Rexxar ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[07:57:07] * AliasNET sets mode: +l 63
[08:12:27] * FRLCR|away is now known as FreeLanceR
[08:13:06] * Rexxar ( has joined
[08:39:56] * sharki ( Quit (Quit: Reconnecting)
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[08:43:48] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Buster
[08:46:33] * ~КаРаМеЛьКа~ (~user@ has joined
[09:05:10] * Premier (~premier@ has joined
[09:12:11] * Buster is now known as Buster[off]
[09:21:25] * X3df (~emo666@ Quit (Ping timeout)
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[09:29:07] * zZz ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[09:29:07] * tem|bnc ( Quit (Netsplitted)
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[09:41:00] * X3df (~emo666@ Quit (Quit: Русифицированный mIRC 6.31 от yXo ** **)
[09:41:39] * cracker[ZNC] is now known as cracker666
[09:42:39] * cracker666 ( Quit (Quit: ZNC -
[09:45:19] * cracker666 ( has joined
[09:50:27] <cracker666> Buster хело ты тут?
[09:51:56] * HuKoTuH ( has joined
[09:52:59] * cracker666 is now known as cracker
[09:55:06] * cracker ( Quit (Quit: ZNC -
[09:57:43] * cracker666 ( has joined
[09:57:59] * Buster[off] ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[09:58:40] <Buster> да
[09:59:42] <HuKoTuH> !настроить
[09:59:42] <Jaiss> Для корректной настройки бота рекомендуется ознакомиться с этими статьями : | | |
[10:03:32] * Buster ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[10:04:16] * BaSH ( Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[10:04:48] * InfoServ ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[10:05:07] <cracker666> ,kby
[10:05:10] <cracker666> блина
[10:05:25] * хитрый kot ( has joined
[10:05:28] * Mellisa (~Mellisa@ Quit (Client closed connection)
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[10:06:38] * IRCServ sets mode: +v Mellisa
[10:06:41] * cracker666 ( Quit (Quit: ZNC -
[10:08:23] <хитрый kot> привет всем
[10:19:50] * cracker666 ( has joined
[10:22:27] * cracker666 ( Quit (Quit: ZNC -
[10:23:33] * Pioneer|спит is now known as Pioneer
[10:23:43] * [малыш] ( has joined
[10:24:25] <[малыш]> привет всем
[10:28:16] * cracker666 ( has joined
[10:28:50] * cracker666 ( Quit (Client closed connection)
[10:35:23] * Mellisa is now known as Guest46652
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[10:36:11] * Guest46652 (~Mellisa@ Quit (Ping timeout)
[10:36:12] * IRCServ sets mode: +v Mellisa
[10:39:17] * sharki ( Quit (Quit: Reconnecting)
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[10:52:55] * Хедин ( has joined
[11:02:11] * Buster ( has joined
[11:02:11] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Buster
[11:03:49] * cracker666 ( has joined
[11:04:21] * cracker666 is now known as cracker[ZNC]
[11:04:53] * Vampi ( has joined
[11:05:08] * cracker[ZNC] is now known as cracker666
[11:06:39] * [RUS]AHTUXAKEP ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[11:07:45] * [малыш] is now known as [малыш]|дела
[11:10:27] * хитрый kot is now known as хитрый kot|bnc
[11:15:55] * Ta3uK ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[11:22:27] * cracker666 is now known as cracker[ZNC]
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[11:23:07] * cracker67 ( has joined
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[11:26:44] * cracker (~emo666@ Quit (Quit: Русифицированный mIRC 6.31 от yXo ** **)
[11:27:23] * Ta3uK ( has joined
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[11:28:15] * Guest46683 is now known as JIoXaHKA
[11:29:14] * JIoXaHKA is now known as Ta3uK
[11:46:26] * DPblH ( has joined
[11:52:07] * cracker67 is now known as cracker
[11:56:53] * [RUS]AHTUXAKEP ( has joined
[11:57:10] * ~КаРаМеЛьКа~ is now known as ~КаРаМеЛьКа_КС~
[11:58:36] * [RUS]AHTUXAKEP ( has left ()
[12:00:44] * ~КаРаМеЛьКа_КС~ is now known as СуперДетка
[12:03:04] * Buster is now known as Buster[off]
[12:04:28] * СуперДетка is now known as ^^Твоя_Малышка^^
[12:29:30] * [малыш]|дела is now known as [малыш] eat
[12:34:15] * Buster ( has joined
[12:34:16] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Buster
[12:34:44] * ^^Твоя_Малышка^^ is now known as ~КаРаМеЛьКа~
[12:35:35] * HuKoTuH ( Quit (Quit: Уронив свое достоинство, сделайте вид, что это не ваше... †я чАтЮсЬ нА †...:::[ Punk's Script v1.2 ]:::...)
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[12:45:42] * BaSH ( has joined
[12:48:03] * newbie (kvirc@ has joined
[12:48:17] * newbie (kvirc@ Quit (Quit: When two people dream the same dream, it ceases to be an illusion. KVIrc 3.4.3 Shiny(svn-3155)
[13:00:03] * smile ( has joined
[13:01:11] <smile> Всем привет!
