IRC логи каналов.
10 Июня 2009. Канал #32
[00:51:46] * Crafti (~crafti@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[01:12:45] * Buster ( Quit (Quit: )
[01:18:14] * Ящирка (~pIRCuser1@ Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.2 < Personal IRC Team > and
[04:33:46] * Дим-ка (~xzxz@ Quit (Quit: Ну и большой у вас после ночи становиться.. Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт NeOn Script 8.! CкАчАй с :)
[06:21:00] * АвЭй ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[06:42:10] * АвЭй ( has joined
[09:03:20] * Buster ( has joined
[09:09:36] * АвЭй is now known as LeXuS
[09:16:17] * LeXuS is now known as АвЭй
[09:25:14] * Buster is now known as Buster[off]
[09:41:39] * Buster ( has joined
[09:58:22] * Crafti (~crafti@ has joined
[10:20:54] * Crafti (~crafti@ Quit (Quit: Здесь вам тут не там. А я вам тут не Вы. В смысле не они...)
[11:25:29] * Дим-ка (~xzxz@ has joined
[11:46:39] * HeKuT ( has joined
[11:58:52] * Buster is now known as Buster]off[
[12:08:08] * Buster[off] is now known as Buster
[12:55:23] * oDyBaH4uK (xz@ has joined
[13:15:45] * oDyBaH4uK (xz@ Quit (Quit: Сушка - это одноразовый эспандер... Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт NeOn Script 8.! CкАчАй с :)
[14:46:42] * Buster is now known as Buster[off]
[14:55:03] * Buster]off[ is now known as Buster
[14:58:17] * teddy (ll-ll-ll-l@ has joined
[15:27:05] * oDyBaH4uK (xz@ has joined
[15:37:20] * teddy (ll-ll-ll-l@ Quit (Quit: Кто ругается матом – тот ху*во воспитан... Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт NeOn Script 8.! CкАчАй с :)
[15:53:28] * АвЭй is now known as LeXuS
[15:54:51] * oDyBaH4uK ..:: УшЁл, ОтМазКа »»» пыщь пыщь ««« ::..
[15:55:06] * oDyBaH4uK is now known as oDyBaH4uK|сдуло
[16:15:46] * Дим-ка (~xzxz@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[16:15:47] * HeKuT ( Quit (Client closed connection)
[16:16:16] * Дим-ка (~xzxz@ has joined
[16:28:54] * Buster ( Quit (Quit: CGI:IRC)
[16:29:17] * Buster ( has joined
[16:31:56] * oDyBaH4uK|сдуло (xz@ Quit (Quit: Совесть у нас чиста - мы ей не пользуемся! Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт NeOn Script 8.! CкАчАй с :)
[16:58:02] * ~NrG~ (~KZT@ has joined
[16:58:17] <~NrG~> «««·:·.·:·.·:· ДоБрЫй дЕнЬ ·:·.·:·.·:·»»»
[17:26:55] * LeXuS is now known as АвЭй
[17:45:16] * АвЭй is now known as LeXuS
[17:46:27] * Buster is now known as Buster]off[
[17:54:11] * LeXuS is now known as АвЭй
[18:30:07] * АвЭй is now known as LeXuS
[18:32:47] <LeXuS> чортова ХР
[18:32:47] <LeXuS> =)
[18:32:50] <LeXuS> вся глючит сука
[18:39:58] * LeXuS is now known as АвЭй
[18:41:11] * АвЭй is now known as LeXuS
[18:53:05] * ~NrG~ (~KZT@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[19:01:37] * Buster[off] is now known as Buster
[19:22:27] * radon ( has joined
[19:22:55] * radon ( has left (closed channel)
[19:37:44] * ~NrG~ (~KZT@ has joined
[19:38:00] <~NrG~> «««.·:·.·:·.·:·. ДоБрЫй ВеЧеР .·:·.·:·.·:·.»»»
[19:46:04] * radon ( has joined
[19:53:03] * Дим-ка (~xzxz@ Quit (Quit: Жила-была девочка..........70 лет..........сама виновата. Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт NeOn Script 8.! CкАчАй с :)
[19:53:04] * radon ( has left (closed channel)
[19:56:44] * oDyBaH4uK|сдуло (~xz@ has joined
[20:03:25] * oDyBaH4uK|сдуло ..:: УшЁл, ОтМазКа »»» ВИЛЫ ««« ::..
