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19 Ноября 2009. Канал #eggdrop

[00:00:16] * КАТЯ24 (~NUser@ has joined
[00:02:44] * tont is now known as [die]
[00:28:10] * КАТЯ24 •••С•••П•••О•••К•••О•••Й•••Н•••О•••Й••• •••Н•••О•••Ч•••И•••
[00:28:19] * КАТЯ24 Спокойной ночи, всем желaю xорошо выспaться! (-_-)ззз
[00:29:07] * КАТЯ24 (NUser@ has left ()
[00:33:39] * XxX-ГрАдУсНеЧеГ is now known as cracker[ZNC]
[00:34:13] * ЛЕСЯ (~Liza@ has joined
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[00:41:35] <[kite_black]> кто футбол смотрел
[00:41:39] * [kite_black] is now known as __WidoC__
[00:42:27] * __WidoC__ ( Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.2 < Personal IRC Team > and
[01:11:14] * kurt (kurt@demanon.ntown) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[01:18:23] * FreeLanceR|AWAY is now known as FreeLanceR
[01:36:44] * Rexxar (~kvirc@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[01:42:55] * kurt (kurt@demanon.ntown) has joined
[01:52:05] * КАТЯ24 (~NUser@ has joined
[02:06:37] * smile желает всем спокойной ночи и удобного просмотра приятных сновидений
[02:06:39] * smile прощается со всеми
[02:09:32] * smile ( Quit (Quit: Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт NeOn Script 8.!)
[02:12:24] * FreeLanceR is now known as FRLCR|away
[02:23:19] * jahoff is now known as Джа
[02:54:57] * Buster ( Quit (Quit: )
[03:14:08] * kurt (kurt@demanon.ntown) Quit (Ping timeout)
[03:14:44] * КАТЯ24 Спокойной ночи, всем желaю xорошо выспaться! (-_-)ззз
[03:15:10] * КАТЯ24 (NUser@ has left ()
[03:21:39] * kurt (~lotms@demanon.ntown) has joined
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[06:29:06] * kot|bnc is now known as kot
[06:29:18] <kot> привет всем
[06:31:36] * kot is now known as kot|net
[06:36:20] <kot|net> ~scripts holidays
[06:36:21] <Jaiss> holidays.tar.gz .93 Kbyte [30-03-2005] При заходе на канал, пишет какой сегодня праздник!
[06:44:32] * FRLCR|away is now known as FreeLanceR
[06:51:17] * ZameniTEL_off ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[06:51:17] * FreeServ (~freeserv@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[06:51:18] * jahoff ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[06:51:18] * Nilmerg (~Nilmerg@ Quit (Netsplitted)
[06:51:18] * ^•_•^ ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[06:51:18] * FreeLanceR ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[06:51:18] * Ботик ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[06:52:56] * Gremlin (~gr3ml1n@ Quit (Netsplitted)
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[07:06:23] * Kein ( has joined
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[07:09:20] <kot|net> ~scripts autohi
[07:09:21] <Jaiss> autohi.tcl .16 Kbyte SP[+] [3-01-2009] Рандомно приветствует входящих на канал. v1.0 by CkpoMHuk
[07:28:51] * Reiko[offpower] is now known as Reiko
[07:39:52] * kurt (kurt@demanon.ntown) Quit (Ping timeout)
[07:46:30] * Premier (~premier@ Quit (Quit: Trust no one.)
[07:51:11] * cracker[ZNC] ( Quit (Client closed connection)
[07:53:39] <kot|net> блин не могу скачать скрипт :(
[07:53:40] <Jaiss> Большая коллекция скриптов на русском: , | Так же можно посмотреть: | | | | | | | | | | |
[07:53:49] <kot|net> D
[07:54:09] * cracker666 (~cracker66@ has joined
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[07:58:42] * cracker[ZNC] (~cracker66@ Quit (Client closed connection)
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[08:11:14] * avers is now known as hsajdhkg
[08:12:10] * Хедин ( Quit (Quit: Человек человеку - друг, товарищ и брат. ...Ты понял, скотина! Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт NeOn Script 8.! CкАчАй с :)
[08:12:12] * Хедин ( has joined
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[08:20:42] * ^•_•^ ( has joined
[08:20:42] * sets mode: +o FreeLanceR
[08:20:42] * sets mode: +v Nilmerg
[08:20:42] * sets mode: +v Ботик
[08:20:44] * IRCServ sets mode: -l
[08:20:52] * XxX-ГрАдУсНеЧеГ (~emo666@ has joined
[08:20:58] <XxX-ГрАдУсНеЧеГ> хело
[08:21:05] * AliasNET sets mode: +l 64
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[08:22:49] <kot|net> ~scripts posl
[08:23:05] * XxX-ГрАдУсНеЧеГ (~emo666@ Quit (Quit: Русифицированный mIRC 6.31 от yXo ** **)
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[08:51:20] * Buster ( has joined
[08:51:20] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Buster
[09:02:08] * kurt (kurt@demanon.ntown) Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[09:12:30] * [RUS]AHTUXAKEP ( has joined