[13:06:30] * ~Kisulya~ (Kisulya@ has joined
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[13:09:25] * ~КаРаМеЛьКа~ is now known as ~КаРаМеЛьКа_КС~
[13:27:05] * [малыш] eat is now known as [малыш]
[13:46:32] * Buster is now known as Buster]off[
[13:54:00] * __WidoC__ ( has joined
[13:54:26] * AliasNET sets mode: +l 75
[13:57:44] * Buster ( has joined
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[13:58:38] * Buster[off] ( Quit (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF))
[13:58:50] * avers is now known as hsajdhkg
[14:02:30] * hsajdhkg is now known as avers
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[14:13:41] * sharki ( Quit (Quit: Reconnecting)
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[14:24:35] * impres ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[14:24:35] * Pioneer ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[14:24:35] * Seen ( Quit (Netsplitted)
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[14:28:04] * Buster]off[ ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[14:39:47] * ~КаРаМеЛьКа_КС~ is now known as ^^Твоя_Малышка^^
[14:50:28] * kot is now known as хитрый kot|bnc
[14:53:02] * хитрый kot|bnc is now known as kot
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[15:06:45] * CuCADMuH ( Quit (Netsplitted)
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[15:21:23] * ^^Твоя_Малышка^^ is now known as ~~~РАССТОЯНИЕ~~
[15:26:23] * стервец ( Quit (Ping timeout)
[15:26:41] * ~~~РАССТОЯНИЕ~~ is now known as ~КаРаМеЛьКА~
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[15:29:40] * ~Kisulya~ (Kisulya@ Quit (Quit: НоСиТь В дУшЕ нЕвЫсКаЗаНнУю ЛюБоФфЬ - зНаЧиТ уМнОжАтЬ СвОи ПеЧаЛи ‹|¦ DrEaM ScRiPt ¦|›)
[15:29:49] * ~Kisulya~ (Kisulya@ has joined
[15:29:53] * smile ( Quit (Quit: Ping timeout )
[15:32:33] * ~Kisulya~ (Kisulya@ Quit (Quit: НоСиТь В дУшЕ нЕвЫсКаЗаНнУю ЛюБоФфЬ - зНаЧиТ уМнОжАтЬ СвОи ПеЧаЛи ‹|¦ DrEaM ScRiPt ¦|›)
[15:34:11] * Buster ( Quit (Quit: CGI:IRC (Ping timeout))
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[15:44:35] * ~КаРаМеЛьКа[CПИТ]~ (~user@ Quit (Quit: Buy Buy)
[15:46:47] <kot> !скачать
[15:47:08] * Buster ( Quit (Quit: CGI:IRC (EOF))
[15:47:46] * AliasNET sets mode: +l 69
[15:47:58] <kot> !настроить
[15:47:58] <Jaiss> Для корректной настройки бота рекомендуется ознакомиться с этими статьями : | | |
[15:48:03] * hsajdhkg is now known as avers
[15:49:23] * Buster ( has joined
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[15:55:39] * hsajdhkg is now known as avers
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[16:03:47] * Pioneer is now known as Pioneer{aWaY}
[16:10:08] * kot|away is now known as хитрый kot|bnc
[16:43:08] * [die] is now known as tont
[16:44:49] * smile ( has joined
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[17:03:26] * Хедин ( Quit (Quit: )
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[17:24:21] * Q_ (~q@ Quit (Netsplitted)
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[17:36:57] * DPblH ( Quit (Quit: Хочу водки, баб и денег. Водку и баб можно деньгами.)
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[17:42:09] * smile ( Quit (Quit: Write Error: Connection reset by peer )
[17:45:58] * КАТЯ24 Добрый Вечер Всем! (*^_^*)
[17:48:12] * КАТЯ24 is now known as КАТЯ24_away
[17:48:12] * КАТЯ24_away ..:: УшЛа ОтМазКа »»» Телевизор ««« ::..
[18:00:50] * Buster is now known as Buster]off[
[18:11:21] * FRLCR|away is now known as FreeLanceR
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[18:36:54] * хитрый kot|bnc is now known as kot
[18:37:35] <kot> привет всем
[18:37:40] * КАТЯ24_away ..:: ПрИшЛа »»» Меня Не было: 49mins 27secs »»» Отсутствовала по причине: Телевизор ««« ::..