[20:15:44] * oDyBaH4uK|сдуло (~xz@ Quit (Quit: Дpессиpовщик выпил. Львы закусили. Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт NeOn Script 8.! CкАчАй с :)
[20:49:33] * oDyBaH4uK|сдуло (xz@ has joined
[21:45:29] * ~NrG~ (~KZT@ Quit (Quit: BraXeD Script version 10.1 by BraXeD Качаем здесь:
[22:18:42] * FLaBeR (Auser40@ has joined
[22:40:03] * ~NrG~ (~KZT@ has joined
[22:40:16] <~NrG~> «««.·:·.·:·.·:·. ДоБрЫй ВеЧеР .·:·.·:·.·:·.»»»
[22:46:38] * Buster]off[ ( Quit (Quit: CGI:IRC (Session timeout))
[23:08:04] <oDyBaH4uK|сдуло> » FLaBeR » сморишь футбол?
[23:08:17] <oDyBaH4uK|сдуло> меня так етот сук каментатор задрал
[23:08:22] * oDyBaH4uK|сдуло was kicked by YooKim (Здесь не ругаются! :bwcount: #8812 :)
[23:08:22] * oDyBaH4uK|сдуло (xz@ has joined
[23:22:21] <FLaBeR> да полудше гусева то
[23:22:25] <FLaBeR> норма всё
[23:22:32] <FLaBeR> финам
[23:23:12] * ~NrG~ (~KZT@ Quit (Quit: BraXeD Script version 10.1 by BraXeD Качаем здесь:
[23:23:29] <FLaBeR> ухахах я ваше в шоке на дябя етого лоха
[23:23:34] <FLaBeR> зазнался такой
[23:23:51] <FLaBeR> десятку купил себе гнилую теперь ездит даж не здароваеться)
[23:25:07] <oDyBaH4uK|сдуло> =)))))
[23:27:34] * oDyBaH4uK|сдуло is now known as oDyBaH4uK
[23:27:54] <FLaBeR> я отец
[23:27:55] <FLaBeR> =)
[23:28:59] <oDyBaH4uK> реал штоли так?)
[23:31:10] <FLaBeR> ваще нах
[23:32:01] <oDyBaH4uK> бываеть
[23:32:01] <oDyBaH4uK> =)
[23:32:10] <FLaBeR> наши 0-3
[23:32:11] <FLaBeR> уделали
[23:32:15] <FLaBeR> всё чики пуки
[23:32:17] <FLaBeR> шас пить
[23:32:25] <FLaBeR> макимка
[23:32:35] <FLaBeR> а ты сиди учи уроки)
[23:33:39] <oDyBaH4uK> мне зава
[23:33:42] <oDyBaH4uK> сопромат
[23:33:43] <oDyBaH4uK> сдавать
[23:33:45] <oDyBaH4uK> воть
[23:33:48] <oDyBaH4uK> экзамен
[23:33:49] <oDyBaH4uK> =))
[23:33:53] <FLaBeR> я даже и не знаю чо такое
[23:33:55] <FLaBeR> споромат
[23:33:56] <FLaBeR> )
[23:33:59] <FLaBeR> и экзамен
[23:34:01] <FLaBeR> чо за слова
[23:34:02] <FLaBeR> =)
[23:34:11] <oDyBaH4uK> =))
[23:34:15] <oDyBaH4uK> механика вощем)
[23:36:09] <FLaBeR> !п иваново
[23:36:23] <FLaBeR> завтро последний день рабочий
[23:36:23] <FLaBeR> =)
[23:36:23] <FLaBeR> )
[23:36:28] <FLaBeR> Buster ей бастер
[23:36:32] <FLaBeR> привет
[23:36:33] <FLaBeR> =)
[23:36:44] <FLaBeR> чо та ты вообше не слышен и не видем
[23:53:58] * Дим-ка (~xzxz@ has joined
Query time 0.0054 s[01:12:45] * Buster ( Quit (Quit: )
[01:18:14] * Ящирка (~pIRCuser1@ Quit (Quit: pIRC v2.2 < Personal IRC Team > and
[04:33:46] * Дим-ка (~xzxz@ Quit (Quit: Ну и большой у вас после ночи становиться.. Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт NeOn Script 8.! CкАчАй с :)
[06:21:00] * АвЭй ( Quit (Netsplitted)
[06:42:10] * АвЭй ( has joined
[09:03:20] * Buster ( has joined
[09:09:36] * АвЭй is now known as LeXuS
[09:16:17] * LeXuS is now known as АвЭй
[09:25:14] * Buster is now known as Buster[off]
[09:41:39] * Buster ( has joined
[09:58:22] * Crafti (~crafti@ has joined
[10:20:54] * Crafti (~crafti@ Quit (Quit: Здесь вам тут не там. А я вам тут не Вы. В смысле не они...)