[09:13:29] <kot|net> ~scripts help
[09:13:29] <Jaiss> Найдено 4 скрипта по заданному запросу.(putserv_vs_putfast.tcl - 7; kalich_britney_1.0.tcl - 0; - 4; - 0) Вот два случайных из них:
[09:13:29] <Jaiss> putserv_vs_putfast.tcl .60 Kbyte SP[+] [10-01-2006] Скрипт предназначен для счастливых владельцев, боты которых имеют глобальный +F на сервере и он устанавливает PUTFAST функцию вместо PUTSERV и PUTHELP, чтобы добиться быстрого приоритета для сообщений от бота
[09:13:29] <Jaiss> kalich_britney_1.0.tcl 8.48 Kbyte [5-05-2005] Русскоязычная версия знаменитого скрипта, в данной версии добавлена фишка PermIDENT благополучно стянутая у LOLa и адаптированная к условиям повышенной гравитации Русифицированы почти все команды, однако &lt;help command&gt; работает тока с английскими вариантами Там же у LOLa стянуты пара полезных функций типа чарфильтра и
[09:13:44] <kot|net> ~scripts
[09:13:45] <Jaiss> .64 Kbyte [24-06-2005] Простой скрипт для организации вывода небоходимой вам информации на вашем канале посредствам публичных команд, в данном случае идет черь о выводе помощи, правил канала. Выводимый текст хранится в текстовом файле help.txt... синтаксис: !help
[09:17:58] * Buster is now known as Buster[off]
[09:31:17] * Reiko is now known as Reiko[offpower]
[09:36:49] * Buster ( has joined
[09:36:49] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Buster
[09:37:05] * AliasNET sets mode: +l 70
[09:38:37] * Reiko[offpower] is now known as Reiko
[09:43:36] * Reiko is now known as Reiko[offpower]
[09:59:05] <kot|net> ~scripts fun
[09:59:06] <Jaiss> 7.18 Kbyte SP[+] [30-11-2007] Скрипт был основан на скрипте fun.tcl, рассказывающий по запросу однострочные афоризмы, пословицы, поговорки, загадки и шутки Фоменко. Скрипт был модифицирован под новую линейку и добавлены новые базы от скриптов duke и error. v1.1 [30-NOV-2007] by Buster.
[10:24:32] * smile ( has joined
[10:24:47] * Mellisa (~Mellisa@ Quit (Client closed connection)
[10:25:31] <smile> Всем ппривет
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[10:36:16] * Kosmos[afk] is now known as Kosmos
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[10:51:37] * kot|net is now known as kot
[11:01:10] * kurt (kurt@demanon.ntown) has joined
[11:19:12] <Vampi> ~scripts megahal
[11:19:13] <Jaiss> Найдено 2 скрипта по заданному запросу.
[11:19:13] <Jaiss> megahal.mod.tar.bz2 .15 Kbyte SP[-] [31-03-2005] Говорливый модуль для бота, бот будет уметь говорить, обучаться от разговора в канале, есть тонкая настройка от доставания бота, множество различных интересных команд и т.д. и все на русском! Версия от от 30 ноября 2004 года. Подробно:
[11:19:13] <Jaiss> megahal.20071214.tar.bz2 .05 Kbyte SP[+] [6-12-2007] Говорливый модуль для бота, бот будет уметь говорить, обучаться от разговора в канале, есть тонкая настройка от доставания бота, множество различных интересных команд и т.д. и все на русском! Версия от 06 декабря 2007 года. Ориентирована на Suzi project
[11:23:28] * Reiko[offpower] is now known as Reiko
[11:23:40] * kurt (kurt@demanon.ntown) Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[11:36:56] * jahoff is now known as Джа
[11:37:25] * Reiko is now known as Reiko[offpower]
[11:46:42] * impulse101[sBnc] is now known as impulse101
[12:12:52] * Elestarg is now known as Rexxar
[12:15:33] * [малыш] ( has joined
[12:17:56] <[малыш]> привет всем
[12:18:45] * kot is now known as kot|bnc
[12:19:18] * Buster is now known as Buster]off[
[12:23:24] * Джа is now known as jahoff
[12:23:54] * Arkhangel (~merlin@ Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[12:30:38] * kot|bnc is now known as kot
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[12:57:12] * Buster[off] is now known as Buster
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[13:53:21] * BnC smile ( Quit (Client closed connection)
[13:55:29] <Rexxar> smile: ты "грамотный пацан"
[13:55:44] <smile> Rexxar чего там ?
[13:56:01] <Rexxar> [13:50:09] <my_life_my_rules> Я тут из ваших тока с скромником знаком,он грамотный пацан
[13:56:13] <Rexxar> корбординцы тя уважают
[13:56:17] <Rexxar> я миня нет =(
[13:57:27] <smile> есть такое дело
[13:58:03] <Rexxar> нигадяй ты =(
[13:58:16] <smile> с чего бы я и нигадяй ?)
[13:58:19] <AliasNET> Ты чего?
[13:59:19] * BnC smile ( has joined
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[14:30:52] * kurt (kurt@demanon.ntown) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[14:33:30] <__WidoC__> всем привет!