[18:37:40] * КАТЯ24_away is now known as КАТЯ24
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[18:59:43] * ~КаРаМеЛьКа[CПИТ]~ is now known as ~КаРаМеЛьКа~
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[19:56:17] * Scream ( Quit (Quit: "Что бы ни задумал человек - он может этого достичь" - Элемент Стоун)
[20:01:16] * smile ( Quit (Quit: A I r c )
[20:11:35] * КАТЯ24 (~NUser@ Quit (Quit: )
[20:16:24] * Хедин ( Quit (Quit: )
[20:22:09] <Kein> !кик
[20:22:12] <Kein> кикает за флкд
[20:22:14] <Kein> бл
[20:22:15] <Kein> кикает за флуд
[20:22:20] <Kein> СУКА
[20:22:25] <Kein> говори
[20:22:46] <Gremlin> ыыы
[20:24:45] * ^Oo^ ( Quit (Quit: )
[20:41:20] * [малыш] is now known as [малыш] обиделся
[20:44:15] * ask0rb1n (pIRCuser2@marat73.svnet) Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.1 < Personal IRC Team >
[21:12:19] * ~КаРаМеЛьКа~ (~user@ Quit (Quit: Buy Buy)
[21:32:29] * Kein ( Quit (Ping timeout)
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[21:43:05] * [малыш] обиделся is now known as [малыш]
[21:55:18] * cracker666 слушает: «Трек: Delerium - Silence 2009 (Gareth Emery vs. Black Army Mashup) •Длина: 4:30•Битрейт: 320Kbps»
[21:55:20] <cracker666> Оо
[21:55:21] <cracker666> оО
[21:55:25] <cracker666> о нееееттттт
[21:55:52] * cracker666 was kicked by Kein (lдааааааааааааааа)
[21:55:52] * cracker666 ( has joined
[22:10:36] * Kein ( Quit (Ping timeout)
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[22:24:32] * kot is now known as хитрый kot|bnc
[22:29:21] * [малыш] ( Quit (Quit: IneTTols NeOn IRC ScripT v2.4
[22:56:59] * smile ( has joined
[22:59:41] * __WidoC__ is now known as __WidoC__|бухает ведро водки
[23:00:53] * Buster]off[ ( Quit (Quit: CGI:IRC (Session timeout))
[23:01:17] * __WidoC__|бухает ведро водки is now known as __WidoC__
[23:11:00] <__WidoC__> ыыы все я в кссс и спаь потом врядли вернусь к вам дорогие друзья до встречи!!! всем привет и пока!!
[23:11:40] <__WidoC__> [02:05:08] <Source> <exspress> это покруче вконтакте
[23:11:40] <__WidoC__> [02:05:08] <Source> <exspress> вконтакте вообще пи*рский сайт
[23:11:40] <__WidoC__> [02:05:08] <Source> <yMHuK> ыы
[23:11:40] <__WidoC__> [02:05:08] <Source> <exspress> чтобы отправить сообщение надо код ввести с картинки
[23:11:40] <__WidoC__> [02:05:09] <Source> <impres> ахахаха
[23:11:41] <__WidoC__> [02:05:10] <Source> <exspress> чё
[23:11:41] <AliasNET> Impres лох.
[23:11:43] <__WidoC__> [02:05:12] <Source> <impres> <exspress> вконтакте вообще пи*рский сайт -- это ты говориш по сравнению с
[23:14:34] * __WidoC__ is now known as __WidoC__[off]
[23:14:37] * __WidoC__[off] is now known as __WidoC__
[23:18:43] * __WidoC__ was kicked by Kein (МОИ ГЛАЗА)
[23:19:05] * AliasNET sets mode: +l 69
[23:28:56] * ~КаРаМеЛьКа~ (~user@ has joined
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[23:32:52] * __WidoC__ ( Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.2 < Personal IRC Team > and
[23:33:14] <smile> какой олень тут флудит
[23:33:28] * smile глотнул пивка
[23:35:12] <smile> а куда дели yMHuk ? как права получил типа в падлу с пацанами потусить на канале чтоль ?
[23:35:54] <smile> ну хуль X-Side MAkar походу его непосредственные админы )))))
[23:35:59] <smile> гг
[23:36:11] <smile> а что будет если глобала отберут )))
[23:36:15] <smile> ахахаха
[23:36:20] <smile> сцуко )
[23:39:24] * smile подумал... Через хопу чтоль глобала получил ?! :)
[23:39:30] * smile подумал... Через Хопу чтоль глобала получил ?! :)
[23:39:36] * smile подумал... Через Жопу чтоль глобала получил ?! :)
[23:39:48] <smile> блять по букве попасть не могу
[23:39:55] <tont> Kein, как ты думаешь
[23:40:19] <smile> tont я думаю ты лучше не встревай
[23:40:45] * Gremlin[off] is now known as Gremlin
[23:46:09] <Kein> tont » ?
[23:46:15] <Kein> а
[23:46:18] <Kein> на твое усмотрение
[23:47:17] <smile> tont да да сделай по мужски, а не как девочка )
[23:48:22] * ~КаРаМеЛьКа~ (~user@ Quit (Quit: Buy Buy)
[23:53:22] <smile> tont надеюсь ты не обижелся ?)
[23:53:44] <smile> но понял )
[23:54:19] <smile> *ж = Д
[23:57:11] <smile> Kein а ты сам-то чего, как мало общаешься ?
[23:57:18] <smile> на канале
[23:57:36] * Leva (~Hate@ has joined
[23:57:42] * IRCServ sets mode: +v Leva
[23:59:56] * smile мелод!я Алексин • Балы (Шалава) • mp3 320 kб/с
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