[11:25:29] * Дим-ка (~xzxz@ has joined
[11:46:39] * HeKuT ( has joined
[11:58:52] * Buster is now known as Buster]off[
[12:08:08] * Buster[off] is now known as Buster
[12:55:23] * oDyBaH4uK (xz@ has joined
[13:15:45] * oDyBaH4uK (xz@ Quit (Quit: Сушка - это одноразовый эспандер... Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт NeOn Script 8.! CкАчАй с :)
[14:46:42] * Buster is now known as Buster[off]
[14:55:03] * Buster]off[ is now known as Buster
[14:58:17] * teddy (ll-ll-ll-l@ has joined
[15:27:05] * oDyBaH4uK (xz@ has joined
[15:37:20] * teddy (ll-ll-ll-l@ Quit (Quit: Кто ругается матом – тот ху*во воспитан... Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт NeOn Script 8.! CкАчАй с :)
[15:53:28] * АвЭй is now known as LeXuS
[15:54:51] * oDyBaH4uK ..:: УшЁл, ОтМазКа »»» пыщь пыщь ««« ::..
[15:55:06] * oDyBaH4uK is now known as oDyBaH4uK|сдуло
[16:15:46] * Дим-ка (~xzxz@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[16:15:47] * HeKuT ( Quit (Client closed connection)
[16:16:16] * Дим-ка (~xzxz@ has joined
[16:28:54] * Buster ( Quit (Quit: CGI:IRC)
[16:29:17] * Buster ( has joined
[16:31:56] * oDyBaH4uK|сдуло (xz@ Quit (Quit: Совесть у нас чиста - мы ей не пользуемся! Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт NeOn Script 8.! CкАчАй с :)
[16:58:02] * ~NrG~ (~KZT@ has joined
[16:58:17] <~NrG~> «««·:·.·:·.·:· ДоБрЫй дЕнЬ ·:·.·:·.·:·»»»
[17:26:55] * LeXuS is now known as АвЭй
[17:45:16] * АвЭй is now known as LeXuS
[17:46:27] * Buster is now known as Buster]off[
[17:54:11] * LeXuS is now known as АвЭй
[18:30:07] * АвЭй is now known as LeXuS
[18:32:47] <LeXuS> чортова ХР
[18:32:47] <LeXuS> =)
[18:32:50] <LeXuS> вся глючит сука
[18:39:58] * LeXuS is now known as АвЭй
[18:41:11] * АвЭй is now known as LeXuS
[18:53:05] * ~NrG~ (~KZT@ Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[19:01:37] * Buster[off] is now known as Buster
[19:22:27] * radon ( has joined
[19:22:55] * radon ( has left (closed channel)
[19:37:44] * ~NrG~ (~KZT@ has joined
[19:38:00] <~NrG~> «««.·:·.·:·.·:·. ДоБрЫй ВеЧеР .·:·.·:·.·:·.»»»
[19:46:04] * radon ( has joined
[19:53:03] * Дим-ка (~xzxz@ Quit (Quit: Жила-была девочка..........70 лет..........сама виновата. Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт NeOn Script 8.! CкАчАй с :)
[19:53:04] * radon ( has left (closed channel)
[19:56:44] * oDyBaH4uK|сдуло (~xz@ has joined
[20:03:25] * oDyBaH4uK|сдуло ..:: УшЁл, ОтМазКа »»» ВИЛЫ ««« ::..