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[15:24:34] * Kein ( Quit (Quit: Умные мысли поодиночке не ходят...)
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[15:53:32] * kurt (kurt@demanon.ntown) Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[15:54:50] * smile is now known as BaМnuP
[15:59:54] * [малыш] is now known as [малыш] обиделся
[16:08:22] * Kosmos|away is now known as Kosmos
[16:09:37] * kot is now known as kot неученный
[16:10:41] * kot неученный is now known as kot
[16:11:41] * __WidoC__ (~net@ Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.2 < Personal IRC Team > and
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[16:36:46] <opssssss1> ciaooo
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[17:04:41] * BaМnuP is now known as Look My Eyes
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[17:27:24] * Premier (~premier@ Quit (Quit: Trust no one.)
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[17:33:24] * [малыш] обиделся ( Quit (Quit: DJ-Andrey-sXe Script [])
[17:33:37] * tont (~ramzes@ Quit (Quit: Товарищ! Верь! Взойдёт она, звезда пленительного счастья! IRCопы вспрянут ото сна и на обломках IRC напишут наши имена!)
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[18:01:10] * Buster is now known as Buster]off[
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[18:06:38] * Look My Eyes is now known as smile
[18:09:21] * [малыш] is now known as [малыш ушел]
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[18:32:48] * DPblH ( Quit (Quit: I close my eyes, I look away from this misery and i hope the problem will disappear...)
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[19:02:02] * kot|bnc is now known as kot
[19:06:56] * __WidoC__ ( Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.2 < Personal IRC Team > and
[19:09:39] * Gremlin[offline] (~gr3ml1n@ has joined
[19:11:09] <kot> пока всем
[19:11:11] * Gremlin[offline] is now known as Gremlin
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[19:11:45] * [малыш ушел] is now known as Синоптик
[19:31:52] * Синоптик ( Quit (Quit: -=SkIRC S©RipT™=- v 2.0)
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[20:29:44] * Kosmos is now known as Поехали катаццо на
[20:30:29] * Поехали катаццо на is now known as Renault
[20:31:44] * masters ( Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[20:43:04] * FreeLanceR|AWAY is now known as FreeLanceR|AWAY|AWAY
[20:45:52] * Хедин ( Quit (Quit: )
[20:53:39] * FreeLanceR|AWAY|AWAY is now known as FreeLanceR|AWAY
[20:53:51] * FreeLanceR|AWAY is now known as FreeLanceR
[20:54:10] * КАТЯ24 (NUser@ has left ()
[21:15:44] * ask0rb1n (pIRCuser2@marat73.svnet) has joined
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[21:37:13] * Souther (~sweet@ has joined
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[21:53:34] * КАТЯ24 (~NUser@ has joined
[22:03:38] * ask0rb1n (pIRCuser2@marat73.svnet) Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.1 < Personal IRC Team >
[22:08:46] * Rexxar|away| is now known as Rexxar
[22:10:20] <Rexxar> ~script arena
[22:10:20] <Jaiss> 3.52 Kbyte [1-04-2005] Ролевая игра. Игроки делятся на команды, и пытаются убивать друг-друга. Если удается - повышается опыт, даются деньги, когда опыт достигает определенной отметки, то повышается уровень, и появляется возможность улучшить себе характеристики и т.д.
[22:12:25] * Neptun ( has left (Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away)
[22:13:22] * Ditriech AFK is now known as Look my eyes
[22:15:38] * Look my eyes is now known as Remix
[22:18:02] * Remix is now known as Look my eyes
[22:18:20] * Look my eyes is now known as Remix OFFLine
[22:23:03] * tont ( Quit (Killed ( ()))
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[22:24:06] * tont ( Quit (Killed ( ()))
[22:24:30] * tont ( has joined
[22:24:30] * ChanServ sets mode: +o tont
[22:24:49] <Rexxar> smile: бухаешь?
[22:24:59] <smile> Rexxar нет
[22:25:05] <smile> с чего бы ?!
[22:25:11] <Rexxar> smile: найди скрипт )
[22:25:14] <Rexxar> название
[22:25:32] <smile> ты в сосну вьепался чтоль?))))
[22:25:37] <smile> какой ?
[22:25:39] <yayce> smile, <Buster> ïî êàêîé ïðè÷èíå áîò â ïàðòå ïèøåò: [20:09] #16.32. is probably active but has no ops :(
[22:25:56] <Rexxar> ляяя... !девушку !парня
[22:26:36] * КАТЯ24 Добрый Вечер Всем! (*^_^*)
[22:28:23] <smile> Rexxar para.tcl
[22:28:34] <Rexxar> smile: пасиб ))
[22:29:20] <Rexxar> ~script para
[22:29:27] <Rexxar> $%^
[22:42:33] * КАТЯ24 (NUser@ has left ()
[23:01:34] * Buster]off[ ( Quit (Quit: CGI:IRC (Session timeout))
[23:04:32] * jahoff is now known as Джа
[23:14:42] * smile ушел: дела
[23:14:42] * smile is now known as smile offline
[23:35:07] * Rexxar is now known as Шорданов_Рустам_лахно
Query time 0.0112 s