[20:15:44] * oDyBaH4uK|сдуло (~xz@ Quit (Quit: Дpессиpовщик выпил. Львы закусили. Я ЮзАю СаМыЙ РеАлЬнЫй СкРиПт NeOn Script 8.! CкАчАй с :)
[20:49:33] * oDyBaH4uK|сдуло (xz@ has joined
[21:45:29] * ~NrG~ (~KZT@ Quit (Quit: BraXeD Script version 10.1 by BraXeD Качаем здесь:
[22:18:42] * FLaBeR (Auser40@ has joined
[22:40:03] * ~NrG~ (~KZT@ has joined
[22:40:16] <~NrG~> «««.·:·.·:·.·:·. ДоБрЫй ВеЧеР .·:·.·:·.·:·.»»»
[22:46:38] * Buster]off[ ( Quit (Quit: CGI:IRC (Session timeout))
[23:08:04] <oDyBaH4uK|сдуло> » FLaBeR » сморишь футбол?
[23:08:17] <oDyBaH4uK|сдуло> меня так етот сук каментатор задрал
[23:08:22] * oDyBaH4uK|сдуло was kicked by YooKim (Здесь не ругаются! :bwcount: #8812 :)
[23:08:22] * oDyBaH4uK|сдуло (xz@ has joined
[23:22:21] <FLaBeR> да полудше гусева то
[23:22:25] <FLaBeR> норма всё
[23:22:32] <FLaBeR> финам
[23:23:12] * ~NrG~ (~KZT@ Quit (Quit: BraXeD Script version 10.1 by BraXeD Качаем здесь:
[23:23:29] <FLaBeR> ухахах я ваше в шоке на дябя етого лоха
[23:23:34] <FLaBeR> зазнался такой
[23:23:51] <FLaBeR> десятку купил себе гнилую теперь ездит даж не здароваеться)
[23:25:07] <oDyBaH4uK|сдуло> =)))))
[23:27:34] * oDyBaH4uK|сдуло is now known as oDyBaH4uK
[23:27:54] <FLaBeR> я отец
[23:27:55] <FLaBeR> =)
[23:28:59] <oDyBaH4uK> реал штоли так?)
[23:31:10] <FLaBeR> ваще нах
[23:32:01] <oDyBaH4uK> бываеть
[23:32:01] <oDyBaH4uK> =)
[23:32:10] <FLaBeR> наши 0-3
[23:32:11] <FLaBeR> уделали
[23:32:15] <FLaBeR> всё чики пуки
[23:32:17] <FLaBeR> шас пить
[23:32:25] <FLaBeR> макимка
[23:32:35] <FLaBeR> а ты сиди учи уроки)
[23:33:39] <oDyBaH4uK> мне зава
[23:33:42] <oDyBaH4uK> сопромат
[23:33:43] <oDyBaH4uK> сдавать
[23:33:45] <oDyBaH4uK> воть
[23:33:48] <oDyBaH4uK> экзамен
[23:33:49] <oDyBaH4uK> =))
[23:33:53] <FLaBeR> я даже и не знаю чо такое
[23:33:55] <FLaBeR> споромат
[23:33:56] <FLaBeR> )
[23:33:59] <FLaBeR> и экзамен
[23:34:01] <FLaBeR> чо за слова
[23:34:02] <FLaBeR> =)
[23:34:11] <oDyBaH4uK> =))
[23:34:15] <oDyBaH4uK> механика вощем)
[23:36:09] <FLaBeR> !п иваново
[23:36:23] <FLaBeR> завтро последний день рабочий
[23:36:23] <FLaBeR> =)
[23:36:23] <FLaBeR> )
[23:36:28] <FLaBeR> Buster ей бастер
[23:36:32] <FLaBeR> привет
[23:36:33] <FLaBeR> =)
[23:36:44] <FLaBeR> чо та ты вообше не слышен и не видем
[23:53:58] * Дим-ка (~xzxz@ has joined